Mitigating PFAS in Drinking Water Through Analytical Innovation
Last Updated: December 11, 2023
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Published: June 9, 2023

Credit: iStock
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) can persist in our environment for longer than any other artificial substance. They’re associated with negative health effects, yet, they are pervasive in our water systems.
A number of regulatory strategies exist to manage PFAS risks, however, system contamination and low-level detection limits still present challenges to drinking water monitoring.
Gain insights into the latest PFAS regulatory requirements and key analytical innovations for optimized testing workflows.
Download this whitepaper to explore:
- The latest EPA PFAS action plan to protect public health
- Key regulatory changes in unregulated contaminant monitoring
- A validated LC/MS/MS method for increased sample throughput, efficiency and reduced contamination risk
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have gained significant attention as an emerging
environmental and safety threat in the United States. Since the 1940s, PFAS are ubiquitous in
industrial usage due to their chemical stability, thermal stability, and high resistance to degradation.
Sources of PFAS include chemical manufacturers, which release PFAS during thermal treatment of
waste and products of incomplete combustion. Additionally, PFAS are found in a variety of products
including fire extinguishing foams, cosmetics, food packaging, non-stick cookware, and cleaning
supplies. Bioaccumulation at production sites and landfills enable PFAS compounds to leach into the
ground and surface water. Contaminated PFAS water is then utilized for human consumption and
agricultural applications without the appropriate measures to remove the contaminated particles.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed a regulatory strategy to help address
PFAS contamination in drinking water. Regulations, such as the Fifth Unregulated Contaminate
Monitoring Rule (UCMR 5), are extremely relevant now since public water systems require analysis
of PFAS, with over 10,000 water systems in need of analysis. The sampling period ends 2025, where
sampling data is to be collected and analyzed for 2026 review. There are several analytical challenges
when assessing PFAS including ultra-sensitivity capabilities for analytes, larger sample sizes,
laborious sample preparation and the removal of contamination sources of PFAS within the analytical
equipment and external sources. To determine the low levels of PFAS, researchers require a highly
sensitive mass spectrometer or a sample preparation technique that includes a concentration step.
Coupling solid phase extraction (SPE) with LC/MS/MS has been one of the most popular approaches
to PFAS analysis in aqueous samples and has been implemented in EPA Method 537.1 and 533.
Utilizing Methods 537.1 and 533, PerkinElmer has successfully developed and validated a LC/MS/MS
method that has increased throughput, removed contamination risk, and decreased runtimes by
nearly 70% for PFAS analysis in drinking and surface water samples by coupling a LX-50 UHPLC
system to a QSight 420 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. In this whitepaper, discover key insights
into regulatory requirements and the latest analytical innovations to optimize PFAS analysis.
Mitigation of PFAS in Drinking Water
Through Analytical Innovation
Mitigation of PFAS in Drinking Water Through Innovation and Environmental Justice 2
Applying the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) process for PFOA and PFOS, the two most ubiquitous PFAS chemicals, and determining if
regulation is needed for a broader class of PFAS. The next step for the SDWA process is to develop standards to propose a regulatory
determination to help provide an opportunity for the public to gather information related to further PFAS regulations in drinking water.
Interim groundwater cleanup recommendations are being continuously developed to hold responsible parties accountable.
The EPA is considering additional PFAS chemicals to add to the Toxics Release Inventory, critical to opening information on certain
PFAS reported in industrial sectors and federal facilities, and provide rules to prohibit their use.
The EPA is proposing a nationwide monitoring of PFAS under the next UCMR monitoring cycle for drinking water to enhance understanding of
frequency and concentration of PFAS.
Continued research will be significantly increased to provide a better understanding of risks associated with PFAS, which includes optimized
detection and measurement methods.
The use of enforcement tools will be applied using federal enforcement authorities.
The EPA will develop collaborations with federal, state, tribal, and local partners to promote a risk communication toolbox consisting of
multi-media materials and messaging.
EPA’s PFAS Action Plan
EPA’s PFAS Action Plan provides an overview of the steps the agency is taking to address PFAS and to protect public health. The PFAS
Action Plan focuses on providing short and long-term solutions as a response from the public input the agency has received since the
PFAS National Leadership Summit.
The key actions EPA is outlined in Figure 1 below1
The EPA's Approach to PFAS
EPA’s integrated approach to PFAS contains three central
directives that focus on improving PFAS contamination.2
The EPA is investing in research and development to better
understand PFAS exposure and toxicity. Research includes
examining the lifecycle of PFAS, ensuring science-based
decision making to define categories of PFAS and methods,
understanding sources of contamination and exposure
pathways, and consideration of how the burden of PFAS
pollution impacts communities.
The EPA will focus on the prevention of PFAS from entering
the environment and holding polluters accountable using
statutory authorities. They will also establish voluntary
programs to reduce PFAS emissions and prevent or minimize
the impact of PFAS emissions on all communities.
To facilitate a rapid and overarching remediation of PFAS
contamination, the EPA will leverage the power from statutory
authorizes to maximize the funding and performance of
responsible parties, accelerate the execution of treatment and
disposal of PFAS, and prioritize the protection of disadvantaged
communities through the equitable access of PFAS solutions.
Mitigation of PFAS in Drinking Water Through Innovation and Environmental Justice 3
Rule Review
Six-Year Review of
Existing NPDWRs
Final Rule
Proposed Rule
18 months
24 months
Public Review and Comment Research Needs Assessment
May develop health
advisory guidelines
No further action
required if decision is
to not regulate
Monitoring Results
Final UCMR
Draft UCMR
Safe Drinking Water Act Regulatory Process
Final CCL
Draft CCL
Safe Drinking Water Act and Regulatory Process
The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) utilizes risk and datadriven processes to assess water contaminants. As a result of
SDWA, the EPA requires water systems to conduct sampling for
unregulated contaminates every five years. In March 2021, the
EPA published the Fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring
Rule (UCMR 5), proposing critical new data to improve the
EPA’s grasp on the frequency of 29 PFAS compounds found
in the nation’s drinking water and, specifically, at which levels.
UCMR 5 is expected to expand the number of drinking water
systems participating in them, generating data that will
optimize their ability to conduct state and local assessments of
The Safe Drinking Water Act regulatory process begins with
the draft of a contaminant candidate list (CCL). Once finalized,
the CCL is used to create a UCMR, with monitored results.
Figure 2: Safe Drinking Water Act Regulatory Process.
EPA pre-sampling activity will commence in 2022, the sampling
period will take place between 2023-2025, and the postsampling activity will occur in 2026. The UCMR 5 states that
all public water systems serving 3,300 or more people and 800
representative public water systems serving fewer than 3,300
would collect samples during a 12-month period from January
2023 through December 2025. Future considerations regarding
UCMR development include prioritization of additional PFAS for
the inclusion of UCMR 6, as improved techniques to measure
PFAS are developed and validated.4
Together, the CCL and UCMR are utilized to determine
preliminary regulatory determinations and subsequent final
regulatory determinations. At this point, no action is required
if a decision is to not regulate. However, if a decision is made
to regulate, the final regulatory determinations will yield a
proposed rule in 24 months. Upon which, a final rule, called
the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR),
is instituted after an additional 18 months. Concluding the
regulatory process is a six-year review of existing NPDWRs.
Figure 2 summarizes the Safe Water Act Regulatory Process.3
Regulatory Background and UCMR 5 Program
In 1974, SDWA was developed by the EPA to protect drinking
water quality. In 1986, amendments required 25 new MCLs every
3 years, restricting lead usage, initiating the state revolving loan
fund and serving as a pre-cursor to the CCL. In 1996, additional
amendments incorporated risk-based standards, establishing
CCL and UCMR. Additionally, substantial infrastructure funding
was instituted with annual CWSs reporting.
1. UCMR 5 Program
The UCMR 5 Timeline began its development in 2018‑2020,
where several stakeholder meetings were held.
Post Proposal initiative implementation began in 2020 kicking
off the lab approval program, SDWARS registration and
inventory notifications for PWSs, partnership agreements, state
monitoring plans and PWS inventory. Last year, the UCMR 5
published its final rule on 12/27/21.4
Mitigation of PFAS in Drinking Water Through Innovation and Environmental Justice 4
The following are key definitions critical to understanding the
UCMR 5 scope:
n Public Water System (PWS): Provides water for human
consumption via pipes/other constructed conveyances to at
least 15 service connections or serves an average of at least
25 people for 60+ days a year
n Community water System (CWS): PWS that supplies water to
the same population year-round
n Non-transient, Non-community Water Systems (NTNCWS):
PWS that supplies water to at least 25 of the same people at
least 6 months of the year/not year-round
n Transient, Non-Community System Water System (TNCWS):
PWS that supplies water where people do not remain for long
periods of time
2. Key Changes from UCMR 4 to UCMR 5
Key changes that have occurred from UCMR 4 to UCMR 5
n Elimination of different requirements based on system size,
no monitoring tier list
n Applicability expanded to all CWS/NTNCWS serving 3,300+
n 800 Randomly selected PWSs serving <3,300
AWIA of 2018: Funding expanded PWS scope for EPA to cover
shipping and analytical costs of samples.4
3. UCMR Implementation Team and Sampling Design
The EPA has customized its role and supporting directives
to small and large PWSs. For small PWSs their role includes
maintaining UCMR lab approval and contracts to support
UCMR, compile contact and inventory info, execute sample kit
distribution and tracking, review SDWARS data and report to
NCOD, and use SDWARS for outreach.4
For the UCMR Laboratory
Program, the EPA is responsible for the following for small PWSs:
n Funding costs for sampling kits, sample shipping and analyses
n Engaging with States and PWSs for collecting samples
n Coordinating with contract labs for samples analyses and
payment for services
n Reviewing results and QC data
n Reporting out results to States and PWSs via SDWARS
For large PWSs their role involves reviewing SDWARS data for
completeness, reporting to NCOD, supporting users of SDWARS
system, updating PWS inventory and schedules as needed,
providing technical assistance, and utilizing SDWARS for outreach.4
For the UCMR Laboratory Program, the large PWSs are
responsible for:
n The costs of samples analyses
n PWS coordinates sample shipping and analyses with
EPA-approved UCMR 5 labs
n Labs post data to SDWARS
n PWS reviews and approves data in SDWARS
n States have access to results following large PWS review period
UCMR implementation is divided between three entities:
EPA Office of Ground and Drinking Water, EPA Regional
Offices, and Partnering States. See Figure 4 for a
breakdown of the responsibilities of each member of the
UCMR Implementation Team.4
Support aspects
of implementation
based on State
specific interest Assist States and
PWSs with UCMR
requirements and
Coordinate State
Lead for
implementation of
Office of
Ground and
UCMR Implementation Team
Figure 3: UCMR Implementation Team and Responsibilities.
4. UCMR Sampling Design, Monitoring, and Reporting
Sampling design is vetted with stakeholders and is peer
reviewed, with 800 randomly selected small PWSs (serving less
than 3300) notified by 02/22/22. The data quality objectives
were outlined as follows:
n Occurrence data for unbiased national exposure estimates
n Representative of both PWS size and source water type
n Population weighted
n At least 2 small systems are selected for each state
Mitigation of PFAS in Drinking Water Through Innovation and Environmental Justice 5
The EPA is seeking to add funding to cover all 3300-10,000 ppl
PWSs, however, it is currently only covering 8%. The current
strategy used to assess the monitoring includes determining
the national contaminant occurrence, develop a primary tier and
scope, utilize available methods and common techniques, and
ensure consistency with AWIA provisions.5
The Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL) is the minimum
quantitation level that, with 95% confidence, can be achieved
by analysts at 75% or more of US labs using a specific
method. The EPA establishes MRL using data from multiples
labs performing “Lowest Concentration Minimum Reporting
Level (LCMRL) studies to identify capability. Each lab's lowest
concentration MRL (LCMRL) is the lowest true concentration for
which future recovery is predicted to fall, with high confidence
at 99%, between 50%-150% recovery. Thus, the LCMRL is the
lowest concentration that specified quality measurements can
be made by a lab. The MRL functions to produce quality and
consistency across UCMR labs, while balancing lab capacity.6
5. UCMR Process for Lab Participation and Cost
The process for lab participation in UCMR takes approximately
3-6 months and involves six steps. See Figure 4 for the UCMR
lab participation process overview.7
Request to Participate
6. Formal Approval by EPA
5. Proficiency Testing
4. EPA Review Application
3. Complete Application
2. Register
1. Request to Participate
Process for Labs Participation in UMCR
~3-6 Month Process
Figure 4: UCMR lab participation process overview.
Key changes made from UCMR 4 to UCMR 5 for a lab’s
participation include:
n When registering, UCMR 4 stated that to participate as a
UCMR lab, the lab had to register within 60 days of final
rule publication (12/20/16) and application within 120 days.
UCMR 5 now states that to participate as a UCMR Lab,
registration and application must be completed by 08/01/22.
These changes were enacted to provide greater flexibility for
interested labs.
n Regarding proficiency testing (PT), EPA plans to offer 3 PT
studies prior to 12/27/21 (final rule pub) and 3 PT studies
after 12/27/21.
As of Jan 2022, 18 labs have been approved for UCMR 5, with
additional PT studies expected to be added. Based on the
current funding, the number of small PWSs participating is
~1,200, with a high demand of more approved labs.7
See Table 1 for the approximate cost for UCMR 5 Sample
Sets and the estimated cost of the proposed UCMR 5 over the
five‑year cycle.
Table 1: The approximate cost for UCMR 5 Sample Sets and the estimated cost
of the proposed UCMR 5 over the five-year cycle.
Approximate Cost for UCMR 5 Sample Sets
Method Type Average Analysis Cost
per UCMR 5 Sample1
25 PFAS using EPA Method 533 (SPE - LC/MS/MS) $376
4 PFAS using EPA Method 537.1 (SPE - LC/MS/MS) $302
1 Metal using EPA Method 200.7 (ICP-OES/AES) or
or ASTM3 $62
Estimated Total2
for 1 UCMR 5 Sample Set $740
1 The average analytical cost was determined by averaging estimates provided by four drinking water laboratories
2 Standard Method (SM) 3120 B or SM 3120 B-99
3 ASTM International (ASTM) D1976-19
Approximate Cost for UCMR 5 Program
Est. Average Annual Cost of the Proposed UCMR 5 Over the Five-year Cycle1
PWSs Entity Average Annual Cost
(Million) (2022-2026)2
Small Systems (<10,000), including labor3 only
(non-labor costs4 paid by EPA) $0.3
Large Systems (10,001 – 100,000), including labor
and non-labor costs $7.2
Very Large Systems (>100,000) including labor and
non-labor costs $2.3
States, including labor costs related to
implementation coordination $0.8
EPA, including labor for implementation and nonlabor for small PWSs testing $10.5
Average Annual National TOTAL
for 1 UCMR 5 2023-2026 $21.1
1 Based on the scope of small-system monitoring described in AWIA
2 Totals may not equal the sum of components due to rounding
3 Labor costs pertain to systems, States, and EPA. Costs include activities such as reading the rule, notifying
systems to participate, sample collection, data review, reporting, and record keeping
4 Non-labor costs will be incurred primarily by EPA and by large and very large PWSs. They include the costs
of shipping samples to labs for testing and the cost of analysis
Mitigation of PFAS in Drinking Water Through Innovation and Environmental Justice 6
6. PWS’s Sampling Program
The Ground Water Representative Monitoring Plan Program
(GWRMP program) is an option for PWSs with ground water
sources to reduce monitoring.
Key UCMR 5 PWS proposal requirements:
n Site map indicating both, all well locations and proposed
representative wells
n Uniform Contamination susceptibility among the
represented wells and representative well
n Historical ground water quality data showing similarity
among represented/representative well(s). All wells have
either same treatment or no treatment
Applications by PWSs must be submitted 6 months prior to
scheduled collection and PWSs with multiple EPTDSs can
propose sampling at representative locations, as opposed
to sampling at each EPTDS. PWSs can reuse prior UCMR
GWRMPs if there are no significant changes in EPTDSs
configurations. If amendments to former plan must be done,
amendment request must be made. See Table 2: GWRMP
program key dates for PWSs.8
Representative sampling from wholesaler connections
is an option for PWSs that purchase water with multiple
connections from the same wholesaler to reduce monitoring.8
7. UCMR 5 Sampling Requirements: Frequency and Location
PWSs will follow traditional UCMR sampling protocol, where
samples will be collected at entry points to the distribution system
(EPTDS) for all UCMR 5 contaminants.8
See Table 2 for outline:
Table 2: UCMR 5 Sampling Requirements for Frequency and Location.
UCMR 5 Sampling Requirements -
Frequency and Location
Water Source Timeframe Frequency
Surface water, ground water
under the direct influence of
surface water, or mixed
sources systems
Year-round Systems must monitor 4 times
during a consecutive 12-month
monitoring period. Sample events
must occur 3 months apart
Ground water systems Year-round Systems must monitor 2 times
during a consecutive 12-month
monitoring period. Sample events
must occur 5-7 months apart
- PWSs will follow traditional UCMR sampling protocol
- Samples to be collected at entry points to the distribution systems (EPTDS) for all
UCMR 5 contaminants
8. SDWARS 5 and CDX: Reporting
The Safe Drinking Water Accession and Reporting System
(SDWARS 5) is used by both UCMR 5 PWSs and Approved
Table 3: Targeted Contaminants and Methods.
Organics – 29 PFAS
EPA Method 537.1 Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)
Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass
Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
EPA Method 537.1 Solid
Phase Extraction (SPE)
Liquid ChromatographyTandem Mass Spectrometry
PFBS0.003 PFDA0.003 NMeFOSAA0.006 NFDHA0.002 PFPeA0.003
PFHxA0.003 PFNA0.004 NEtFOSAA0.005 PFBA0.005 PFPeS0.004
PFHxS0.03 PFUnA0.002 11Cl-PF3OUdS0.005 PFEESA0.003 4:2 FTS0.003
PFHpA0.03 PFDoA0.003 9Cl-PF3ONS0.002 PFHpS0.003 6:2 FTS0.005
PFOA0.004 PFTA0.008 ADONA0.003 PFMPA0.004 8:2 FTS0.005
PFOS0.004 PFTrDA0.007 HFPO-DA(GenX)0.005 PFMBA0.003
- Unique to EPA Method 537.1 EPA groups the analytes common to Method 537.1 and
533 under 533 as recommended workflow
- MRLs (min reporting limit) are in superscript in µg/L
Labs for results reporting. The Central Data Exchange is a
secure, internet-based electronic reporting system used to
upload analytical reports.8
EPA is in the process of providing access to:
n SDWARS and CDX user instructions
n Training sessions by key stakeholders- labs, PWSs, and States
PFAS Analytical Methods to Monitor Drinking Water
The SDWA requires the EPA to use validated analytical methods
to assess unidentified or newly detected PFAS chemicals and
will update analytical methods to monitor additional PFAS. As
new PFAS compounds of concern are identified, the EPA will
procure certified reference standards that are essential for their
quantitation in drinking water samples. Additionally, the EPA will
evaluate analytical methods previously published for monitoring
PFAS in drinking water, such as EPA Methods 533 and 537.1, to
determine the efficacy of expanding the established target PFAS
analyte list to include any emerging PFAS to support future
drinking water monitoring programs.2
Robust methods for detection and quantification of PFAS
are critical and help evaluate the effectiveness of different
technologies for remediation. UCMR 5 requires the analysis of
29 PFAS compounds by validated EPA methods 533 and 537.1.
See Table 3 for a list of targeted PFAS in drinking water.
EPA Method 200.7
Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES)
Alternate SM 3120 B or ASTM D1976-20
Mitigation of PFAS in Drinking Water Through Innovation and Environmental Justice 7
Optimization of PFAS Analytical Method 537.1 and Method 533
The EPA’s priority to update their analytical methods for PFAS, has encouraged companies like to PerkinElmer to validate and optimize
Method 537.1, specific to the analysis of PFAS in drinking water, and Method 533, a more inclusive method aimed at monitoring
multiple short-chain PFAS that are difficult to measure by Method 537.1.
In PerkinElmer’s (PerkinElmer) Method 537.1 and 533 application notes, specialists not only validated the method, but significantly
improved the methodology using the PerkinElmer QSight® LX50 ultra high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) system
coupled with the PerkinElmer QSight 220 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer.
Mitigate PFAS Background Contamination
A major challenge with analyzing trace quantities of PFAS is the contamination of blanks, samples and QC samples stemming from
the materials used in reagents, SPE apparatus, sample collection materials, volumetric ware, vials, the LC/MS system, and the lab
environment. Customized solutions are required to remediate an LC/MS/MS system of PFAS background contamination.9,10 These key
remediation steps include:
n A delay column was placed between the mobile phase mixer in the pump and the sample valve in the autosampler to trap and
delay any PFAS compounds arising from the pump and mobile phase solvents. 9,10
n The standard LX50 autosampler also contains PTFE tubing both internally and to the wash solution reservoirs that contribute to
PFAS contamination. This contamination was remediated by replacing all PTFE tubing in the autosampler with PEEK tubing.9,10
Optimized Runtimes
In addition to PFAS background contamination remediation, PerkinElmer’s application notes focused on the optimization of
chromatographic methods described in EPA 537.1 and 533. 9,10
n Optimization of EPA Method 537.1
The original EPA chromatographic method had a 37-minute runtime, while the method developed by PerkinElmer reduced the injectionto-injection run time to 10 minutes. The total ion chromatogram (TIC) for PerkinElmer 537.1 application note is shown in Figure 5.9
Figure 5: Total ion chromatogram of an 80 ng/L extracted LFB sample containing all method analytes, surrogates and internal standards.
Analyte Peak # RT (min) IS# Ref
PFBS 1 3.54 2
PFHxA 2 4.15 1
HFPO-DA 4 4.34 1
PFHpA 6 4.78 1
PFHxS 7 4.77 2
ADONA 8 4.84 1
PFOA 9 5.30 1
PFOS 11 5.73 2
PFNA 13 5.74 1
9CI-PF3ONS 14 5.93 2
PFDA 15 6.13 1
NMeFOSAA 17 6.31 3
PFUnA 19 6.45 1
NEtFOSAA 20 6.47 3
11 CI-PF3OUdS 22 6.56 2
PFDoA 23 6.72 1
PFTrDA 24 6.96 1
PDTA 25 7.16 1
13C2-PFHxA SS#1 3 4.15 1
13C3-HFPO-DA SS#2 5 4.34 1
13C2-PFDA SS#3 16 6.12 1
d5-NEtFOSAA SS#4 21 6.46 3
13C2-PFOA IS#1 10 5.29 -
13C4-PFOS IS#2 12 5.74 -
d3- NMeFOSAA IS#3 18 6.30 -
Mitigation of PFAS in Drinking Water Through Innovation and Environmental Justice 8
n For EPA 533
The original EPA chromatographic method had a 35-minute runtime, while the method developed by PerkinElmer reduced the injectionto-injection run time to 10 minutes. The total ion chromatogram (TIC) for PerkinElmer 533 application note is shown in Figure 6.10
Figure 6: Total ion chromatogram of an 80 ng/L extracted LFB sample containing all method analytes and standards.
PFAS Analytical Method 1633
Method 1633 is a part of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and is created to determine aqueous, solid (including soil, biosolids, and sediment)
and tissue samples using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). This method functions to quantify and calibrate
PFAS analytes using isotopically labeled standards. While this is not a method required in UCMR 5, this is a significant method for PFAS
analysis in non-potable matrices.
The Future of PFAS
There are currently over 7000 PFAS related compounds to date and many more derivative PFAS compounds are expected to be created
in future development. The large scale of PFAS products will require careful analysis and review as more is discovered. Important
highlights for the future outlook of PFAS include:
Final Toxicity Assessments for GenX and Additional PFAS
The EPA has stated that it will publish the toxicity assessments for two PFAS, hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid and its ammonium
salt, also referred to as GenX chemicals. GenX chemicals are considered extremely prevalent in drinking water and have known impacts
on human health, including reproductive and immunological toxicities, and the environment. The goal of the toxicity assessment for
GenX is to continue to develop a robust understanding of how these additional PFAS impacts health and the environment. In additional
to the GenX PFAS, the Office of Research and Development is also developing toxicity assessments for five other PFAS including PFBA,
Targeted and Non-Targeted Method Development
EPA is planning to develop additional targeted methods for detecting and measuring specific PFAS and non-targeted methods for
identifying unknown PFAS in the environment.2
Mitigation of PFAS in Drinking Water Through Innovation and Environmental Justice 9
Total PFAS Method Development
Additional method development will be utilized for total PFAS methods that measure the amount of PFAS in environmental samples
without identifying specific PFAS.2 The total PFAS method development timeline is outlined as follows:
n Create a total adsorbable fluorine method for wastewater for potential laboratory validation (Fall 2021)
n Develop a method for measuring additional PFAS in air emissions (Fall 2022)
n Draft methods and approaches for evaluating PFAS leaching from solid materials (Fall 2022)
Identifying PFAS Categories
Part of the difficulty in gathering information on PFAS is because they are such a large and diverse class of compounds. In response
to the large number of PFAS currently in use, the EPA is planning on classifying the PFAS compounds into smaller categories. These
categories will be based on parameters such as chemical structure, physical and chemical properties, and toxicological properties.2
The EPA has outlined two approaches to categorize PFAS:
1. Utilize toxicity and toxicokinetic data to develop PFAS categories for further hazard assessment and to inform hazard or
risk-based decisions.
2. Develop PFAS categories based on removal technologies using existing understanding of treatment, remediation, destruction,
disposal, control, and mitigation principles.
These approaches will function to identify missing elements in the EPA’s understanding of PFAS from hazard assessments and
removal technology perspectives, further assisting the EPA’s prioritizing for future actions. Additionally, the EPA is going to develop a
PFAS categorization database that will capture key characteristics of individual PFAS, including category assignments.2
As the future of PFAS testing moves towards expanding PFAS toxicity assessments, optimizing methods, and identifying additional
PFAS categories, it will be even more critical that researchers develop innovations within method development for enhanced
PFAS analysis.
Overcoming PFAS analytical challenges is critical for a comprehensive understanding of PFAS toxicities and environmental impacts.
Properly developed and validated methods, such as those demonstrated by PerkinElmer, offer the increased throughput, contamination
mitigation, and reduced runtimes necessary to overcome these challenges. The threat of PFAS contamination is a global concern, thus,
it is paramount that the combined efforts of regulatory authorities, analytical technology manufacturers and water treatment facilities
continue to develop the necessary legislation and innovations to facilitate necessary PFAS research and mitigation.
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Mitigation of PFAS in Drinking Water Through Innovation and Environmental Justice
1. US EPA. “EPA's PFAS Action Plan: A Summary of Key
2. US EPA. “PFAS Strategic Roadmap: EPA’s Commitments to
Action 2021—2024”. October 2021,
3. US EPA. “Safe Drinking Water Information”. 14 July 2015,
4. US EPA. “Ground Water and Drinking Water”. 25 June 2019,
5. US EPA, OW. “Monitoring Unregulated Contaminants in
Drinking Water”., 3 Aug. 2015,
6. US EPA, OW. “Reporting Requirements for the Unregulated
Contaminant Monitoring Rule UCMR 5”., 1
Sept. 2015,
7. US EPA. “Laboratory Approval Program for the Unregulated
Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 5)”.,
1 Sept. 2015,
8. US EPA. “The Fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring
Rule (UCMR 5) Program Overview Fact Sheet”. https://
9. Weisenseel J., Costanzo M., “Analysis of Perfluoroalkyl and
Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Drinking Water: Validation
Studies of EPA Method 537.1 Using the QSight 220 UHPLC/
10. Belunis A., LaCourse W., Costanzo M., Weisenseel J.,
“Improved Throughput for the Analysis of Perfluoroalkyl
and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Drinking Water by EPA
Method 533”.
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