Active-Release Beads for Faster, Reliable CAR T-Cell Therapy Development
App Note / Case Study
Published: September 3, 2024

Credit: iStock
In CAR T cell therapy development, antibody-coated magnetic beads enable a one-step process for cell isolation and activation, allowing clinical-scale dose production in just 2 to 3 weeks.
Despite this, challenges persist in enhancing the reliability, consistency and durability of these therapies. To aid in the production of desired phenotypes, CD3/CD28 active-release beads have been developed to add extra flexibility and further shorten the manufacturing process.
This application note highlights the features of active-release beads compared to the established passive-release beads for the isolation, activation, cell expansion and desired early memory cell phenotype.
Download this app note to discover how active-release beads can help to:
- Optimize T cell isolation, activation and expansion to deliver a superior cell phenotype
- Allow for adjustable activation timing, streamlining processes and reducing manufacturing time
- Achieve standardized, high-quality T cell production, meeting the growing demand for reliability
CTS Detachable Dynabeads CD3/CD28 provides
one-step isolation and activation with flexible active
release to optimize T cell phenotype
Cell therapy
Application note | CTS Detachable Dynabeads CD3/CD28
Nearly two decades ago, Gibco™ CTS™ Dynabeads™ CD3/CD28
technology was used in the first pioneering, clinically approved
CAR T cell therapy [1]. The antibody-coated magnetic beads
were crucial in the manufacturing process to achieve one-step
cell isolation and activation, and enabled clinical-scale dose
production within 2 to 3 weeks. Since then, the technology has
become well established in the industry and has been used in
over 200 clinical trials to provide critically needed treatment for
patients. Despite these successes, challenges remain to further
improve the reliability, consistency, and longevity of treatment
outcomes. As well, there is still a need to accelerate and expand
treatment delivery to patients [2].
Research and clinical outcomes have established that delivering
a higher-quality pool of early T cell phenotypes is key to
improving the reliability and longevity of therapeutic outcomes [3].
To aid in the production of the desired phenotypes, the Gibco™
CTS™ Detachable Dynabeads™ CD3/CD28 (active-release beads)
were developed. The active-release beads build on the one-step
isolation and activation feature of CTS Dynabeads CD3/CD28
(passive-release beads) by adding the flexibility of an active
release mechanism. This enables termination of activation
signaling by releasing the beads at any time after activation using
the Gibco™ CTS™ Detachable Dynabeads™ Release Buffer. This
feature was designed to help preserve an early T cell phenotype
and shorten the T cell manufacturing process to a few days.
Additionally, the active-release beads and release buffer are
compatible for use in the scalable, closed, and automated
Gibco™ CTS™ DynaCellect™ Magnetic Separation System.
CTS Detachable Dynabeads CD3/CD28 and the CTS Detachable
Dynabeads Release Buffer were evaluated in a comparative
bench-scale study to assess the performance of T cell activation
as well as cell expansion post-activation, CD4+
:CD8+ ratios, and
early phenotype, relative to the passive-release beads. Another
study was conducted with the active-release beads in the CTS
DynaCellect Magnetic Separation System to evaluate T cell purity,
isolation efficiency, and activation with bead release on different
days post-activation.
Materials and methods
Comparative bench-scale study
Cells: Cells from frozen vials of previously isolated CD3⁺/CD28⁺
T cells from 7 healthy donors were recovered in culture medium.
To obtain the same starting material for activation, the T cells
were negatively isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMCs) of healthy donors using the Invitrogen™ Dynabeads™
Untouched™ Human T Cells Kit (Cat. No. 11344D). All cell counts
and viability were evaluated using the Vi-CELL™ XR Cell Analyzer
(Beckman Coulter).
Medium: Gibco™ CTS™ OpTmizer™ T-Cell Expansion SFM,
no phenol red (Cat. No. A3705001), was supplemented with
2.6% Gibco™ CTS™ Immune Cell SR (ICSR, Cat. No. A2596101)
and 4 mM L-glutamine. Cultures were supplemented as indicated
with Gibco™ Recombinant Human IL-2 (Cat. No. PHC0023).
Activation: Cells were seeded at 1 x 10⁶ cells/mL in the
medium at a total volume of 2 mL in 6-well plates. Cells were
activated at a bead to T cell ratio of 3:1, with Gibco™ Dynabeads™
CD3/CD28 beads (Cat. No. 11141D) or with the CTS Detachable
Dynabeads CD3/CD28 (Cat. No. A56996), and 100 IU of IL-2.
On day 3, the active-release beads were removed using the CTS
Detachable Dynabeads Release Buffer (Cat. No. A55883-03).
The passive-release beads were removed manually using an
Invitrogen™ DynaMag™-2 Magnet (Cat. No.12321D).
Expansion: Cells were transferred on day 5 to 12-well plates and
maintained through day 10 at 0.5 x 10⁶ cells/mL in a 2 mL volume
of medium. Cell counts and viability were evaluated on days
3, 7, and 10.
Performance criteria: CD25 activation and the cell phenotype
markers CD4, CD8, CD27, CCR7, CD62L, CD45RO, and CD3
were evaluated by flow cytometry on an Invitrogen™ Attune™ NxT
Flow Cytometer with respective marker antibodies.
Study of active-release beads in a closed,
automated system
Cells: PBMCs from frozen leukopaks of 4 healthy donors were
recovered without washing and diluted 1:1 with DPBS and
1% human serum albumin (HSA) thawing buffer. Cell counts
and viability were evaluated using a NucleoCounter™ NC-3000™
system (ChemoMetec).
Medium: CTS OpTmizer T-Cell Expansion SFM, no phenol
red, bag format (Cat. No. A3705003), was supplemented with
2.6% of the CTS OpTmizer Expansion Supplement, 2.5% CTS
Immune Cell SR, 2 mM L-glutamine, 0.0125 mg/mL gentamicin,
and 100,000 IU Invitrogen™ Human IL-2 Recombinant Protein
(Cat. No. RP-8608).
Isolation and activation: On day 0, 4.0 x 10⁸ cells were isolated
and activated with CTS Detachable Dynabeads CD3/CD28
at a bead to CD3+ T cell ratio of 3:1, using the Gibco™ CTS™
DynaCellect™ Magnetic Separation System (Cat. No. A55867) and
the Gibco™ CTS™ DynaCellect™ Isolation Kit (Cat. No. A52300).
The positive and negative fractions were collected. An aliquot
of the positive fraction was evaluated for day 0 cell purity. The
remaining positive fraction was transferred with medium to
three 1 L G-Rex™ 100M Open System vessels (Wilson Wolf).
Post-activation, on each of days 1, 2, and 3, cells from one
G-Rex vessel were transferred to the CTS DynaCellect Magnetic
Separation System for bead release using CTS Detachable
Dynabeads Release Buffer and the CTS DynaCellect Isolation Kit.
Performance criteria: T cell purity, CD69 and CD25 activation
markers, and isolation efficiencies for CD3⁺/CD28⁺ and CD3⁺
cells were evaluated based on flow cytometry using an Attune
NxT Flow Cytometer with the respective marker antibodies.
Isolation efficiency was calculated using the following equation:
Isolation efficiency (%) = 1 – [(avg % CD3⁺CD28⁺ in negative
fraction) x (avg count x volume)]/[(avg % CD3⁺CD28⁺ input) x
(avg count x volume)] x 100
Comparative bench-scale study
On day 3 post-activation, the average expression of the CD25
marker was >90% using the passive- and active-release beads
(Figure 1). Additionally, after activation, a near 20-fold average
cell expansion was shown by day 7 and near 60-fold or higher
by day 10 (Figure 2). Cell viabilities remained near 90% or higher
until day 10 (data not shown). The average CD4+
:CD8+ ratios on
days 7 and 10 were comparable to those of the passive-release
beads when cells were activated with CTS Detachable
Dynabeads CD3/CD28 (Figure 3). Lastly, on day 10, cells
activated with the active-release beads maintained a comparable
early memory phenotype as demonstrated by the expression
of CCR7⁺/CD62L⁺, CD27⁺/CD62L⁺, and CD45RO⁺/CD62L⁺
marker phenotypes (Figure 4).
Figure 1. Active-release beads support high T cell activation
comparable to passive-release beads. On day 3 post-activation,
T cells activated with both the active- and passive-release beads show
a high average frequency of cells with the CD25 activation marker,
at >90%. (Averages based on results from 7 healthy donors.)
Figure 2. Comparable cell expansion
after activation with CTS Detachable
Dynabeads CD3/CD28. Following
activation with the active- and
passive-release beads, T cells
expanded comparably, to an average
of near 20-fold by day 7 and 60-fold
or higher by day 10. Cell viabilities
remained near 90% or higher until
day 10 (data not shown). (Averages
based on results from 7 healthy donors.)
CTS Detachable
Dynabeads CD3/CD28
CTS Dynabeads
Day 3 CD25 expression (%)
CTS Detachable
CTS Detachable
CTS Dynabeads
Day 3 Day 7 Day 10
Fold expansion
CTS Dynabeads
CTS Detachable
CTS Dynabeads
Study of active-release beads in a closed,
automated system
Prior to isolation, the PBMCs contained a variable mixture with
an average of 54% of the desired T cell population (ranging from
43% to 65%) in combination with monocytes, B cells, NK, and
other cells. The cell isolation using CTS Detachable Dynabeads
CD3/CD28 in the CTS DynaCellect Magnetic Separation System
produced an average T cell purity of 98% (ranging from 97%
to 98%), with minimal residual cells of other types (Figure 5).
The active-release beads isolated CD3+ cells with an average
efficiency of 80%, and more importantly, isolated the naive and
early memory T cells co-expressing CD3 and CD28 with >90%
efficiency (Figure 6). Evaluation of T cell activation when the
beads were released on day 1, 2, or 3 demonstrated adherence
of early CD69 and the later CD25 expression markers with the
expected kinetics. Additionally, with the release of Dynabeads
magnetic beads on day 2 or 3, nearly 100% cell activation was
confirmed with an average of 94% to 98% CD25 expression
(Figure 7). Cell viability was maintained at greater than 90%
regardless of the day of bead release (data not shown).
Figure 5. A high target T cell purity is achieved with CTS Detachable Dynabeads CD3/CD28 and the CTS DynaCellect Magnetic Separation
System. (A) A 54% average frequency of the desired target T cell population was determined in the starting material from 4 healthy donors. (B) A high
T cell average purity of 98% purity was isolated with minimal residual monocytes, B cells, and NK cells.
T cells Monocytes B cells NK cells Other cells
Starting cell frequency (%)
T cells Monocytes B cells NK cells Other cells
Isolated cell frequency (%)
Figure 3. CD4+:CD8+ ratios are comparable with CTS Detachable
Dynabeads CD3/CD28. The average CD4+
:CD8+ ratios of cells activated
with the active-release beads were comparable on day 7 and day 10 to
those of cells activated with the passive-release beads. (Averages based
on results from 7 healthy donors.)
CTS Dynabeads
CTS Detachable
CTS Dynabeads
Day 7 Day 10
CD4+:CD8+ ratio
CTS Detachable
Figure 4. Comparable T cell memory phenotype is demonstrated
with CTS Detachable Dynabeads CD3/CD28. On day 10, cells
activated with the active-release beads showed similar average
expression of early phenotypes CCR7⁺/CD62L⁺, CD27⁺/CD62L⁺, and
CD45RO⁺/CD62L⁺, relative to cells activated with the passive-release
beads. (Averages based on results from 7 healthy donors.)
CTS Detachable
CTS Dynabeads
CTS Detachable
CTS Dynabeads
CTS Detachable
CTS Dynabeads
CCR7+/CD62L+ CD27+/CD62L+ CD45RO+/CD62L+
Day 10 expression (%)
For Research Use or Manufacturing of Cell, Gene, or Tissue-Based Products. Caution: Not intended for direct administration
into humans or animals © 2023, 2024 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher
Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. Vi-CELL is a trademark of Beckman Coulter Inc. NucleoCounter and NC-3000 are
trademarks of ChemoMetec. G-Rex is a trademark of Wilson Wolf Corporation. COL28286 0224
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Discussion and conclusions
The comparative study shows CTS Detachable Dynabeads
CD3/CD28 and the CTS Detachable Dynabeads Release
Buffer perform similarly to the established passive-release
beads, providing the expected one-step high-purity isolation,
robust activation, cell expansion, and the desired early memory
cell phenotype.
The study of active-release beads in the CTS DynaCellect
Magnetic Separation System confirms the capability of the
product to deliver target T cells with high purity and robust
isolation efficiency. Additionally, we showed that T cell activation
reaches near full activation by day 2 or 3 post-activation. The
active bead release feature provides users with the flexibility
to detach the beads at any time within their process. This
can allow better control of the workflow and can result in the
desired early T cell phenotype. CTS Detachable Dynabeads
CD3/CD28 and the CTS Detachable Dynabeads Release Buffer,
when used in combination with the CTS DynaCellect Magnetic
Separation System, can provide more consistent, standardized
T cell production in an automated, scalable, and closed
manufacturing environment.
CTS Detachable Dynabeads CD3/CD28 and the CTS Detachable
Dynabeads Release Buffer with the CTS DynaCellect Magnetic
Separation System support the cell therapy industry’s need
for more flexible and robust processes that deliver consistently
high-quality therapeutic products. Together, these products
show strong potential to help cell therapy manufacturers provide
enhanced, effective, consistent, and timely cell therapy treatment
for patients.
Figure 6. Robust T cell isolation efficiency is obtained with
the CTS Detachable Dynabeads CD3/CD28 in the CTS
DynaCellect Magnetic Separation System. The active-release
beads isolated CD3+ cells at an average efficiency of 80%, with the
naive and early memory T cells co-expressing CD3 and CD28 at
>90% efficiency. (Averages based on results from 4 healthy donors.)
CD3+/CD28+ CD3+
Isolation e
cency (%)
Figure 7. CTS Detachable Dynabeads CD3/CD28 support effective T cell activation at different time points of bead release with CTS
Detachable Dynabeads Release Buffer. (A) The early-expressed CD69 and (B) later-expressed CD25 activation markers adhere to the expected
kinetics when the beads are released on day 1, 2, or 3. On average, on days 2 and 3, near full activation of CD25 expression is observed at a range
of 94%–98%. Cell viability was maintained at greater than 90% with release of beads on day 1, 2, or 3 (data not shown). (Averages based on results
for 4 healthy donors.)
Day 1 release Day 2 release Day 3 release
CD69 cell frequency (%)
Day 1 release Day 2 release Day 3 release
CD25 cell frequency (%)
1. Porter DL, Levine BL, Bunin N et al. (2006) A phase 1 trial of donor lymphocyte
infusions expanded and activated ex vivo via CD3/CD28 costimulation. Blood
2. Abou-El-Enein M, Elsallab M, Feldman SA et al. (2021) Scalable manufacturing of CAR
T cells for cancer immunotherapy. Blood Cancer Discovery 2(5):408–422.
3. Liu Y, An L, Huang R et al. (2022) Strategies to enhance CAR-T persistence. Biomarker
Research 10(1):86.
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