Advancing Proteomics Research Using Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry
App Note / Case Study
Published: October 29, 2024

Credit: iStock
Proteomics research is transforming our understanding of several disease pathways. However, low-abundance peptide detection and complex sample analysis pose significant challenges in several research fields such as immunopeptidomics.
Trapped ion mobility spectrometry (TIMS) can help overcome these challenges by providing greater resolution and sensitivity.
This case study explores how TIMS is driving innovation in proteomics at The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, enabling breakthroughs in biological research and clinical applications.
Download this case study to discover:
- How TIMS enhances low-abundance peptide detection
- The latest advances in immunopeptidomics research
- Future directions for proteomics clinical applications
Driving advances in immunopeptidomics
research to understand disease pathways
The Broad Institute’s Proteomics Platform is using trapped
ion mobility spectrometry (TIMS) for the technical advancement
of proteomics.
Innovation with Integrity Mass Spectrometry
Customer Insights
Dr. Claudia Ctortecka
Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow,
Proteomics Platform, Broad
Institute of MIT and Harvard
Broad Institute
of MIT and Harvard
The Proteomics Platform
Claudia Ctortecka Ph.D. is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Broad Institute’s Proteomics Platform,
led by founder and Senior Director Steven Carr Ph.D., an internationally recognized leader in the
development and application of novel proteomics methods. The 5,000 sq. ft. wet chemistry and
instrument laboratory Proteomics Platform houses TIMS time of flight (TOF) systems including
the Bruker timsTOF Ultra, timsTOF single cell proteomics (SCP) and the timsTOF
high-throughput (HT) instruments.
Dr. Carr and his team of dedicated staff scientists, postdoctoral fellows, computational scientists
and students forge collaborative partnerships across the institute’s expansive network to
provide mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics analysis capabilities that leverage cuttingedge technology to answer pressing questions in biology, chemistry and clinical sciences.
A core aspect of the group’s work includes the quantification of proteins and their modifications
from bulk cells, tissues and biofluids down to the single cell level. To achieve this, they apply
cutting-edge high throughput and highly sensitive mass spectrometric methods and enrichment
approaches to enhance peptide and protein identifications with the goal to understand disease
biology and drug effects at the mechanistic level.
At the Proteomics Platform, Dr. Ctortecka’s work is focused on workflow development. She is
driving the technical advancement of proteomics, post-translational modifications (PTM) analysis
and immunopeptidomics MS acquisition towards sensitive profiling of small samples, like tissue
biopsies. Based on her doctoral work, Dr. Ctortecka continues to move into a more applicationsfocused approach to lower input requirements with the eventual goal of resolving cell signaling
for a better understanding of tumor development and progression.
Tackling the immunopeptidomics challenge
The study of immunopeptidomics focuses on the identification and quantification of
immunopeptides, protein fragments displayed by major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
molecules to the immune system. Immunopeptidomics probes the cellular mechanisms
involved in peptide antigen processing and presentation, which is crucial for the advancement
of T cell-based therapies and to study immune homeostasis. Immunopeptidomics offers
the potential to uncover the extensive catalog of peptides that can be recognized by T-cells,
uncovering insights into the immune system’s recognition of these molecules. Additionally,
immunopeptidomics research could help identify peptides that trigger an immune response,
for the development of immunotherapies against cancer, autoimmune disease, and infectious
Working with Bruker
Researchers at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard are developing and applying advanced proteomics
methods to gain further understanding of disease pathways, targets and drug effects, using TIMS.
“Having early access to the latest technology developments means we can really push the boundaries of
what can be achieved.”
Typically, the main challenge posed by
immunopeptidomics are the intricacies of
capturing the relevant biochemical context
extracting and identifying peptides presented
by MHC molecules from complex biological
samples such as tumor tissue or cells.
Achieving this selective extraction while
preserving the integrity and representation of
the peptides is a daunting task. Tumor tissue,
for example, is heterogeneous and contains
a multitude of cell types with varying MHC
expression profiles [3, 4, 5].
Furthermore, the abundance of MHC-bound
peptides relative to the total cellular
proteome is typically low, which poses a
sensitivity challenge. PTMs amplify the
difficulty of isolating and characterizing the
immunopeptidome accurately. Researchers
must employ sophisticated enrichment
strategies and sensitive analytical techniques
such as timsTOF MS leveraging its efficient
ion utilization enabled by trapped ion mobility
spectrometry to overcome this limitation.
Sensitive high throughput
At the Proteomics Platform, Dr. Ctortecka
performs in-depth MS-based profiling of
human leukocyte antigen (HLA) peptides,
immunopeptidomics, as part of the ‘HLA
team’ led by Dr. Jenn Abelin and Dr. Steven
A. Carr (see in group photo below), a task that
requires a large amount of input material in
order to achieve the required depth of analysis to detect clinically relevant T cells antigens like
neoantigens. Off-line fractionation can be used to improve coverage and immunopeptidome
depth, but clinical samples are often input limited and therefore not amenable to such
workflows [4]. The need for fractionation and associated increase in instrument analysis time is
also a challenge for applying immunopeptidomics on large cohorts of samples.
Carr and his team therefore developed a highly sensitive
MS workflow for direct identification of HLA peptides from
patient-derived tumor samples or cell lines [5].
In this paper, Dr. Ctortecka together with another postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Phulphagar
investigated the use of a high-throughput, sensitive, and single-shot MS-based immunopeptidomics workflow that leverages ion mobility separation. It demonstrated >2-fold increase
in identified HLA-I peptides and propose multiple collision energy slopes for samples with
different HLA-I peptide-binding motifs [2].
Dr. Claudia Ctortecka, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow,
Proteomics Platform, Broad Institute of MIT and
Dr. Ctortecka has been conducting research in MS for over eight
years and has been fascinated with the technology since early
in her career. She studied SC proteomes with Karl Mechtler and
Sasha Mendjan at the Vienna Biocenter, focusing during her
doctoral studies on dissecting the proteome of single mammalian
cells. In one of her projects, Dr. Ctortecka studied early cardiac
development and associated diseases resolving related processes
at the level of individual cells [1]. Dr. Ctortecka also worked on
automation and low volume pipetting and sample preparation for
SCP together with a diverse team of specialists driven by Dr. Anjali
Seth to help develop high-throughput processing at single cell
level [2]. She explains:
“When I first started out, we relied on multiplexing to enable a
high enough throughput which meant sacrificing sensitivity. Our
research required a lot of technology and workflow development
– tweaking instruments, breaking equipment apart and putting
it back together again to try out new ideas. It was exciting to be
involved in the early stages of advanced SCP research.”
Dr. Ctortecka chose to move to the Carr proteomics group at the
Broad Institute:
“I felt I had learned a lot and, as a next step, wanted to move
into a more applications-focused role. Dr. Carr’s lab is a key
center for application-focused proteomics. We are fortunate to be
constantly approached by diverse collaboration partners who ask
interesting biological questions on a daily basis.”
Dr. Ctortecka explains:
“The goal was to push the sensitivity limitations of what
was possible. For this we invested a lot of time
into optimizing acquisition parameters and in-depth data
analysis to get the best out of the data.”
“We have demonstrated that we can increase throughput by overcoming the need to
fractionate the samples. I think one of the reasons for this besides the increased scanning
speed, is that we can efficiently leverage singly charged precursors. We are still investigating
how well we can do this and how much information we can get out of them, but it is the
selection of peptide-like singly charged species using their collisional cross section (CCS) that
is helping us unlock this new potential.”
New discovery through scientific collaborations
The Proteomics Platform is regularly approached by collaborators in its network to engage in
new research. Dr Ctortecka describes one of her current projects:
“I am currently working with a neurobiology group at Harvard to perform sub-cellular
proteomics of axons - something which I didn’t think would ever be possible. With a couple of
modifications to the workflow we were using I was able to push the proteome depth to get
really good coverage.
These results were beyond anything that had been
previously achieved, even from bulk samples. If you
combine the right technologies, it is incredible how far
you can actually push the boundaries of research.”
In her work, Dr. Ctortecka together with a postdoctoral researcher
Dr. Dominguez Iturza from the group of Dr. Paola Arlotta, is looking
into the specific interactions between axons and oligodendrocytes,
to study how the two cell types interact. The Arlotta research group
explores the establishment and maintenance of cellular diversity
and their contribution to cortical function. They primarily focus on
gaining a fundamental understanding of the principles that govern
normal cortical development and study mechanisms of human
neurodevelopmental diseases. Neurodegenerative diseases and
motor disabilities have been linked to abnormal myelin sheath
formation around axons by oligodendrocytes in the central nervous
system. A sub-cellular resolution on the proteome level is therefore
required to study how these interactions occur and how myelin
patterns appear.
Courtesy of The Broad Institute
Using data independent acquisition for complete datasets
Dr. Ctortecka describes how data independent acquisition supports her research:
“The only way to reduce missing data across large datasets
is by using data independent acquisition (DIA). If you have
very low sample input, this is currently the best option.”
TIMS-TOF MS separates ions according to their size and shape, known as their CCS values,
to capture an additional physicochemical dimension of biomolecules, enhancing sensitivity
and peak capacity. This enables accurate monitoring of low-abundance molecules such as
HLA bound peptides distinguishing even highly similar peptides exploiting mobility offset mass
aligned (MOMA) capabilities [3, 4, 5].
Parallel accumulation serial fragmentation (PASEF) is a TOF MS-based acquisition method
enabled by TIMS and employed for fast peptide separation and more confident identification.
Together, the specificity, sensitivity, and high speed of MOMA and PASEF results in confident
identification of HLA-I and HLA-II bound peptides though TIMS in a single run.
“We wanted to achieve the best immunopeptidomics depth possible at high confidence
and with high throughput. We therefore embarked on a process of technology and method
development. Throughput is one of our biggest bottlenecks as many of our projects are in the
range of 100-200 patient samples where we are processing and analyzing HLA class I and
class II. This results not only in a lot of measurement time but also many relative comparisons
between the patients. Using TIMS-TOF technology allowed us to speed up acquisition even
further, reproducibly boosting our identifications.”
“We push the boundaries in sample data acquisition,
conducting thorough method development, we are
involved in early testing of new options, always with
the goal of achieving high-throughput and high
reproducibility in a robust analysis.
We understand that our samples are often very different from normal tryptic peptides or
standard cell lines, especially as we are working with rare patient samples. We feel the need
to also focus the method development on real samples rather than over optimize methods that
won’t help once they are translated into the clinical environment.”
What’s next?
Dr. Ctortecka’s hope for the future is to see MS integrated in the clinic to take a tissue
biopsy and process it directly with a standardized workflow. However, in immunopeptidomics
this would pose a major challenge, particularly in data analysis. She describes the right
instrumentation as a crucial step:
“To have the combination of highly sensitive instrumentation,
and thorough data analysis that provides information useable
by clinicians directly in the clinic would be the ideal end goal.”
Dr. Ctortecka also identifies data integration as a challenge for future research, as the volume of
data generated has jumped from volumes in the megabytes (MB) to levels in gigabytes (GB):
“There is still so much potential to be explored
with the instruments.
We have just begun some work on more diverse PTM analysis that is not yet routine and
we have been able to run shorter chromatographic gradients and achieve higher depth –
with minimal optimization but rather informed acquisition parameter selection based on our
With recent advancements in TIMS and PASEF researchers now have the ability to explore
the immunopeptidome with minimal sample quantities, such as clinical material from fine
needle biopsies, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries that have the potential to
drive personalized medicine forward. PASEF technology, facilitated by TIMS, streamlines the
isolation and detection ions, providing substantial benefits for acquiring immunopeptidomics
data. Benefits of this include enhanced peptide separation, differentiation of closely resembling
peptides and comprehensive profiling of the peptidome. Together, these capabilities will
propel the understanding of intricate biological systems and hold promise for advancements
in immunotherapy.
Courtesy of The Broad Institute
[1] Hofbauer P, Jahnel SM, Papai N, et al. (2021). Cardioids that pattern and morph into chamber-like structures are
established from human pluripotent stem cells. Cell. 184, 3299–3317. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.04.034.
[2] Ctortecka C, et al. (2023). An automated nanowell-array workflow for quantitative multiplexed single-cell proteomics
sample preparation at high sensitivity. Mol Cell Proteomics. 22(12). DOI: 10.1016/j.mcpro.2023.100665.
[3] Klaeger S, et al. (2021). Optimized liquid and gas phase fractionation increases HLA-peptidome coverage for primary
cell and tissue samples. Moll Cell Proteomics. 20. DOI: 10.1016/j.mcpro.2021.100133.
[4] Phulphagar MK, et al. (2023). Sensitive, High-throughput HLA-I and HLA-II immunopeptidomics using parallel
accumulation-serial fragmentation mass spectrometry. Moll Cell Proteomics. 22(6). DOI: 10.1016/j.mcpro.2023.100563.
[5] Hoenisch Gravel N, Nelde A, Bauer J, et al. (2023). TOFIMS mass spectrometry-based immunopeptidomics refines
tumor antigen identification. Nat. Commun. 14, 7472. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-42692-7.
[6] Gomez-Zepeda D, Arnold-Schild D, Beyrle J, et al. (2024). Thunder-DDA-PASEF enables high-coverage
immunopeptidomics and is boosted by MS2Rescore with MS2PIP timsTOF fragmentation prediction model.
Nat. Commun. 15, 2288. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-46380-y.
Courtesy of The Broad Institute
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Customer Insights
The Broad Institute’s Proteomics Platform is using TIMS for the technical
advancement of proteomics.
Driving advances in immunopeptidomics research to
understand disease pathways
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