Explore High-Quality Automated Electrophoresis for Protein Analysis
App Note / Case Study
Last Updated: July 1, 2024
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Published: March 21, 2024

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Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is a crucial tool for protein QC, often used despite its drawbacks like lengthy, manual processes that may yield inaccurate quantification results.
Automated capillary electrophoresis (CE), unlike SDS-PAGE, uses gel-filled capillaries with automated rejuvenation post-run, ensuring consistent runs and more accurate, dependable protein analysis results.
In this technical overview, quality assessment of different proteins was compared between automated CE-SDS using the ProteoAnalyzer and conventional SDS-Page.
Download this tech note to explore:
- A comparison of CE-SDS to conventional protein analysis
- How CE-SDS achieves accurate protein sizing
- A rapid workflow for protein analysis and impurity detection
Quality Analysis Using the
Agilent ProteoAnalyzer System
A comparison of sizing and quantification
Quality control (QC) provides valuable information about the integrity of samples
such as proteins before use in assays, experiments, or product release. Ensuring
that samples are of high quality enhances the reproducibility of workflows,
reduces variability, and minimizes the risk of data inconsistencies. Among the
different attributes of proteins, the size and quantification of samples can be
assessed with electrophoretic separations using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS).
SDS denatures the sample and provides the proteins with a consistent
mass-to-charge ratio, allowing for size-based separation.
Traditionally, protein QC is performed with sodium dodecyl sulfate
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Alternatively, capillary
electrophoresis sodium dodecyl sulfate (CE-SDS) uses the same principles of
SDS denaturing and size-based separation, but uses a gel-filled capillary instead
of a slab gel. In doing so, CE-SDS provides faster separation times, higher
resolution, accurate sizing, and consistent quantification.
The Agilent ProteoAnalyzer system is an automated CE-SDS instrument that
uses a 12-channel capillary array to analyze multiple samples in parallel and
allows for multiple runs to be programmed at once. The system is designed
to facilitate precise and accurate measurements of proteins and allow for the
detection of impurities while only requiring 1 uL of sample. In this technical
overview, quality assessment of different proteins was compared between
automated CE-SDS using the ProteoAnalyzer system and conventional
Commercially available bovine serum
albumin (BSA) (Sigma-Aldrich; part
number A7906) and CAll (Sigma-
Aldrich; part number C2273-1VL) were
diluted in 1 x PBS (30 mM Tris-HCI,
26 mM NaH_PO_, 41 mM Na,HPO4
79 mM NaCl, pH 8.5) to 2,000 ng/uL,
and the concentration was verified
using UV absorption. Both proteins
were then serially diluted two-fold
across the concentration range of the
Agilent Protein Broad Range P240 kit
(part number 5191-6640), as shown
in Table 1. Each dilution was analyzed
in triplicate under reduced conditions
on the ProteoAnalyzer with the Protein
Broad Range P240 kit, using the
method for the optional addition of the
upper marker. The samples were then
assessed for sizing and quantification
using Agilent ProSize data analysis
The serially diluted samples were
also analyzed with SDS-PAGE using
precast gels (Bio-Rad; part number
4569036) under reduced conditions.
Each sample was diluted 3:1 with 4x
Laemmli buffer (Bio-Rad; part number
161-0747), with a final concentration
of 50 mM DTT. The samples were
heat denatured at 90 C for 5 minutes,
then 10 pL of each concentration
was loaded onto the SDS-PAGE gels.
Then, 10 pL of Bio-Rad Precision Plus
Protein Dual Color Standards (part
number 161-0374) was added to
the wells flanking the sample lanes.
Separation was conducted at 200 V
for approximately 40 minutes. The
gels were fixed (10% acetic acid, 40%
ethanol, 50% water) for 15 minutes
with rocking, then rinsed with water.
The gels were stained overnight in
Bio-Rad QC Colloidal Coomassie stain
(part number 1610803) and destained
with de-ionized (DI) water for 3 hours.
The experiment was repeated three
times. Analysis was performed using
GelAnalyzer software2 for sizing and
Results and discussion
Image analysis comparison
The ProteoAnalyzer and SDS-PAGE
determine size by referencing to a
ladder containing known protein
species sizes. The ProteoAnalyzer
thus has a sizing range from 10 to 240
kDa when using only the lower marker
(LM), and 10 to 200 kDa when using
the LM and upper marker (UM). In this
technical overview, SDS-PAGE used a
ladder that contained bands from 10 to
250 kDa.
To provide a comparison of protein
separations and analysis between
the ProteoAnalyzer and SDS-PAGE,
serial dilutions of BSA and CAIl
were assessed on both systems.
The ProteoAnalyzer collects data
throughout electrophoresis as the
sample migrates past a detector.
Representative results from the
ProteoAnalyzer are displayed in the
Agilent ProSize data analysis software
as electropherograms with time or
size plotted on the X-axis and relative
fluorescence on the Y-axis (BSA:
Figure 1A; CAIl: Figure 2A). A LM is
used for alignment of the samples
and ladder, allowing for accurate
and precise sizing, along with an
optional UM that can be added for
improved alignment. Signals above
the electropherogram baseline are
equivalent to samples detected on a
gel. The software also translates the
electropherograms into a digital gel
image for easy visualization. Digital gel
images from the serial dilutions of BSA
and CAll are shown in Figures 1B and
2B, respectively. By analyzing multiple
samples in parallel, the ProteoAnalyzer
provides easy, quick, and automated
data analysis.
Alternatively, for SDS-PAGE, a final
image of the gel is taken after
electrophoretic separation and lengthy
staining and destaining protocols.
Interpretation of SDS-PAGE gels can
be tedious and error prone but can be
aided using software.2 However, the
analysis is still subject to errors that
are inherent to SDS-PAGE separation.
For example, the gels can be easily
overloaded and thus misrepresent
the size and quantification of the
sample, as demonstrated in Figures 1C
and 2C. The serially diluted samples
were loaded onto the gel with the
larger concentrations on the left and
descending concentrations to the
right. The left lanes at the highest
concentrations (2,000 to 500
ng/pL) are overloaded, as indicated
by the smearing pattern surrounding
the sample bands. This smearing
effect can make it difficult to achieve
accurate quality or sizing analysis, as
it is difficult to determine which part
of the band to use to compare to the
reference ladder. In these examples,
sample lanes loaded at or below 250
ng/pL are at optimal concentrations
and are visualized as single, sharp
bands that can be easily compared to
the ladder. In addition to overloading,
issues with gel electrophoresis such
as curving of the gel, often referred
to as smiling3, can lead to inaccurate
sizing as the sample and ladder fail
to migrate at the same time. Unlike
the ProteoAnalyzer, SDS-PAGE does
not use alignment markers with
the samples to help with correcting
migration issues. Although it is the
traditional way of assessing protein
samples, SDS-PAGE is still inaccurate
prone and laborious to analyze. The
ProteoAnalyzer streamlines the
analysis process. and provides an
improved form of protein QC that is not
subject to the same errors as SDS-
Sizing accuracy and precision
of BSA
To compare fragment sizing between
the ProteoAnalyzer and SDS-PAGE,
BSA was assessed on both systems.
BSA has a known size of 66 kDa. The
sample was analyzed across the serial
dilution and the average size observed
was 69.2 kDa using the ProteoAnalyzer
and 59.2 kDa using SDS-PAGE
(Figure 3A).
The sizing accuracy between systems
was assessed by comparison of their
calculated percent errors for each
dilution against the known sizes of
the proteins (Figure 3B). Analysis of
BSA with the ProteoAnalyzer displayed
an average error of 4.81%, while
SDS-PAGE had an average error of
10.25%. Further assessment of each
concentration within the serial dilution
showed that when proteins were
assessed with SDS-PAGE, the percent
error improved as the concentration
decreased, revealing a concentration-
dependent effect on sizing accuracy.
Alternatively, the percent error achieved
by the ProteoAnalyzer remained
consistent despite the concentration
of the sample, indicating that there is
no concentration-dependent effect on
sizing analysis (Figure 3B).
The dilution series was run three
separate times on the ProteoAnalyzer
and on three separate gels for SDS-
PAGE to measure the precision of
each system across different runs.
The precision of each system was
compared using the %CV calculated
for each concentration analyzed
across the serial dilution (Figure 3B).
Overall, the ProteoAnalyzer had an
average of 1.53% CV for BSA, while
SDS-PAGE had an average of 13.71%
CV. Precision for SDS-PAGE displayed a
high %CV for samples between 3.9 and
15.6 ng/pL and samples ranging from
250 to 2,000 ng/L. Alternatively, in the
midrange of the tested concentration,
samples from 31.3 to 125 ng/L
showed lower %CVs, indicating that
this midrange was more precise than
the flanking ranges. These results
indicate that SDS-PAGE analysis can
be inconsistent between gels and
across concentrations. In contrast,
the ProteoAnalyzer showed low %CVs,
indicating high precision results across
the dilution range, providing confidence
that there is little run-to-run variation
when analyzing samples.
Overall, for BSA, the ProteoAnalyzer
showed high accuracy and excellent
precision. However, SDS-PAGE
displayed a large range of percent
error values and varying precision
throughout the dilution range. The data
presented here provides assurance
about the sizing capabilities of the
Sizing accuracy and precision CAII
To further compare sizing of proteins,
both the ProteoAnalyzer and SDS-
PAGE were employed to assess CAll,
which has a known size of 29 kDa.
Across the dilution range, the average
size observed from the ProteoAnalyzer
was 28.0 kDa, while SDS-PAGE yielded
an average size of 23.4 kDa
(Figure 4A).
To compare the sizing accuracy that
can be achieved by each of the two
systems, the calculated percent errors
for each concentration of CAll across
the serial dilution was assessed
(Figure 4B). The ProteoAnalyzer
displayed an overall average error of
3.55%, indicating excellent accuracy,
while SDS-PAGE exhibited a notably
higher average error of 19.43%,
indicative of lower accuracy. Evaluating
each individual dilution indicated that
the ProteoAnalyzer displayed high
accuracy overall, while SDS-PAGE
showed lower accuracy for each
The dilution series was run three
separate times on the ProteoAnalyzer
and on three individual gels for SDS-
PAGE. Precision was assessed for
both systems by analyzing the %CV for
each serial dilution across runs (Figure
4B). The ProteoAnalyzer exhibited an
overall average of 1.43% CV, indicative
of a high level of precision. In contrast,
the utilization of SDS-PAGE for the
same sample dilution yielded 2.10%
CV. Both methods had good precision,
indicating consistent results.
Overall, for CAIl, the ProteoAnalyzer
showed low percent errors across the
dilution range, indicative of excellent
accuracy. Alternately, SDS-PAGE
had high percent errors across all
concentrations, revealing low accuracy.
The ProteoAnalyzer and SDS-PAGE
had low %CV values for each dilution,
signifying highly consistent results
each time the sample was analyzed.
The ProteoAnalyzer displayed both
high accuracy and high precision when
The ProteoAnalyzer measures
the concentration of a sample by
comparing the area of the sample peak
to the area of the LM, which is used
as an internal quantification standard.
The ProteoAnalyzer measures
the concentration of a sample by
comparing the area of the sample peak
to the area of the LM, which is used
as an internal quantification standard.
The system provides a three-log
quantitative dynamic range, with a
sample input concentration range of 2
to 2,000 ng/pL.
In contrast for SDS-PAGE separation,
the gel is stained with Coomassie
stain. This stain has a dynamic
range of two logs or less. The larger
dynamic range provided by the
ProteoAnalyzer allows for lower
levels of detection for better sample
integrity analysis and impurity
The quantification results that can
be achieved with the ProteoAnalyzer
and SDS-PAGE were compared by
examining the linearity and precision
calculated from each system's
ProteoAnalyzer concentration linearity- BSA
R2 = 0.9995
measurements. The ProteoAnalyzer
outputs sample concentrations in
ng/uL. GelAnalyzer, used for SDS-
PAGE analysis, outputs densitometric
data referred to as "raw volume."
To compare the linearity from each
system, nominal concentrations were
plotted on the X-axis, with the Y-axis
being the observed concentrations
(BSA: Figure 5A and 5B; CAII: Figure 6A
and 6B). A linear regression line was
fit to each plot and the coefficient of
determination, R2, was calculated.
BSA and CAll results from the
ProteoAnalyzer displayed strong linear
correlations, while SDS-PAGE resulted
in lower R2 values for both proteins.
The ProteoAnalyzer demonstrated
a calculated R2 of 0.9995 for BSA
(Figure 5A), while SDS-PAGE resulted
in a lower R2 of 0.9381 (Figure 5B).
For CAll, the ProteoAnalyzer had an
R2 of 0.9998 (Figure 6A) and SDS-
PAGE resulted in a lower R2 of 0.9396
(Figure 6B). Close examination of
the plots shown in Figures 5 and
6 account for the calculated R2
values seen. For both proteins, the
regression line for the ProteoAnalyzer
ran through most of the points on
the plots. Closer examination of the
lower concentrations (inset images)
shows that the regression line for
the ProteoAnalyzer is plotted very
close to the data points. In contrast,
with SDS-PAGE, both proteins show
a curved trend for all the data points
but is especially apparent at the
low concentrations, and caused
a regression line that is not close
to most of the data points. The R2
and plots presented indicate that
SDS-PAGE displays lower linearity
compared to the ProteoAnalyzer, which
showed excellent linearity overall.
To further assess the quantification
capabilities of the systems, each
protein sample was tested using three
separate SDS-PAGE gels and analyzed
three times on the ProteoAnalyzer
to evaluate precision. The %CV
values for BSA calculated from the
ProteoAnalyzer data were 7.84% CV
or less, but up to 37.65% CV from
SDS-PAGE (Figure 5C). For CAll, the
ProteoAnalyzer had a calculated %CV
of 11.98% or less, while SDS-PAGE
had a %CV of 30.67% or less (Figure
6C). The %CV values determined from
the ProteoAnalyzer were within the
kit specifications for both proteins.
Also, the %CVs from analysis with
the ProteoAnalyzer for both proteins
were significantly less than the SDS-
PAGE analysis, indicating that the
ProteoAnalyzer is more precise than
Compared to SDS-PAGE, the
ProteoAnalyzer displayed a stronger
correlation between observed
protein concentration and nominal
concentrations as shown by higher
R2 values. The ProteoAnalyzer
also showed greater precision
when measuring BSA and CAIl
concentrations. SDS-PAGE results
display more imprecise measurements
of protein amounts, with lower R2
values and more variability between
replicates. The lower correlation seen
from SDS-PAGE was expected due to
the two-log dynamic range from the
dye, which also limits detection of low-
level impurities in a sample. This data
indicates that users can confidently
use the ProteoAnalyzer to detect their
samples across a large concentration
range with great accuracy and high
This technical overview provides a
comparison of the ProteoAnalyzer to
SDS-PAGE and highlights the ability
of the ProteoAnalyzer to provide
consistent accuracy and precision for
sizing proteins, with strong quantitative
linear correlations. SDS-PAGE, while
widely used, presents challenges due
to its labor-intensive and error-prone
nature, often impeding workflow
efficiency. Although software tools
are available to aid analysis, they
are constrained by the inherent
inaccuracies of the separation
process. In contrast, the Agilent
ProteoAnalyzer offers a streamlined,
automated, and reliable approach to
protein QC analysis. Moreover, the
ProteoAnalyzer's quantification within
a three-log quantitative dynamic
range further shows its capabilities
at assessing proteins. In conclusion,
this comparative assessment
displayed the differences between the
ProteoAnalyzer and traditional SDS-
PAGE for protein QC applications.
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