Unraveling Protein Complex Dynamics
App Note / Case Study
Published: December 2, 2024

Credit: iStock
Protein complexes are central to many cellular processes, but their transient nature often eludes traditional analysis, leaving key mechanisms unexplored.
This case study introduces advanced strategies for studying protein interactions in real time, providing novel insights into DNA mismatch repair and SARS-CoV-2 protein dynamics.
Discover how cutting-edge methodologies capture transient interactions with precision, providing a deeper understanding of complex binding dependencies.
Download this case study to discover:
- Strategies for studying transient protein interactions
- New insights into DNA mismatch repair and SARS-CoV-2 protein interactions
- Advanced techniques for capturing complex binding dependencies
Case study
SPR for protein
complex formation
Dr. Elin Sivertsson1
, Dr. Alexander Fish2
, Dr. Linnea Nygren-Babol1
Cytiva, 2
Netherlands Cancer Institute
Protein complexes play many important biological roles. Some protein complexes
are stable, but others are more transient in nature. This presents a challenge: how
can we study a rapidly dissociating protein complex before it falls apart?
Solution A Solution C
Solution B Solution D
Running Solution E
Biacore™ 1 series introduced a novel surface plasmon resonance (SPR) injection tool, Poly,
which allows you to perform up to five sequential injections without any intermediate wash
steps. This limits the delay and time for dissociation between injections of different interaction
partners. Here, we present two different case studies that illustrate how Poly command can be
used to investigate protein complex formation.
Protein complexes
Most proteins operate as multimeric complexes, rather than as individual proteins. These
protein complexes regulate numerous cellular processes. Advances in proteomic research has
led to the identification of thousands of protein complexes, and the number continues to grow.
Protein complexes can be dynamic with transient interactions. It can be challenging to
study them during their short lifetimes. Moreover, it can be difficult to unravel the binding
processes of individual proteins within the complex.
Poly command
When studying rapidly dissociating protein complexes using SPR, it is crucial to avoid delays
between the injections of different proteins. Otherwise, the first protein may dissociate before
the next protein has reached the sensor surface, which could potentially lead to reduced
binding (or no binding at all) of this protein and subsequent proteins.
The Poly command enables the injection of three to five solutions in immediate sequence with
no intermediate wash steps (Figure 1). The contact times for the injections are set separately,
with a dissociation time for the last injected solution. The same flow rate and flow path are
used for the entire command. The absence of wash steps between injections within the Poly
command means that the next solution can be injected as soon as the injection of the previous
solution has finished and before any significant dissociation has occurred. This gives you new
possibilities to study the formation of protein complexes.
Fig 1. The Poly command enables studies of complex formation by injection of three to five solutions (solution A to
solution E) in sequence with no intermediate wash steps.
2 CY39216-26Oct23-CS
MutS binding and
clamp formation.
MutS MutL
recruits MutL.
MutH nicks
newly synthetised
MutL recruits the
helicase UvrD, which
separates the strands.
The nicked strand
is excised by
repairs the gap.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Case study 1: DNA mismatch repair complex
DNA mismatch repair (1) is an evolutionarily conserved process for the detection and
removal of DNA mismatches introduced during replication. Figure 2 contains a schematic
overview of the process and the proteins involved.
MutS protein initiates the repair by binding to the DNA mismatch. Upon adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) binding, MutS changes conformation to a sliding clamp that can slide on
the DNA and recruit MutL protein. Next, MutL activates endonuclease MutH that nicks newly
synthetized unmethylated DNA near the hemi-methylated site. Then MutL recruits UvrD
helicase to separate the two DNA strands from each other. Exonuclease cleaves the newly
synthetized strand. Finally, DNA polymerase III repairs the single strand gap.
We used Biacore 1S+ system and the Poly command to study three stages of DNA mismatch
repair complex formation (boxed in Figure 2): MutS binding to a mismatch in a DNA ligand,
recruitment of MutL, and UvrD binding.
Materials and methods
Protein and DNA constructs
We used MutS (2), MutL (1), and UvrD proteins that were recombinantly expressed and
A 100-base-pair DNA ligand was used containing a single nucleotide mismatch (guanine
thymine [GT]) and biotinylations on both ends. The DNA strand is coupled on Series S Sensor
Chip SA via both biotins, so that the bound MutS cannot slide off the end of the strand.
Surface preparation
We used 25 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 150 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2
, and 0.05% Surfactant P20 as
running buffer during surface preparation. First, we conditioned Series S Sensor Chip SA
with three consecutive one-minute (min) injections of 1 M NaCl in 50 mM NaOH, using a
flow rate of 10 µL/min. We also performed a 1-min injection of 0.5% SDS, which we used as
a regeneration solution in our binding assay. We diluted the DNA ligand to 1 µg/mL in the
running buffer and injected it into flow cell 4 at a flow rate of 10 µL/min. When the binding
level reached 800 RU, we stopped the injection manually using the Injection pause control
Fig 2. Schematic overview of DNA mismatch repair in E. coli.
CY39216-26Oct23-CS 3
Solution A
MutS binds
to mismatch
Solution B
MutS recruits
12 000
10 000
Response (RU)
0 250 500
Time (s)
14 000
16 000 Solution C
MutL recruits UvrD 1024 nM
512 nM
256 nM
128 nM
64 nM
32 nM
16 nM
8 nM
4 nM
2 nM
1 nM
0 nM
Running buffer: 25 mM HEPES pH 7.5,
150 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2
BSA 1 mg/mL, 1 mM ATP,
0.05% P20
Flow rate: 30 μL/min
Flow path: 4–3
Contact times: 180 s
Dissociation time: 360 s
Complex dissociation
Binding assay using Poly command
We performed the analysis at 25°C. The sample compartment temperature was set to 10°C,
which is low enough to preserve sample integrity but not so low that the SDS solution used
for regeneration risked precipitating. We used the same running buffer in the binding assay
as for DNA-strand coupling, but supplemented it with 1 mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA)
and 1 mM ATP.
To prepare our assay solutions, we diluted the proteins in running buffer to the following final
• Solution A: 200 nM MutS
• Solution B: 200 nM MutS, 200 nM MutL
• Solution C: 200 nM MutS, 200 nM MutL, two-fold dilutions of UvrD 0–1024 nM
Solution A contained a saturating concentration of MutS. In solution B, we kept the same
saturating concentration of MutS and added a saturating concentration of MutL. In solution C,
we had saturating concentrations of MutS and MutL, and varying concentrations of UvrD (0, 1,
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024 nM).
We used Poly command with three injections (Injection A, Injection B, and Injection C)
to inject the solutions at a flow rate of 30 µL/min. We used flow cell 4 (with the attached DNA
ligand) as active flow cell. Flow cell 3, which didn’t have any ligand attached, was used as the
reference flow cell. The contact time for each solution was 3 min and the final dissociation
time was 6 min. At the end of each cycle, we regenerated the surface with a 1-min injection
of 0.5% SDS.
First, we performed three startup cycles where we replaced protein solutions with running
buffer. Next, we performed 12 analysis cycles, each containing a different concentration of
UvrD in solution C.
Fig 3. Complex formation of DNA mismatch repair proteins. Series S Sensor Chip SA was coupled with a DNA ligand
containing a single nucleotide mismatch and biotinylations on both ends. Using Poly command, MutS was injected
to saturation (200 nM MutS, solution A), followed by a mixture of MutS and MutL (200 nM each, solution B), and finally
MutS, MutL, and varying concentrations of UvrD (200 nM MutS, 200 nM MutL, and 0 to 1024 nM UvrD, solution C).
4 CY39216-26Oct23-CS
Results and discussion
The sensorgram in Figure 3 shows the stepwise formation of the protein complex, followed
by complex dissociation.
By keeping saturating concentrations of a certain protein in the solution, there’s no net
dissociation of that protein. In this way, we can study the association of MutL to the
complex without interference of simultaneous MutS dissociation. Similarly, we can study
the association of UvrD to the complex without interference of simultaneous dissociation of
MutS and MutL.
Case study 2: Binding dependencies in a SARS-CoV-2
protein complex
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes the respiratory
disease coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To gain entry to a host cell, the receptor
binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to angiotensin-converting
enzyme 2 (ACE2) on the host cell surface. CR3022 is an antibody that targets a nonoverlapping epitope on RBD (3).
We used Biacore 1K+ system and Poly command to investigate the binding dependencies
of RBD, CR3022 (termed α-RBD here), ACE2, and an anti-human antibody (termed α-Human
here) (Fig 4).
Materials and methods
Surface preparation
We coupled RBD (prepared in-house) on Series S Sensor Chip CM5 (895 RU) using standard
amine coupling and HEPES buffered saline containing EDTA and polysorbate (HBS-EP+) as
running buffer. We activated the sensor surface with a 50:50 mixture of EDC and NHS for
7 min. We diluted the RBD protein to 5 µg/mL in 10 mM sodium acetate pH 4.5 and injected
it over the activated surface for 5 min, which resulted in an attachment level of 895 RU.
Finally, we deactivated the surface with a 7-min injection of ethanolamine. We performed the
coupling procedure at 25°C in flow cell 4.
Binding assay using Poly command
We diluted CR3022 (α-RBD) from LifeSpan Biosciences (product code LS-C829135) to 10 nM
and ACE2 (prepared in-house) to 750 nM in HBS-EP+. The anti-human IgG (Fc) antibody from
Human Antibody Capture Kit (α-Human) was diluted to 10 nM in HBS-EP+.
The Poly command was used for three injections (Injection A, Injection B, and Injection C)
to inject the solutions over flow cells 3 and 4 at a flow rate of 30 µL/min. We used flow cell 3,
which didn’t have any ligand attached, as the reference flow cell. The contact time for each
solution was 2 min and the final dissociation time was 3 min. At the end of each cycle, we
regenerated the surface with a 1-min injection of 10 mM glycine-HCl, pH 1.5. We used HBSEP+ as running buffer.
First, one cycle was performed where we used Poly command to inject all three potential
binding partners. Then three cycles were performed where each protein was replaced in turn
with running buffer.
CY39216-26Oct23-CS 5
Response (RU)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (s)
Response (RU)
0 500
Response (RU)
0 500
Response (RU)
0 500
Time (s)
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Cycle 3
Cycle 4
Running buffer: HBS-EP+
Flow rate: 30 μL/min
Flow path: 4–3
Contact times: 120 s
Dissociation time: 180 s
Regeneration: Glycine 1.5, 30 s
Solution A Solution B Solution C
Solution A Solution B Solution C
Solution A Solution B Solution C
Solution A Solution B Solution C
Solution A Solution B Solution C
Cycle 1 α-RBD ACE2 α-Human
Cycle 2 Buffer ACE2 α-Human
Cycle 3 α-RBD Buffer α-Human
Cycle 4 α-RBD ACE2 Buffer
Cycle 1 minus cycle 2
Cycle 1 minus cycle 3
Cycle 1 minus cycle 4
Sensor Chip CM5
Data analysis
Data analysis was performed using Biacore Insight Evaluation software.
To uncover the binding processes of individual components within the formed complex, we
made use of the Sensorgram subtraction functionality. We created a Sensorgram item
and selected the option Sensorgram subtraction – Subtract cycle to subtract a cycle with
buffer from the cycle containing all proteins. We repeated the procedure for all cycles with
buffer, to create three subtracted sensorgrams (cycle 1 minus cycle 2, cycle 1 minus cycle 3,
and cycle 1 minus cycle 4).
Results and discussion
You can see the resulting sensorgrams in Figure 4 (right panel), which reveal binding
dependencies within the complex.
Fig 4. Binding dependencies of SARS-CoV-2 proteins. RBD was coupled on Series S Sensor Chip CM5 (895 RU). Poly command was used to inject α-RBD (10 nM),
ACE2 (750 nM), and α-Human (10 nM) (cycle 1). Cycles where each protein in turn was replaced by buffer were also performed (cycles 2, 3, and 4). By subtracting
cycles containing buffer segments from the cycle containing all proteins, binding dependencies within the protein complex could be elucidated.
6 CY39216-26Oct23-CS
Cycle 1 minus cycle 2 shows that solution A (α-RBD) and solution C (α-Human) bind to each
other. That is, the binding of the α-Human antibody depends on previous binding of the
α-RBD antibody (as we would expect, since the α-RBD antibody is a human antibody). Note
also that the resulting sensorgram mirrors the sensorgram of cycle 3. This shows that the
interactions of α-RBD and α-Human aren’t affected by the binding of ACE2. In other words,
the presence or absence of ACE2 doesn’t change the antibodies interactions (i.e., noncooperative binding).
Cycle 1 minus cycle 3 shows binding of solution B (ACE2) only, as binding of solution A and
solution C have been subtracted away. Note that the subtraction has created a sensorgram
that mimics the sensorgram from cycle 2. This tells us that ACE2 binds to a different site
on RBD compared to the α-RBD antibody (i.e., independent binding sites). This is what we
expected. Crystallography studies have shown that the epitope of the α-RBD antibody doesn’t
overlap with the ACE2 binding site on RBD (3). This also tells us that ACE2 binds to RBD in the
same way whether or not α-RBD is present in the complex (i.e., non-cooperative binding).
Cycle 1 minus cycle 4 shows binding of solution C (α-Human) alone. Note that this binding
isn’t practically possible without preceding binding of solution A (α-RBD). If the α-RBD
antibody wasn’t present, the anti-human antibody would have nothing to bind to. However,
by using cycle subtraction we can still separate out the binding curve of the α-Human
antibody as a stand-alone sensorgram.
Assay considerations
You can find general guidelines on surface preparation in Biacore sensor surface handbook (4).
Choose your running buffer based on the requirements of the specific model system you are
studying. Remember that in some cases, co-factors such as metal ions or ATP affect protein
complex formation (see ‘Case study 1’ for an example).
Note that there are likely multiple interaction processes occurring simultaneously in
the protein complexes (e.g., dissociation of the first component and association of the
second component happening at the same time). The case studies we present here handle
this in two different ways. In case study 1, we kept the first two proteins at saturating
concentrations, so there is no net dissociation of these proteins, while monitoring the
association of the third protein. In case study 2, we ran cycles where we replace one
solution in turn with running buffer, and subsequently subtracted these cycles to reveal the
underlying binding processes of each protein.
Poly command supports sequential injection of three to five solutions with no intermediate
wash steps, thus minimizing the dissociation time between injections. This is beneficial
when studying protein complex formation, which may involve transient interactions and
complicated binding dependencies. Given the biological importance of protein complexes
in various cellular processes, this opens for exciting new studies. Moreover, we envision that
Poly command will be a useful tool in the characterization of complexes formed by novel
multivalent formats of biotherapeutics, such as bispecific antibodies or PROTACs (proteolysis
targeting chimeras) and their binding partners.
CY39216-26Oct23-CS 7
Cytiva and the Drop logo are trademarks of Life Sciences IP Holdings Corporation or an affiliate doing business as Cytiva.
Biacore is a trademark of Global Life Sciences Solutions USA LLC or an affiliate doing business as Cytiva. Any use of software
may be subject to one or more end user license agreements, a copy of, or notice of which, are available on request.
© 2023 Cytiva
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FAQ about Poly command
• Which Biacore systems have Poly command?
Biacore 1 series systems all support Poly command.
• Can I run Poly command in a single flow cell?
Poly command is supported for serial injections through two flow cells (all Biacore 1
series instruments), four or six flow cells (Biacore 1K+ and Biacore 1S+ systems). Poly
command isn’t supported for single flow cell use, due to the design of the microfluidics.
• How many sequential injections can I perform using Poly command?
You can perform three to five sequential injections using Poly command.
• What is the required injection volume for Poly command?
The injection volume for each segment in Poly command must be in the range 25 to 450 µL,
except for the final segment where the injection volume must be in the range 1 to 450 µL.
• How can I evaluate data generated with the Poly command?
Data is evaluated using Biacore Insight Evaluation software. Results of experiments using
Poly command are visualized using Sensorgram, Plot, and Epitope Binning evaluation
tools. Poly command isn’t suitable for concentration, affinity, or kinetics measurements.
1. Fernandez-Leiro R, Bhairosing-Kok D, Kunetsky V, et al. The selection process of licensing a DNA mismatch for
repair. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2021;28(4):373-381. doi:10.1038/s41594-021-00577-7
2. Groothuizen FS, Winkler I, Cristóvão M, et al. MutS/MutL crystal structure reveals that the MutS sliding clamp
loads MutL onto DNA. Elife. 2015;4:e06744. Published 2015 Jul 11. doi: 10.7554/eLife.06744
3. Yuan M, Wu NC, Zhu X, et al. A highly conserved cryptic epitope in the receptor binding domains of SARS-CoV-2
and SARS-CoV. Science. 2020;368(6491):630-633. doi:10.1126/science.abb7269
4. Biacore sensor surface handbook, CY28062-27Oct22-HB, https://cdn.cytivalifesciences.com/api/public/
Ordering information
Product Information Product code
Series S Sensor Chip CM5 Pack of 3 BR100530
Series S Sensor Chip SA Pack of 3 BR100531
Amine Coupling Kit Reagents for ligand coupling BR100050
HBS-EP+ Buffer 10x Analysis buffer BR100669
Surfactant P20 Buffer additive BR100054
Human Antibody Capture Kit Capture reagents BR100839
Glycine 1.5 Regeneration solution BR100354
Acetate 4.5 Coupling buffer BR100350
Biacore 1K SPR system for characterization of molecular interactions 29726017
Biacore 1K+ SPR system for characterization of molecular interactions 29726018
Biacore 1S+ SPR system for characterization of molecular interactions 29726019
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