App Note

Efficient and Automated 384 Well qPCR Set-Up

Setting up a qPCR is a tedious process consisting of multiple pipetting steps. One particularly challenging task is reformatting from microcentrifuge tubes into a 384 well plate, it is time consuming and requires a lot of concentration. Another common problem is the loss of valuable and expensive substances, such as Mastermix and precious samples, due to the reservoir dead volume.

Access this app note to discover how a pipetting robot:

  • Allows considerably faster sample preparation
  • Eliminates the risk of reformatting errors
  • Is quick to set up and easy to use

Access this app note to discover how a pipetting robot:

  • Allows considerably faster sample preparation
  • Eliminates the risk of reformatting errors
  • Eliminates the risk of reformatting errors

Access this App Note for FREE Now!