Latest How To Guides

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2023's Ultimate Science Gift Guide
Science has no offseason. What is a holiday, or even a weekend, to the bacterial colony growing in a Petri dish? The pursuit of understanding makes for long hours in the lab. That’s why it’s important to express your admiration for the scientists in your life this festive season.

How To Guide
Best Practices for In Vitro Transcribed mRNA Analysis
This guide highlights crucial sample handling techniques and standards for IVT analysis.

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Exploring Successful Cell and Gene Therapy Development
Cell and gene therapies and regenerative medicines (CGT&RMs) offer remarkable biotherapeutic promise. However, developing and manufacturing CGT&RMs is no easy task, particularly when choosing how and where to deliver the production of a therapeutic.

How To Guide
Five Tips on Navigating Your Biotherapeutic Journey
It is expected that within four to five years, biologics will comprise over half of the 100 top selling drugs on the market. However, the high cost and complexity of biotherapeutic development, as well as a dynamic regulatory landscape, still poses challenges to drug developers.

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Overcome Roadblocks to PROTAC Characterization
This guide highlights how an innovative, plate-based, and automation-ready affinity screening solution helps you overcome roadblocks in your PROTAC characterization projects.

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Mitigate Risks in Your Cryotank Storage
This guide highlights how lab monitoring systems can help mitigate cryotank usage risk. It outlines protective measures to keep lab members and samples safe.

How To Guide
A Guide to Sample Preparation for Next-Generation Sequencing
Download this guide to explore tips on how to avoid issues during NGS experiment design, tissue/specimen handling and isolation of nucleic acids.

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How To Achieve High-Quality Western Blots
Download this guide to explore how you can achieve high-quality western blots by improving protein isolation and sample preparation, optimizing your antibodies and using controls effectively.

How To Guide
Screening Biologics With nanoDSF
Choosing the wrong candidate molecule can prove costly and waste both time and resources. Therefore, it’s important to base key decisions upon the most robust thermostability and unfolding profile data.

How To Guide
CRISPR Yeast: Replacing the Need for Plant-Derived Metabolites
Plant-derived compounds are widely used across the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and agricultural industries. However, compared to other natural compounds, they often produce a lower yield of secondary metabolites.