Transform Biomolecular Insights With Surface Plasmon Resonance
How To Guide
Published: December 9, 2024

Credit: Cytiva
Understanding biomolecular interactions is foundational for breakthroughs in proteomics and drug discovery. However, poor sensor preparation, unclear kinetics and complex data interpretation often slow progress, wasting valuable time and resources.
By enabling label-free, real-time analysis of kinetics and affinity, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology provides precision and clarity that were previously unattainable.
This guide provides an in-depth exploration of how to harness SPR to overcome common obstacles and elevate your research.
Download this guide to discover:
- How SPR reveals kinetic and affinity parameters in real time
- Best practices for assay development and sensor surface preparation
- Proven workflows to optimize data quality and interpretation
Application guides
Kinetics and affinity
with Biacore
Characterization of the kinetics and affinity of an interaction is of fundamental interest in all areas of biological research
and development including drug development. Binding kinetics describes the speed at which a molecule binds to and
dissociates from a binding partner such as an antibody or a receptor. Affinity describes the strength of a binding but not
the rate at which it occurs.
The label-free real-time detection in Biacore™ systems allows interactions to be monitored with high resolution as
they happen, and the results can be interpreted in relation to a mathematical model of the interaction mechanism
to evaluate kinetic parameters (association and dissociation rate constants). The association phase (during sample
injection) contains information on both association and dissociation processes, while only dissociation occurs during the
dissociation phase (after sample injection, when buffer flow removes dissociated analyte molecules). Affinity constants
can be derived either from the ratio of the rate constants or from analysis of the level of binding at steady state.
Theoretical aspects of kinetics and affinity determination are covered in the separate Application guide Principles of
kinetics and affinity analysis.
Note: The term kinetics in this Application guide refers to interaction kinetics. Kinetics of other processes such as
enzyme-catalyzed reactions are not normally amenable to study in Biacore systems.
Scope of this Application guide
This Application guide considers setup and evaluation of experiments designed to measure the kinetics and/or affinity of
one or a few interactions. Aspects of kinetic and affinity measurements specific to screening applications are considered
in the separate guides for antibody and small molecule/fragment screening.
Careful kinetic measurements may give opportunities for elucidating mechanisms of action. For many purposes, however,
it may be sufficient to get a general idea of interaction rates, for example to compare the behavior of mutant and wild-type
molecules. Many of the more stringent requirements and recommendations may be relaxed according to the purpose of
the investigation.
Range of kinetic and affinity measurements
The range of kinetic and affinity constants that can be determined with Biacore systems covers much of the range found
in biomolecular interactions. The precise range varies with both system performance and experimental conditions. In
general, systems with higher sensitivity and higher signal-to-noise ratios can measure faster processes. For all systems,
however, careful assay development, sensor surface preparation and sample preparation are necessary for achieving the
highest sensitivity. Constants that lie outside the range of the instrument cannot be determined reliably.
Interaction constant Typical range
Association rate (ka) 103
to 107
Dissociation rate (kd) 10-5 to 0.5 s-1
Affinity (KD) pM to mM
Term Meaning
ka Association rate constant, units M-1s-1
Governs the rate at which a complex is formed.
kd Dissociation rate constant, units s-1
Governs the rate at which a complex dissociates.
1 Equilibrium dissociation constant, units M.
Describes the strength of the interaction.
kt Mass transport coefficient, normalized for molecular weight and
adjusted approximately for the conversion of surface concentration to
RI Contribution of bulk refractive index to the analyte response (RU).
Rmax Maximum analyte binding capacity of the surface (RU).
Term Meaning
offset Parameter in evaluation of steady state affinity representing the
response at zero analyte concentration.
avidity Accumulated strength of multiple affinities of individual interactions
involving multivalent molecules. Avidity occurs when the analyte
presents multiple sites for binding to the ligand so that release of the
analyte molecule from the surface requires simultaneous dissociation
of several interactions.
multi-cycle kinetics
Assay format where each analyte concentration is injected in a
separate cycle.
single-cycle kinetics
Assay format where analyte concentrations are injected in sequence in
a single cycle.
parallel kinetics Assay format where each analyte concentration is injected in a
different channel in the same cycle. Only applicable to multi-channel
Biacore systems.
The equilibrium dissociation constant KD is the inverse of the equilibrium association constant KA. Both terms are used in the literature.
See the Biacore Application guide Principles of kinetic and affinity analysis for details.
Note: The convention of using lowercase letters to denote rate constants and uppercase for affinity
constants is used as far as possible in documentation of Biacore systems. Other formats may
be used in the literature.
Tips for kinetic and affinity measurements
• For kinetics and affinity experiments, match running buffer with sample buffer to minimize bulk refractive index
• For kinetics experiments, use low immobilization or capture levels to reduce mass transport limitations and to facilitate
data interpretation. As a rule of thumb, aim to use ligand levels that result in maximum analyte responses of 10-30 RU
or lower.
• Using low ligand levels can help to suppress heterogeneity in an interaction
• Calculate suitable ligand levels based on theoretical Rmax values
• Use results obtained during assay development as a guide to suitable association and dissociation times in the final
• If ligand is captured on the surface, make sure that the capture is stable enough so that dissociation of ligand does not
affect the evaluation
• The simplest model (i.e., fewest parameters) should always be the default choice before moving on to models
describing more complex interactions
• Do not “model surf” just because the fit is poor. Poor fitting to a simple model does not in itself justify moving on
to a more complex one without proper verification. However, testing other models or initial parameter settings for
exploratory purposes can be useful, as long as the results are treated with care.
• Remember that fitting models are mathematical constructions, that do not necessarily describe reality. Interaction
constants obtained by model fitting are only valid in the context of the model.
• For fast kinetics, set the RI parameter to zero to prevent fast binding events from being assessed as bulk contribution.
Note that this approach assumes careful refractive index matching of samples and running buffer.
• If capture levels vary between cycles, use local fitting for the Rmax parameter
• When evaluating steady state affinity using the 1:1 binding model with no additional constraints such as constant Rmax
(see Choice of fitting model, on page 32), treat reported values for KD that are higher than half the highest analyte
concentration with caution
Work carefully for best results
Careful determinations that claim to measure true kinetic or affinity properties may require considerable effort in assay
development and preparation. On the other hand, such effort may be wasted if the aim of the experiment is approximate
comparative determination. Consider the following points in assay development for careful measurements. Adjust the
assay development requirements according to your needs. Remember that assay development may be an iterative
procedure: for example, the best choice of ligand attachment method may depend on the regeneration performance.
• Use carefully purified ligands and analytes. Purification should not only eliminate contaminants but also reduce
aggregation as far as possible. Use non-denaturing techniques to determine purity so that aggregates are detected.
• Choose the sensor chip type and ligand attachment method according to the known properties of the interactants
• Scout for optimal ligand attachment conditions such as pH, buffer composition, ligand concentration
• Prepare the sensor surface using techniques that ensure consistent results on repeated occasions
• Determine the analyte binding capacity of the surface and compare with the theoretical value. If the surface activity
is low, review the ligand preparation and attachment procedures.
• Scout for optimal regeneration conditions, or plan to use a single-cycle format that does not require regeneration
• Use the cycle settings recommended for your Biacore system. Several systems have sample injection types that are
optimized for kinetic measurements.
• Perform approximate determinations to get an idea of the kinetics and affinity, then adjust conditions such as ligand
level, analyte concentrations, and contact times for optimal performance
• Always perform several replicate analyses before reporting results. In extreme cases replicates may be run on different
instruments and/or by different operators to ensure reliability.
General considerations
Kinetics or affinity?
Determination of interaction kinetics and steady state affinity place different demands on the experimental data:
• Kinetic determination requires that the sensorgrams show sufficient curvature during both association and
dissociation phases
• Steady state affinity requires that the sensorgrams reach steady state during sample injection
It is usually not possible to meet both these requirements in the same experiment. Interactions that are fast enough to
reach steady state within reasonable injection times often show too little sensorgram curvature for kinetic measurement.
Sensorgrams that are appropriate for kinetics, steady state affinity and possibly both determinations are illustrated
below. Whether both kinetics and affinity can be obtained from the intermediate example must be judged from the
evaluation results.
For best performance in kinetics and affinity experiments, the composition of sample and running buffer should be
closely matched so that association (during sample injection) and dissociation (after the end of the injection) occur in
the same environment. In addition, evaluation is more robust if sample and running buffer are matched in refractive
index, so that bulk shifts at the beginning and end of the sample injection are kept to a minimum.
Variations in bulk refractive index between different sample concentrations can if necessary be compensated by
evaluating kinetics with the bulk contribution RI as a local parameter. For affinity, however, it is important that any bulk
contribution is the same at all sample concentrations.
Sensorgrams Kinetics Affinity
√ X
√ √
X √
Ligand purity
It is important for careful kinetic and affinity measurements that the ligand is pure and homogeneous. Impurities may
be immobilized together with the ligand, reducing the ratio between observed and expected analyte binding capacity.
Heterogeneity (including the presence of contaminants that can bind analyte) lead to more complex binding behavior
and may preclude meaningful evaluation.
Ligand attachment approach
Ligand attachment may be permanent (immobilization) or reversible (capture). Covalent immobilization is generally
The choice of immobilization method may affect homogeneity of the immobilized ligand. Methods that exploit common
groups in the ligand molecules (including amine coupling, the most commonly used approach for immobilization)
may introduce a mixture of ligand orientations on the surface even if the ligand solution has been rigorously purified.
Approaches directed towards less common groups, such as thiol coupling, may help to reduce surface heterogeneity.
A capturing approach can provide on-chip purification of the ligand as well as resulting in consistent ligand orientation.
However, it is important that the capturing interaction is sufficiently stable so that dissociation of ligand during the
course of an analysis cycle is negligible. Ligand dissociation will affect both the observed response and the analyte
binding capacity of the surface, and is not included in any of the standard evaluation models.
Theoretical ligand levels
Suitable immobilization levels can be calculated in advance from the relative
molecular weights of ligand and analyte and the desired maximum analyte response
Rmax, according to the expression below.
n MWanalyte
Term Meaning
Rligand Ligand immobilization level (RU)
Rmax Theoretical maximum analyte binding capacity (RU)
MW Molecular weight
n Interaction stoichiometry (analyte/ligand)
This estimation assumes that the ligand on the surface is 100% active. In practice,
the activity is usually lower. The amount of immobilized ligand should be adjusted
To characterize the interaction between an antibody (molecular weight 150 000) and
antigen (molecular weight 15 000), the bivalent antibody is immobilized on the sensor
surface. Each antibody molecule can bind two antigen molecules independently of
each other. To achieve a theoretical Rmax of 20 RU, the target level of immobilized
antibody should be (20/2) × (150 000/15 000) = 100 RU. If the antibody is expected to
be 80% active after immobilization, aim for a target level of 125 RU.
Sensor surface preparation
Suitable ligand levels in practice
For evaluation of kinetics and affinity measurements, both the analyte response and the surface concentration of ligand
are expressed in resonance units (RU). In consequence, the amount of immobilized ligand does not have to be known
in absolute terms. The immobilization level is however one factor that determines the analyte response levels and is
important for the quality of the results.
For kinetic analysis, the amount of immobilized ligand should be kept low, so that the maximum response (Rmax) from
analyte binding is typically in the region of 10 to 30 RU or lower. There are two main reasons for this:
• Low ligand levels reduce limiting effects of mass transfer. Mass transfer refers to the diffusion-controlled supply of
analyte molecules to the surface from bulk solution. If transfer is slow in relation to the association rate, the observed
binding will be dominated by the diffusion process rather than the interaction rate. Mass transfer is discussed in more
detail in the Application guide Principles of kinetics and affinity analysis.
• Low ligand levels help to simplify data interpretation by minimizing artifacts that can arise from crowding of molecules
on the surface. Crowding effects are difficult to quantitate and can give rise to unnecessarily complex binding behavior.
Steady state binding levels are not affected by mass transport limitations. Ligand levels for affinity measurements do
not need to be kept low. Use levels that give confidently measurable responses at the lowest analyte concentration.
A recommended workflow for ligand attachment is summarized in Ligand attachment workflow, see below.
Ligand attachment workflow
A suggested workflow for preparing a suitable sensor surface for an uncharacterized interaction is summarized to the
right. The procedure may consume one or more sensor chips, flow cells or channels. Adapt the workflow to your needs
and your prior knowledge of how the interacting molecules behave under the experimental conditions.
Reference surface
Kinetic and affinity measurements should normally be performed with reference-subtracted data. The reference
surface may be untreated, activated and deactivated, or prepared with an inactive protein to mimic the physical
properties of the active surface. When working with capture, the reference surface should be immobilized with the
capture molecule in question.
Step Action
1 Calculate the required theoretical ligand level. If you know that the
immobilized ligand will not be fully active, adjust the target level accordingly.
2 Perform a trial immobilization. Some Biacore systems support
immobilization using an Aim for immobilized level procedure.
General recommendations may be found in the Biacore Sensor
Surface Handbook and in the system documentation.
3 Inject high concentrations of analyte over the surface to test the
binding capacity.
4 Repeat the trial immobilization if necessary until conditions are found
that give a suitable immobilization level. The main parameters that can
be adjusted to control the level of immobilized ligand are the ligand
concentration and the surface activation time (for amine coupling,
activating the surface with 20% EDC:80% NHS can also help to achieve
lower immobilization levels). Working with conditions where the amount of
ligand immobilized varies with ligand contact time is not recommended,
since it may be difficult to obtain reproducible immobilization results.
5 Perform multiple cycles of analyte binding and regeneration to confirm
that the immobilized ligand withstands regeneration without loss of
binding capacity. Note that regeneration performance may differ at
different immobilization levels.
Preparation of samples can be a critical factor in the quality of kinetic and affinity measurements. Ideally but not
crucially, both ligand and analyte should be pure and homogeneous, to simplify the interpretation of the results as far
as possible.
It is important that non-specific binding of sample components to the sensor surface is kept to a minimum, and that
the analyte is homogeneous and non-aggregated. Aggregation results in differently sized binding species that will give
different responses, and potentially in multivalent binding behavior. Use non-denaturing analysis methods to check
analyte homogeneity.
In many cases, analyte samples may be prepared by dilution from stock solutions. Samples may be diluted directly into
running buffer from stock solution if the dilution factor is sufficiently high so that residual stock solution components
can be ignored. Alternatively, samples may be prepared using buffer exchange techniques.
Prepare concentration series of analyte using careful serial dilution techniques. Ideally, use fixed-volume pipettes to
avoid introducing errors from adjustment of pipette volumes.
Sample preparation
Sample concentrations
Evaluation of association rate constants and affinity constants from the experimental data requires that values are
provided for the analyte concentrations (either in molar units or in weight units together with the molecular weight).
Different kinds of errors may be distinguished:
• Random errors in diluting samples from stock solutions, such as pipetting errors, will make the evaluation less robust
but not necessarily incorrect
• Systematic errors that are propagated through the dilution series will make the evaluation less robust. In the worst
case, the fitting model may be judged inappropriate.
• Errors in the concentration of the stock solution will not affect the fitting quality but will give incorrect values for the
association rate constant and the affinity constant (but not for the dissociation rate constant)
Ideally, the analyte concentration should reflect the amount of analyte capable of interacting with ligand, which may not
be the same as the total concentration (for example, if the analyte is only partially active). Calibration-free concentration
analysis (CFCA) provides an approach to concentration measurement that is directly related to the amount of analyte
that can bind to the ligand and is recommended where possible in critical measurements. Note that CFCA is not
supported in all Biacore systems.
The illustration to the right shows the importance of using correct analyte concentrations. The experiment compares the
kinetics of wild type and four mutants of a papain inhibitor binding to papain. Using concentrations obtained from A280
measurements, mutant number 2 had an association rate constant about one order of magnitude lower than the wild
type and the other mutants. However, CFCA measurements showed that only a fraction of mutant 2 was active in terms
of binding to the surface. Using concentration values obtained with CFCA, association rate constants obtained were
similar for all variants of the inhibitor.
concentration (μM)
WT 1 2 3 4
Analyte concentrations determined by A280 (green bars) and
CFCA (yellow bars).
WT 1 2 3 4
Association rate constants determined using concentration values
from A280 (green bars) and CFCA (yellow bars).
Sample concentration range
Kinetic determinations
In principle, kinetic constants can be estimated from analysis of a single analyte concentration. However, analysis
over several (typically 5 to 9) concentrations gives a better foundation for discovering deviations from the simplest
interaction models and for revealing concentration-dependent artefacts such as aggregation of analyte with increasing
Ideally, concentrations for kinetic measurements should cover a wide range centered on the value for the dissociation
equilibrium constant KD (for example, for an interaction with KD = 10 nM, concentrations from 1 to 100 nM are
appropriate). A good starting point is usually to let the concentration series range from well below to at least 10 times
higher than the expected affinity, giving up to 90% binding site occupancy at steady state.
In practice, the KD value is often not known. In such cases, run pilot experiments with widely spaced concentrations
(for example, 5 concentrations in the range 2 to 1500 nM) may be run to give a first indication (or, in the best case, a
determination) of the kinetic and affinity properties. Adjust these values as necessary if the range of concentrations that
can be used may be limited by availability or solubility of the analyte. A pilot experiment can be set up to cover a wider
range of analyte concentrations using 2D kinetics (see 2D kinetics, on page 16) on systems that support this mode.
An example of sensorgrams from kinetic analysis with a good range of analyte concentrations is shown to the right.
Affinity determinations
Determination of affinity constants requires at least three analyte concentrations (of which one may be zero) in order to
evaluate the data. As a general recommendation, use five non-zero concentrations in addition to zero concentration.
Ideally, the concentration range should extend beyond at least twice the value of the equilibrium dissociation constant
KD: otherwise, the plot of Req against concentration will have insufficient curvature for robust evaluation. Reported
values for KD value higher than half the highest analyte concentration should be treated with caution. Some Biacore
systems support evaluation with a fixed value for the maximum binding capacity Rmax, which can help in evaluating low
affinity (high KD) interactions where the recommendation cannot be met. See the Application guide Fragment and small
molecule screening for more details.
Relative response
0 100 200
Time s
Examples of affinity determination with good and poor ranges of analyte concentrations are shown to the right. The KD
value is marked with a vertical blue line.
Zero concentration samples (blanks)
Both kinetic and affinity determinations should include at least one (preferably several) blank cycle with zero analyte
concentration. For single-cycle experiments, the blank cycle(s) should include the same number of injections as the
sample cycles. Blank cycles are subtracted from non-blanks during evaluation, to eliminate any irregularities that appear
in all cycles. If multiple blank cycles are included in the experiment, an average of selected cycles may be used for blank
Blank subtraction is important for kinetic determination since evaluation relies on all points in the sensorgram, and
deviations that are not corrected by blank subtraction can distort the results. Blank subtraction is less critical for affinity
measurements since evaluation is based on average responses over a defined time at steady state. Blank subtraction
should nevertheless always be applied to sensorgrams for affinity measurements to improve the robustness of the
Relative response
0 0.001 0.002 0.003
Concentration M
Relative response
0 1.00e-8 2.00e-8 3.00e-8 4.00e-8
Concentration M
Good concentration range. The KD value lies within the range.
Poor concentration range. The KD value lies well outside the range.
There are several ways of setting up a kinetics or affinity experiment on a Biacore system:
• In multi-cycle experiments, each analyte concentration is run in a separate cycle, regenerating the
surface after each sample injection
• In single-cycle experiments a series of analyte concentrations is injected sequentially in one cycle,
with no regeneration between sample injections
• In parallel kinetics each analyte concentration is run in the same cycle but in parallel channels.
Parallel kinetics is only available in Biacore systems with multiple parallel channels, and is not
recommended for affinity determination.
• In 2D kinetics, different series of the same analyte-ligand interaction are run in single-cycle mode
in separate channels, and the results are evaluated as a single data set. Either or both of the ligand
level and the analyte concentrations can be varied between series. In this way, a much wider range
of concentrations can be covered in one experiment, concentrations that are outside the suitable
range can be excluded from the evaluation. 2D kinetics is only available in Biacore systems with
multiple parallel channels.
Multi-cycle kinetics and affinity
In the multi-cycle approach, each analyte concentration (including one or more zero concentration
blanks) is run in a separate cycle with regeneration after each injection. To keep the surface properties
consistent from cycle to cycle, it is important that the regeneration is complete. At least one blank
cycle with running buffer should be included in the run. Multi-cycle kinetics is suitable for running many
samples against one ligand.
An example of how a multi-cycle kinetics experiment is set up for a multi-channel Biacore system
is shown to the right. Cycle 1 (colored gray in the illustration) is a zero concentration (blank) cycle,
providing a separate blank for each channel.
Relative response (RU)
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time (s)
Cycle 9
Cycle 8
Cycle 7
Cycle 6
Cycle 5
Cycle 4
Cycle 3
Cycle 2
Cycle 1
Channel 1
Experimental formats
Cycle 2
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time (s)
Relative response (RU)
Cycle 2
Cycle 1
Single-cycle kinetics and affinity
In single-cycle experiments a series of analyte concentrations is injected
sequentially in one cycle, with no regeneration between sample injections. Separate
cycles are run for zero concentration blanks, replicate measurements, or different
interactions. This approach is valuable in situations where acceptable regeneration
cannot be achieved, but is more sensitive to response drift since the cycle time is
longer. A single dissociation period is used in each cycle, allowing longer dissociation
times with less impact on the total run time.
An example of how a single-cycle kinetics experiment may be set up for a multichannel Biacore system is shown to the right. Cycle 1 (colored gray in the illustration)
is a zero concentration (blank) cycle, providing a separate blank for each channel.
Note that the blank cycle has the same number of injections as the sample cycle, and
therefore occupies significant space in the microplate.
Parallel kinetics
In parallel kinetics, supported in multi-channel Biacore systems, the ligand is
immobilized in multiple channels and different concentrations of analyte are injected
in each channel in a single cycle. Regeneration is performed between cycles so that
the surface can be reused for different analytes. Blanks are run in a separate cycle,
providing a separate blank sensorgram for each channel. The number of analyte
concentrations is limited by the number of channels in the instrument (for example,
the 8-channel instrument Biacore 8K supports up to 8 concentrations over one
ligand, or up to 4 concentrations over two different ligands). This approach is valuable
for small samples sets or when there is no regeneration available. As with singlecycle kinetics, a single dissociation period is used in each cycle, allowing longer
dissociation times with less impact on the total run time. The parallel format is not
recommended for affinity measurements.
An example of how a parallel kinetics experiment may be set up for an 8-channel
Biacore system is shown to the right. Cycle 1 (colored gray in the illustration) is a zero
concentration (blank) cycle, providing a separate blank for each channel.
Cycle 2
Cycle 1
Relative response (RU)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time (s)
Cycle 2
Cycle 2
Note: Parallel kinetics is run in a single cycle for each analyte concentration series,
but should not be confused with single-cycle kinetics. The term single-cycle kinetics
is reserved for the experimental format where analyte concentrations are injected
sequentially in the same flow channel.
2D kinetics
2D kinetics is a combination of single-cycle and parallel kinetics, and is only
supported in multi-channel Biacore systems. Sample dilutions are placed in a
2-dimensional matrix of wells in the microplate, and all samples are evaluated
together. Ligand levels may be constant or varied between channels. Typically,
single-cycle series covering different concentration ranges are run in each channel,
using fewer analyte injections in each cycle than in single-cycle kinetics run in a
single channel. The approach can cover a wide analyte concentration range in a
single run, and is valuable for previously uncharacterized interactions. The 2D format
is not recommended for affinity measurements.
An example of how a 2D kinetics experiment may be set up for a multi-channel
Biacore system is shown to the right. Cycle 1 (colored gray in the illustration) is a zero
concentration (blank) cycle, providing a separate blank for each channel.
Note: According to the suitability of the analyte concentrations used, the results
from a 2D kinetics experiment may be evaluated as single-cycle (by channel), parallel
(by cycle) or 2D (channel and cycle combined).
Cycle 2
Cycle 1
Relative response (RU)
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (s)
Cycle 2
Workflow and settings
The general approach to kinetic analysis is summarized below. The procedure assumes that appropriate assay
development has been completed to determine suitable surface preparation and regeneration conditions.
Step Action
1 Dock a sensor chip and immobilize the ligand or capture molecule. The reference surface can be left
untreated, activated/deactivated or immobilized with an irrelevant/inactive ligand. When the ligand is
captured, capturing molecule should be immobilized on both the reference and active surfaces, and ligand
injected over the active surface only.
2 Run up to 3 startup cycles using buffer as analyte and, if applicable, regeneration to equilibrate the system.
Startup cycles should use the same cycle settings as the analysis cycles1
. For capture assays, run the
startup cycles using the selected ligand.
3 Include solvent correction cycles for runs with low molecular weight analytes (see the Solvent Correction
Application guide).
4 Include zero-concentration (blank) cycle(s) with identical setup as the analysis cycles.
5 Run the sample concentration series from low to high concentration. For multi-cycle experiments,
replicates of at least one concentration may be run early and late in the concentration series, to provide a
check on the stability of the surface during the course of the experiment.
For single-cycle experiments, a single buffer injection may be used instead of a single-cycle injection in the startup cycle, to conserve space in the
microplate. Include regeneration in the startup cycles if the surface will be regenerated for use with multiple analytes.
Recommended conditions for typical kinetic experiments are listed to the right. Conditions may need to be adjusted
according to the interaction properties (for example, longer dissociation times may be necessary for interaction with very
slow dissociation). Many of the settings are discussed in more detail to the right.
Kinetic analysis
Parameter Recommendation Comments
Flow rate for capture 10 μL/min Minimize reagent consumption
Contact time for capture 60 to 180 s According to assay requirements
Flow rate for analyte 30 μL/min (default) Compromise between sample consumption and mass
transport limitations
Contact time for analyte
(association time)
60 to 180 s Long enough to give sufficient curvature of the
Dissociation time Minutes for low affinity interactions.
Up to hours for higher affinities.
Interaction dependent
Sample pooling in
Yes for ligand capture.
No for samples.
Ligand solution for capture can be pooled to minimize
reagent consumption.
Do not pool samples, even for replicate
measurements. The analyte concentration is
critical, and pooling can lead to contamination and
evaporation of used microplate positions.
Molecular weight Required if analyte concentrations
are in weight units.
Molar analyte concentrations required for evaluation
of association rate constants.
Startup cycles 1 to 3 Sufficient to stabilize the surface
Analyte concentrations Use molar units.
Number of analyte
Typically 5 to 9 More for 2D kinetics
Blank cycles 1 to 3 Use multiple blank cycles for more careful analysis.
Regeneration time 30 to 180 s As determined by regeneration scouting.
If dissociation is rapid, regeneration may be
replaced by longer dissociation time.
Association time
The association time should be long enough to allow for sufficient curvature of the sensorgrams during at least some of
the analyte injections. Ideally the highest concentration should approach steady state. In practice, the injection time is
limited by flow rate and the maximum injection volume supported by the Biacore instrument. The actual time required
will depend on the kinetic characteristics of the interaction. In most cases an association time of 1 to 3 minutes is
adequate to obtain enough data. The illustration to the right shows an example with good curvature on the top and too
little curvature on the bottom.
If no sensorgrams approach steady state, use a longer sample injection time. Relative response
Ideally, the sensorgram for at least one analyte concentration should approach steady state during sample
Relative response
0 250 500
Time S
RURelative response
0 100 200
Time S
Dissociation time
Dissociation of a 1:1 complex is an exponential process, independent of the analyte concentration used. For reliable
evaluation of the dissociation rate constant, the dissociation time that allows a drop in response of about 10% or more
of the starting value is recommended. Comparative estimates and dissociation ranking can be performed with
dissociation amounts as low as 1%, provided that the relative response at the start of dissociation is sufficiently high.
Accurate measurement of slow dissociation rates (kd 10-6 s-1 or less) still requires long dissociation times, and it is
important that the instrument is well-maintained and solutions carefully prepared to ensure high performance.
Times required to achieve 1% and 10% dissociation for different dissociation rate constants are listed in the table
below. Use the table in combination with expected response levels as an approximate guide to suitable dissociation
times. For example, an interaction with a kd of 10-6 s-1 starting with a response level of 100 RU will take approximately
3 h for dissociation of 1 RU.
A rough estimate of the dissociation rate can often be obtained from assay development work. If no estimate is
available, a dissociation time of 10 minutes is generally recommended as a starting point.
Dissociation rate constant kd (s-1) Time for 1% dissociation Time for 10% dissociation
10-2 1 s 11 s
10-3 10 s 1 m 48 s
10-4 1 m 40 s 1 min 35 s
10-5 16 m 45 s 2 h 46 m
10-6 2 h 47 m 29 h 20 m
Mass transport considerations
For interaction with the surface-bound ligand to occur, analyte must be transported from the bulk solution to the
surface, a process referred to as mass transport. Mass transport is a diffusion-limited process, which can be described
in strict mathematical terms under the conditions of laminar flow in the Biacore flow cell. Details may be found in the
Application guide Principles of kinetics and affinity analysis.
The observed rate of analyte binding is the net result of mass transport and interaction rate. Three situations may be
broadly distinguished:
• If mass transport is fast compared with interaction, the observed binding will be limited by the interaction rate.
Evaluated rate constants will be relevant to the interaction.
• If mass transport and interaction rates are of similar orders of magnitude, the observed binding will represent both
processes. Evaluation is possible provided that the interaction model takes mass transport processes into account.
• If mass transport is slow compared with the interaction, the observed binding will be limited by mass transport.
Evaluated rate constants will reflect mass transport processes and will not be relevant to the interaction.
Ways of assessing the relevance of reported rate constants are given in the Application guide Principles of kinetics and
affinity analysis.
From these considerations, it is clear that complete mass transport limitation should be avoided in kinetic determination.
To minimize the effect of mass transport limitation, analyses should be run at a high flow rate and with a low ligand level
(so that absolute rate of analyte binding is low and less likely to be limited by mass transport).
Note: It may seem that lowering the analyte concentration should reduce the mass transport effect. However, both the
rate of mass transport and the absolute interaction rate are directly proportional to the analyte concentration, so that
changing the concentration has no effect on mass transport limitations.
A test to see whether an interaction is mass transport limited is to run the assay at multiple flow rates and see how this
affects the obtained rate constants. If the constants remain unaffected by flow rate changes, the interaction is probably
not mass transport limited. If faster kinetics is obtained with a higher flow rate, the interaction is limited with respect to
mass transport. Note that the mass transport rate is proportional to the flow rate raised to the power of 1/3, so that an
eightfold change in flow rate results in only a twofold change in mass transport rate.
Multivalent analytes (avidity)
Interactions between monovalent surface-bound ligands and multivalent analytes such as antibodies generate
avidity effects that are difficult to analyze. This is because release of an analyte molecule from the surface requires
simultaneous dissociation at multiple sites, so that the observed dissociation rate is slower than a corresponding
1:1 interaction.
Interactions in which one of the interactants is multivalent are best handled by immobilizing the multivalent molecule
on the surface and injecting its binding partner as the analyte. Multiple sites on the ligand behave as independent
binding sites.
Avidity effects can be minimized by using extremely low immobilization levels to reduce the possibility of one analyte
binding to multiple ligand molecules. Flat sensor surfaces such as Sensor Chip C1 or Sensor Chip PEG can
be useful in achieving low ligand immobilization levels.
To test for avidity, determine the kinetics over a series of sensor surfaces with varying ligand levels. As the ligand
level decreases, reduction in avidity will be seen as an increase in dissociation rate. The example below illustrates the
interaction of a dimeric analyte with a ligand. The figure clearly shows how the dissociation rate increases as avidity
is reduced with decreasing immobilization level.
Channel Immobilization level (RU) Apparent dissociation constant (s-1)
1 373 3.1 × 10-5
2 169 2.3 × 10-4
3 34 6.7 × 10-4
4 3.4 8.9 × 10-4
Note: The y-axis is scaled automatically in each plot according to the response range.
Response (RU)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Response (RU)
Response (RU)
Response (RU)
Channel 1
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4
Decreasing ligand density
Heterogeneous ligand
When ligand on the sensor surface is heterogeneous (containing multiple analyte binding sites with different kinetic
characteristics), the observed sensorgram represents the sum of the individual binding events. The evaluation software
can resolve kinetic constants for two distinct ligand sites but not more.
Take the following precautions to reduce or eliminate heterogeneous binding behavior:
• Purify the ligand thoroughly
• Use directed immobilization chemistry (such as thiol coupling) to reduce heterogeneity introduced by the
immobilization procedure. A capturing approach may in some cases result in a more homogeneous ligand population
on the sensor surface.
• Use low immobilization levels and low analyte concentrations to reduce the contribution from low affinity binding sites
In some cases, heterogeneous behavior may be eliminated during evaluation of the results by excluding the highest
analyte concentrations. The illustration to the right shows a 2D kinetics experiment where heterogeneity is apparent
at the highest analyte concentrations. A good fit to the 1:1 interaction model was obtained when the highest analyte
concentrations were excluded from the evaluation.
Heterogeneous analyte
If the analyte is heterogeneous, the kinetics can only be evaluated if the relative contributions of the different species
to the overall binding behavior are known. A fitting model for heterogeneous analytes is not provided with all Biacore
Comparative kinetic screening
Comparison of relative interaction kinetics can be sufficient for many applications. At the simplest level, this can be
achieved by plotting the ratio of response values early and late in the sample injection (for association rates) and in the
dissociation phase (for dissociation rates), using a single analyte concentration. This simplified approach is sometimes
used in information-rich screening work, where full determination of kinetics and/or affinity is not practicable for
throughput considerations. For more information on kinetic screening, see the Application guide Antibody screening
with Biacore systems.
The model does not fit the data for the highest analyte concentrations.
Excluding two cycles with the highest concentrations results in a good fit.
b2m; anti-b2m; 1:1 binding
Relative response
0 250 500 750 1000
Time s
0 250 500 750 1000
Time s
Relative response
Kinetics experiments are evaluated by finding the best fit for a mathematical model of the interaction to the
experimental data. Theoretical aspects are described in the Application guide Principles of kinetics and affinity analysis.
Note: Fitting is a purely mathematical process. Good fitting of the data set to an interaction model does not imply
that the model is a correct physical or biological description of the interaction mechanism.
Workflow for kinetics evaluation
A recommended workflow for evaluation of kinetics is summarized to the right.
Step Action
1 Prepare the data as required:
• Perform solvent correction if included in the experiment
• Exclude seriously disturbed sensorgrams. If too many sensorgrams are
disturbed, you may need to rerun the experiment.
• Exclude transient disturbances such as air spikes and baseline shifts
In most Biacore systems, it is not necessary to manually adjust baselines
to zero or subtract blank sensorgrams. These steps are performed
automatically as part of the evaluation procedure.
2 Evaluate the data using the simplest model (1:1 binding), even if you suspect
that the interaction may be more complex. If the 1:1 model fits the data,
evaluation with a more complex model will not give additional significant
3 Assess the fitting quality (see Assessing the fit, on page 25 for details)
4 If the fitting is not acceptable:
• Examine the sensorgrams from the reference surface. Binding to the
reference surface can complicate evaluation of the reference-subtracted
data and should be eliminated as far as possible during assay development.
• Review the choice of blank cycles
• Review the choice of fitting model. Ideally, use of a complex model should
be supported by independent evidence (for example, antibodies that are
known to be bivalent may be expected to show bivalent kinetics when
used as analytes). Better fitting to a more complex model should not
in itself be taken as evidence of a complex interaction mechanism, but
may suggest additional experiments to test the complex interaction
Evaluation of kinetics
Choice of blank cycles
The purpose of blank cycles (cycles with zero analyte concentration) in kinetic analysis is to remove systematic drift
and disturbances by subtracting blank sensorgrams from the analyte cycles. For careful determinations, multiple
blank cycles run at intervals throughout the experiment are recommended. The evaluation software gives the option
of subtracting the nearest preceding blank or an average of all blanks, to accommodate changes in the blank behavior
during the course of the experiment.
The response in blank cycles should be close to zero. Do not use blank cycles that are not representative for the analyte
cycles (for example, blanks disturbed by baseline shifts or drift). Subtracting non-representative blanks will introduce
unnecessary errors in the evaluation.
Available fitting models
Available fitting models for kinetic analysis are listed to the right. The models are described in more detail in the
Application guide Principles of kinetics and affinity analysis.
Note: The availability of models may differ for different Biacore systems.
Model Description
1:1 binding Describes binding of two monovalent interactants to form
a binary complex. This is the simplest and most commonly
used model.
1:1 dissociation Describes dissociation of a binary complex. This process is
independent of analyte concentration.
Bivalent analyte Describes binding of a bivalent analyte in solution to
monovalent ligand on the surface. One analyte molecule can
bind to two separate ligand sites resulting in avidity effects.
Heterogeneous ligand1 Describes binding of a homogeneous analyte to a mixture of
two independent ligands with different interaction properties
(either different molecules or different sites on the same
molecule). The observed kinetics is the sum of the kinetics for
interaction with the two ligands.
Two-state reaction Describes a 1:1 interaction where the complex is stabilized by
a transformation that occurs after the interaction, on a slower
time scale than the interaction itself. This model is necessarily
a simplification of the actual mechanisms involved in a twostate reaction.
Older Biacore systems also include a model for heterogeneous analyte kinetics. This model requires
knowledge of the relative concentrations of the analytes and may not be supported in newer systems.
The 1:1 model should always be used as a starting point for evaluation of previously
uncharacterized interactions. More complex models may be tested if the simple
model does not fit.
Assessing the fit
Assess the fitting results as follows:
Step Action
1 Inspect the fit visually. Do the fitted curve(s) follow the experimental data closely, or are there systematic shape differences between experimental
and fitted curves? Systematic differences indicate that the chosen model is not precisely appropriate for the experimental data. Decide whether
to test other models based on the extent of the differences and the purpose of the experiment.
The closeness of fit is visualized in residual plots, which show the difference between fitted and experimental curves for each point. These plots
emphasize the shape of deviations between the curves. The illustration below shows sensorgrams and corresponding residual plots for the same
data evaluated with unsuitable and suitable models. Note the difference in scale of the residual plots.
Poor fit. Approximate residual range -3 to 8 RU. Good fit. Approximate residual range -1 to 2 RU
2 Examine statistical parameters and (where provided) the QC report. Statistical parameters are summarized below and described in more detail in
the Application guide Principles of kinetics and affinity analysis.
3 Assess the contribution of mass transport limitations to the observed kinetics as described below.
Statistical parameters
The closeness of fit between the experimental data and the fitted curve is formally
described by a set of statistical parameters, listed in the table to the right.
Mass transport contribution
If the observed interaction is limited by mass transport processes (described in detail
in the Application guide Principles of kinetics and affinity analysis), values for the rate
constants will be reported but will have no significance. Frequently (but not always)
the reported values are well outside the range that can be measured with Biacore
systems, for example, ka values of 1010 M-1s-1 or higher.
Fitting to kinetic models reports a value for tc, the flow-rate independent component
of the mass transport coefficient (see the Application guide Principles of kinetics and
affinity analysis). As a rule of thumb, mass transport limitations can be ignored if the
tc value is at least 100-fold higher than the reported ka and the SE value indicates that
tc is not significant. Many interactions show partial mass transport limitation, and the
SE values indicate that both tc and ka are significant. Rate constants obtained from
such experiments can usually be trusted.
To test experimentally whether mass transport limitations are significant, run the
samples at several widely different flow rates (for example, 5, 15 and 75 μL/min). Some
Biacore systems provide an application wizard to set up such a control experiment.
The mass transport rate varies with the cube root of the flow rate, while the
interaction rate is independent of flow rate. If the sensorgrams show binding rates
that vary with flow rate, the binding is at least partially limited by mass transport.
Depending on the extent of the limitation, it may still be possible to obtain valid
kinetic constants from the evaluation.
Some Biacore systems provide visual tools to help in assessing the significance of
reported kinetic parameters. These tools are described in the documentation for the
respective systems.
Parameter Description
Chi-square A measure of the closeness of fit, calculated as the average squared residual (the difference between
the experimental data and the fitted curve).
Standard error (SE) A measure of the parameter significance, reported separately for each parameter. A parameter with
low significance can have a wide range of values without affecting the closeness of fit significantly.
Note: The value reported for a parameter with low significance will not necessarily vary between
different evaluation instances. The fitting algorithm applied to the same data will return the same set
of values, even for parameters that are statistically not significant.
T-value The parameter value divided by the standard error. This can make it easier to compare the significance
of parameters with widely differing absolute values.
Uniqueness (U-value) An estimate of the uniqueness of the calculated values for rate constants and Rmax. For correlated
parameters, the fitting procedure can determine their relative magnitudes but not absolute values.
For example, knowing the affinity gives the ratio but not the values for rate constants. U-values above
about 25 indicate that two or more of the parameters (rate constants and Rmax) are correlated and the
absolute values cannot be determined. If the U-value is below about 15 the parameter values are not
significantly correlated.
Note: Some Biacore systems do not report a U-value.
If the fitting is not acceptable
Most commonly, the fitting results are not acceptable because the model is not appropriate for the interaction. It is
important to realize that the mathematical models used for curve fitting can only represent simplifications of real-life
interaction mechanisms. It is not uncommon to find that the experimental data does not fit any available model
satisfactorily, in which case valid kinetic constants cannot be obtained. It may however be possible to perform
comparative analyses using apparent constants or sensorgram shape.
Some unacceptable situations, such as analyte concentrations or initial parameter values that are incorrect by several
orders of magnitude, give characteristic fitting results. Two examples are illustrated to the right. These errors can usually
be corrected in the evaluation software, either in the variables or keyword table or in the initial values for the fitting
The status of fitting parameters (local, global, or constant) can also have important consequences for the quality of fit.
For example:
• The analyte binding capacity Rmax is normally a global parameter, but should be set to local for multi-cycle experiments
based on ligand capture, to allow for variations in ligand level between cycles
• Setting the kinetic constants ka and/or kd to local parameters can help to reveal progressive changes in the interaction
characteristics during the course of an experiment. This kind of information can be useful for troubleshooting kinetic
• The bulk refractive index parameter RI is normally evaluated as a local parameter, but rapid interaction events can
sometimes be wrongly interpreted by the curve fitting algorithm as bulk effects. Setting RI to a constant value of 0 can
correct this, provided that refractive index is closely matched.
-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Pipetting error results in two sample concentrations interchanged in the microplate.
Sample concentrations or initial values incorrect by several orders of magnitude (for example, molar
instead of micromolar).
Methods of affinity measurement
Analyzing the level of steady state or equilibrium binding as a function of interactant concentrations is the foundation
for many standard techniques for determining interaction affinity. In Biacore systems, steady state affinity experiments
are evaluated by plotting the response at equilibrium (Req) against analyte concentration and fitting a model for 1:1
equilibrium binding to the curve. Analysis is generally limited to 1:1 binding. A model for binding at two independent
ligand sites can sometimes be useful, but the fitting of more complex models is typically not sufficiently robust for
reliable analysis of the data. Classical Scatchard analysis may be applied to data obtained from Biacore systems, to give
some indication of the causes of deviation from 1:1 binding behavior.
Steady state affinity analysis requires that binding reaches steady state during sample injection, but does not require
resolution of the interaction kinetics. The approach can thus be used for fast interactions where kinetics are not available.
The affinity constant KD (or KA) can also be obtained from kinetics analysis as the ratio of the rate constants ka and kd.
Ideally, values determined from kinetics and from steady state measurements should be the same. In practice, these
approaches are generally applicable in different situations that are often mutually exclusive: kinetics analysis can be
used for sensorgrams that contain kinetic information but do not necessarily reach steady state, while determination
from steady state measurements is most useful for interactions where the kinetics are too fast to measure with
confidence, but steady state is reached with relatively short injection times.
Some Biacore systems provide support for determination of affinity in solution, by measuring the free concentrations of
interactants in steady state mixtures. This approach is outside the scope of the current Application guide.
Affinity analysis
Step Action
1 Dock a sensor chip and immobilize the ligand or capture molecule. The reference
surface can be left untreated, activated/deactivated or immobilized with an
irrelevant/inactive ligand. When the ligand is captured, capturing molecule
should be immobilized on both the reference and active surfaces, and ligand
injected over the active surface only.
2 Run up to 3 startup cycles using buffer as analyte and, if applicable, regeneration
to equilibrate the system. Startup cycles should use the same cycle settings
as the analysis cycles1
. For capture assays, run the startup cycles using the
selected ligand.
3 Include solvent correction cycles for runs with low molecular weight analytes
see the Solvent Correction Application guide).
4 Include zero-concentration (blank) cycle(s) with identical setup as the analysis
5 Run the sample concentration series from low to high concentration. For
multi-cycle experiments, replicates of at least one concentration may be run
early and late in the concentration series, to provide a check on the stability of
the surface during the course of the experiment.
For single-cycle experiments, a single buffer injection may be used instead of a single-cycle injection in the
startup cycle, to conserve space in the microplate. Include regeneration in the startup cycles if the surface
will be regenerated for use with multiple analytes.
Parameter Recommendation Comments
Flow rate for capture 10 μL/min Minimize reagent consumption
Contact time for capture 60 to 180 s According to assay requirements
Flow rate for analyte 30 μL/min (default) Lower flow rates may be used to conserve sample.
Contact time for analyte
(association time)
60 to 300 s Long enough to reach steady state
Dissociation time 0 Dissociation time is not relevant unless used instead of regeneration.
Sample pooling in
Yes for ligand capture
No for samples
Ligand solution for capture can be pooled to minimize reagent
Do not pool samples, even for replicate measurements. The analyte
concentration is critical, and pooling can lead to contamination and
evaporation of used microplate positions.
Molecular weight Required if analyte
concentrations are in
weight units.
Molar analyte concentrations required for evaluation of affinity constants.
Startup cycles 1 to 3 Sufficient to stabilize the surface
Analyte concentrations Recommended
1.5 × dilution series
Wider spacing may not properly reveal the shape of the plot of Req against
Number of analyte
Typically 5 to 8 Evaluation requires at least 3 points on the plot of Req against
Blank cycles 1 to 3 Use multiple blank cycles for more careful analysis
Regeneration time 30 to 180 s As determined by regeneration scouting. If dissociation is rapid,
regeneration may be replaced by longer dissociation time.
Workflow and settings
The general approach to affinity analysis is summarized below. The procedure
assumes that appropriate assay development has been completed to determine
suitable surface preparation and regeneration conditions.
Note: This section considers affinity analysis based on steady state measurements.
Values for affinity constants can also be derived from kinetic measurements, as the
ratio of the rate constants for a 1:1 interaction.
Recommended conditions for typical affinity experiments are listed below. Conditions may need to be adjusted according
to the interaction properties (for example, longer association times may be necessary for slow interactions to reach
steady state). Many of the settings are discussed in more detail below.
Association time
The association time in an affinity assay should be long enough to allow the response to approach steady state during
sample injection. In most cases an association time of 1 to 5 minutes is adequate.
The time to reach steady state is related to the rate constants (both association and dissociation) and to the analyte
concentration. In general, faster association and dissociation rates and higher analyte concentrations require shorter
times to reach steady state. The illustration to the right shows the time required to reach steady state (calculated as 98%
of the equilibrium level) plotted as a function of analyte concentration for different dissociation rate constants.
The same association rate constant applies for all curves.
Note: The time to reach steady state is an inverse function of the expression (kaC+kd). The dissociation rate will have
less effect if it is small relative to the product of association rate constant and concentration.
In some cases, it is not practically possible to reach steady state during sample injection because of limitations on
injection time and sample volume. If some but not all of the concentrations reach steady state, the value obtained for
KD will be close to the true value. If some or all of the concentrations do not reach steady state, the value for KD will be
Dissociation time
Steady state affinity is assessed at equilibrium, i.e., when the rates of complex formation and dissociation are equal.
For evaluation purposes, there is therefore no need to include a dissociation phase in the assay. A dissociation phase may
however be used to allow complete dissociation in place of regeneration in cases of rapid dissociation.
Minutes to 98% saturation as function of concentration
at different kd values (ka = 104
Time (min)
1.00E-07 1.00E-06 1.00E-05 1.00E-04
Analyte concentration (M)
kd = 10-2
kd = 10-3
kd = 10-4
kd = 10-5
Affinity experiments are evaluated by plotting the steady state response Req against the analyte concentration C and
fitting the equation describing steady state binding to the experimental data. Details of the equation are described in
the Application guide Principles of kinetics and affinity analysis.
The simplest equation used for evaluation describes 1:1 binding. The analyte concentration range should cover at
least twice the reported KD value. Two variants used primarily in fragment binding experiments are provided in some
Biacore systems:
• 1:1 binding with constant Rmax, which is used for weak interactions where sufficiently high analyte concentrations
cannot be used due to solubility limitations
• 2-site binding with constant Rmax at one site, which is used for interactions where the analyte binds to one primary site
and one or more weak secondary sites on the ligand
Note: It is relatively simple to write an equation that describes 2-site binding with KD and Rmax as fitted parameters for
both sites. However, fitting such an equation to experimental data is not robust, and evaluation of 2-site binding with
variable Rmax at both sites is not supported in the evaluation software.
Step Action
1 Prepare the data as required:
• Perform solvent correction if included in the experiment
• Exclude cycles where the analyte response does not reach
steady state
• Exclude cycles with disturbances that affect the steady state response
measurement. Alternatively, move the measurement region away from the
In most Biacore systems, it is not necessary to manually subtract blank
sensorgrams. This is performed automatically as part of the evaluation
2 Evaluate the data using the appropriate steady state model (see Choice of fitting
model, on page 32).
3 Assess the fitting quality (see Assessing the fit, on page 32 for details).
4 If the fitting is not acceptable:
• Review the choice of blank cycles
• Review the choice of fitting model
Workflow for affinity evaluation
A recommended workflow for evaluation of steady state affinity is summarized below.
Evaluation of affinity
Choice of blank cycles
The purpose of blank cycles in a steady state affinity experiment is to remove systematic baseline drift. Blank
subtraction is not critical for affinity analysis, provided that the drift is constant throughout the experiment.
Constant drift will affect the reported offset value (the response at zero concentration) but will have no effect on
the KD or Rmax parameters. However, if the drift changes during the course of the experiment, blank cycles can be
repeated at intervals and blank subtraction performed using the nearest preceding blank.
Choice of fitting model
Choose the fitting model according to the appearance of the plot of Req against C.
Note: Some models may not be supported in all Biacore systems.
Assessing the fit
Assess the affinity results as follows:
• Confirm that the sensorgrams reach a steady state response
• Examine the plot of Req against C for curvature and analyte concentration range:
– The plot should flatten out at the highest analyte concentrations
– The reported KD should be less than half the highest analyte concentrations.
The KD value is indicated on the evaluated plot.
• Examine the reported Rmax value. A high value in relation to theoretical Rmax may indicate non-specific binding
or analyte aggregation. A low Rmax may indicate loss of activity.
• The offset value should be close to zero. If the offset is high or negative, check reference flow cell and
blank cycles. Significant reference and blank responses indicate background binding and/or flow system
Note: If steady state affinity evaluation is applied to sensorgrams that have not reached steady state, the
evaluation model may fit the plot of Req against C but the KD will be underestimated.
Plot appearance Description Model
Plot flattens
out at high
1:1 binding
Plot does
not flatten
out because
high analyte
cannot be
1:1 binding
with constant
Plot shows
initial curvature
followed by
a gradual
increase in
binding with
constant Rmax
Relative response Response
Relative response
0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0007 0.0008 0.0009 0.001
Concentration M
0 7e-5 2.1e-4 3.5e-4 4.9e-4 6.3e-4
Concentration M
0 1.00e-8 2.00e-8 3.00e-8 4.00e-8
Concentration M
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