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Resolving Five Key Challenges in mAb Purification

Infographic highlighting the top challenges in monoclonal antibody purification and solutions using Thermo Scientific technologies.
Credit: Technology Networks

The rise of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) offers immense potential for precision medicine but also brings unique purification hurdles. Conventional chromatography methods can struggle with altered Fc regions, complex aggregates and diverse isoforms, affecting yield, purity and scalability. 

This infographic explores innovative solutions to streamline mAb purification. Learn how innovative affinity ligands and resins address these challenges, enabling high-specificity, stable purification platforms for scalable production.

Download this infographic to discover:

  • How to purify complex mAb isoforms with precision and stability
  • Strategies for overcoming the limitations of traditional chromatography methods
  • Key solutions for achieving high yield and scalability in mAb production
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