Analysis of Urine SRMs Using Solid-Phase Micro Extraction, Dynamic Headspace, and Liquid Injection with Comprehensive GCxGC High Res TOFMS

Laboratory medicine began thousands of years ago through urine analysis. Urine was a “Divine Fluid and Window to the Body”. During Babylonian, Egyptian, and through Victorian times, urine was the primary diagnostic tool (Uroscopy).
Today urine is still a favored biofluid for medical diagnostic testing (Urinalysis) because large volumes are easily obtained. In addition, urine is relatively free from interfering proteins and lipids, and it tends to “hold” high concentrations of drugs and metabolites over extended periods of time. Modern, routine clinical tests include the determination of specific gravity and measurement of levels of glucose, nitrates, etc.
- Evaluate different methods of sample introduction
- Implement the use of enhanced, comprehensive (GCxGC) chromatography for separation of urine compounds
- Use modern-day, high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HRT) and powerful processing software to quickly and confidently identify compounds in urine