Mapping the Cellular Landscape of Brain Tumors Using Imaging Mass Cytometry
Published: November 14, 2024
![Close-up of MRI brain scans highlighting abnormal regions, potentially indicating a brain tumor](
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Understanding the structural and cellular organization of the tumor microenvironment (TME) is crucial in cancer research. However, researchers face significant challenges in characterizing the TME due to its complexity.
Imaging mass cytometry (IMC) addresses these challenges, offering unmatched insights into the spatial distribution of over 40 molecular markers without data artifacts.
This poster highlights how IMC technology deciphers the phenotypic and spatial characteristics of brain tumors, providing critical neuro-oncological insights.
Download this poster to explore:
- How IMC enhances brain cancer research
- IMC’s ability to identify major cell populations and their states within the TME
- The use of high-parameter neuro-oncology panels in both human and mouse models
Transitional meningioma Gliosarcoma Malignant ependymoma
αSMA CD44 Vimentin Iba1 Collagen 1 CD20 CD4 Iba1 CD31 CD34 MAP2 CD44 GFAP Iba1
Fibronectin CD8 F4/80 CD45 Iba1 p-tyrosine pERK1/2 Ki-67 Vimentin pS6 β-catenin CD34 CD31 β-actin
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Mapping Neuro-Oncological Cellular Landscape of
Human and Mouse Brain Tumors Using Imaging Mass Cytometry
Nick Zabinyakov, Qanber Raza, Christina Loh | Standard BioTools Canada Inc., Markham, ON, Canada
Brain cancer research presents challenges that require comprehensive
assessment of the structural and cellular organization of the tumor
microenvironment (TME). Imaging Mass Cytometry™ (IMC™) offers unprecedented insight into the TME by uncovering the spatial distribution
of 40-plus distinct molecular markers without data artifacts caused by
autofluorescence or tissue discohesion. We developed high-plex
proteomic analysis tools to thoroughly characterize the TME of both
human and mouse brain tissue using IMC. Here we present a deep
phenotypic spatial analysis of various mouse and human brain tumors
and identify cellular composition and activation of immuno-oncological
processes within the TME.
Material and Methods
A 39-parameter human antibody panel and a 36-parameter mouse
antibody panel, both designed to highlight central features of normal and
diseased brain tissue, are presented in this poster. These panels contain
antibodies that identify major cell populations in normal brain and the
specific states of tumor and immune cell populations in the diseased
brain. Tissue slides were prepared and stained using optimized antibody
dilutions and were ablated using the Hyperion Imaging System at 200 Hz
with 1 µm pixel size. Qualitative data analysis, multiplexed image rendering,
and single-channel image extractions were performed using MCD™ Viewer.
Resulting images were rendered in MCD Viewer and exported for singlecell analysis. Segmentation was performed using CellProfiler™ v4.2.1.
Nuclei and cell membrane were detected using Cell-ID™ Intercalator-lr
(PN 201192B) and the Maxpar® IMC Cell Segmentation Kit (ICSK; PN
201500), respectively. Cell masks were subsequently exported for
Antibody panels for human and
mouse FFPE tissue
39-parameter human antibody panel and 36-parameter mouse antibody panel including
2 DNA and 3 ICSK channels designed to highlight central features of the TME.
These panels are subdivided into 6 modules, each revealing critical insights about normal
and tumor tissue composition, state, and biology. The tissue architecture module identifies the underlying cellular and structural markers of the tumors. The brain cell process
module identifies activation of signaling pathways, metabolism, and growth in brain
cells. The lymphoid and myeloid modules delineate lymphoid and myeloid cell subtypes
of immune cell infiltrates in brain tissue. The immune activation module assesses the
functional state of immune cells in brain tissue. E-cad – E-cadherin, GRNZB – granzyme B,
Pan-CK – pan-cytokeratin
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Imaging Mass Cytometry workflow. (1) Experiment is initiated by obtaining antibodies
conjugated with specific heavy metal isotopes. (2) An antibody cocktail is assembled and
used to stain tissue in a single step, all at once. (3) The stained tissue is imaged using the
Hyperion Imaging System. (4) The multidimensional data is collected and images are
rendered demonstrating localization of marker of choice. (5) Data analysis is conducted
to identify specific cell populations and tissue structures present in the TME.
Imaging Mass Cytometry workflow with neuro-oncology panels
enables high-quality neurological and immunological readouts of
over 40 protein markers simultaneously without autofluorescence,
tissue discohesion, or signal spillover in normal brain tissue and in
brain tumors of glial, non-glial, and mixed origin.
Our data demonstrates performance of markers with high specificity and signal intensity and absence of
autofluorescence data artifacts in human and mouse normal and diseased brain tissue. Presence or absence
of primary brain cell constituents such as microglia, astrocytes, neurons, endothelial cells, and oligodendrocytes
is apparent in both human and mouse tissue. Both infiltrating and resident myeloid and lymphoid immune cells
are distinguished, and their spatial locations within the TME are demarcated. Following sections discuss the
performance of neuro-oncology panels and the tumor-specific immuno-oncological insights they offer.
Figure 1. Application of Imaging Mass Cytometry using neurophenotyping panel demonstrates cellular heterogeneity in normal
human and mouse brain tissue. A 7-parameter neurophenotyping panel consists of human and mouse cross-reactive clones, which
enables flexible panel design for brain-specific research goals. IMC generated images of highly autofluorescent normal FFPE human
cerebral cortex tissue (A) and normal FFPE mouse cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and hippocampus tissue (sagittal cut) (B) that were
stained with neurophenotyping panel are shown. The following brain tissue constituents can be identified: neuronal cell bodies and
axonal extremities (NeuN, MAP2), oligodendrocytes (Olig2), resting and activated astrocytes (GFAP, S100β), resting and activated
microglia (Iba1), and brain vasculature (CD34). In human brain sections, 3 tissue cores obtained from different locations demonstrate
the contrasting cellular composition of the tissue microenvironment. In mouse brain sections, images of 3 distinct brain tissue
demonstrate unique structural and cellular architecture of tissue compartments. Neurophenotyping panel can be applied to identify
composition of both central and peripheral human nervous system tissue.
Figure 2. Application of high-parameter neuro-oncology IMC panels on human and mouse glioblastoma tissue. IMC generated
images of human glioblastoma (grade 4) with overt hemorrhage (bleeding) (A) and mouse glioblastoma (B) are shown. In human tissue
(A), hemorrhagic tumor areas are demarcated in red. Smooth muscle cells (αSMA), immune cells (CD45, CD11b), tumor cells (GFAP,
Olig2), and activated tumor cells (pERK, vimentin, Ki-67, pS6) can be identified. Inset A’ marks infiltrating T cells (CD45RO+, CD45RA+)
and monocytes (CD11b) in the hemorrhagic tumor tissue. Inset A’’ depicts cells of myeloid origin, both resident and infiltrating (CD14+,
CD16+), in the TME. Inset A’’’ demonstrates one of few pseudopalisade areas with extensive tumor scaffolding expressing CD44 and
CD34. Inset A’’’’ demonstrates presence of immune cells of myeloid lineage (CD68, CD163, Iba1) within the alternative pseudopalisade
area. In mouse tissue (B), tissue area located at the margin of tumor is shown. Tumor cells (Olig2, S100β), endothelial cells (CD34),
metabolically active cells (pS6), T cells (CD3), and stem cell-like tumor cells (CD44) can be identified. Inset B’ demonstrates extracellular
matrix composition (collagen 1, fibronectin) and smooth muscle covered vasculature (αSMA, CD31). Inset B’’ demonstrates activation of
receptor tyrosine kinase activity (p-tyrosine), Ras signaling cascade, and cytoskeletal structure (β-actin) in tumor and immune cells.
Inset B’’’ shows presence of T cell subtypes, cytotoxic T cells (CD3, CD8), regulatory T cells (CD3, FoxP3), and areas with cytotoxic
immune cell activation (GzmB). Inset B’’’’ depicts presence of macrophages (F4/80), monocytes (CD11b), and microglia (Iba1).
Figure 3. Application of neuro-oncology IMC panel on human and mouse tumors of mixed or non-glial origin. IMC generated images
of human transitional meningioma, gliosarcoma, malignant ependymoma (A), and mouse neuroblastoma (B) are shown. Diverse abnormal
composition of connective tissue (αSMA, collagen 1) can be observed in human transitional meningioma. A rare cluster of infiltrating B cells
(CD20) and T helper cells (CD4) around a blood vessel (CD34, CD31) and microglia (Iba1) scattered around the tissue can be observed in
human gliosarcoma. Presence of activated amoeboid microglia (Iba1) can be noted in human malignant ependymoma. In mouse neuroblastoma (B) tissue, scattered deposits of fibronectin and presence of myeloid cells (F4/80, Iba1) are noted. Only a few cytotoxic T cells
(CD8; green arrowheads) can be observed, indicating a suppressed tissue immune microenvironment. Activation of receptor tyrosine
kinase (p-tyrosine), Ras signaling (pERK1/2), mTOR signaling (pS6), replication (Ki-67), activation, and cytoskeletal structure (vimentin,
β-actin) across tumor cells can be detected. Relative spatial positioning of vascular network (CD34, CD31, β-catenin; white arrowheads)
within the TME (β-actin) can be distinguished.
3. Neuro-oncology panel allows deciphering of cell populations in various neoplasms in human
(A) and mouse (B) diseased brain
1. Neurophenotyping panel identifies major cell types in normal human (A) and mouse (B) brain tissue
Cerebrum, occipital lobe Cerebrum, temporal lobe
Cerebral cortex Cerebellum Hippocampus
MAP2 NeuN S100β Iba1 GFAP CD34 Olig2
2. High-parameter neuro-oncology panels delineate tumor cell states and immune cell infiltration
within TME of human (A) and mouse (B) glioblastoma
Human glioblastoma (grade 4) with bleeding
Pseudopalisade Pseudopalisade
CD34 CD44 CD31 CD68 CD163 Iba1
αSMA CD45 CD11b GFAP pS6 pERK1/2
Ki-67 Olig2 Vimentin
pERK p-tyrosine β-actin
S100β Olig2 CD34 pS6
Mouse glioblastoma
CD3 CD44 β-catenin
GzmB CD8 CD3 FoxP3 Iba1 F4/80 CD11b
CD31 Fibronectin αSMA Collagen 1
A’’’’ A’’’
A’’’ A’’’’
B’ B’’
Figure 4. Single-cell analysis identifies specific cell populations
in human brain neoplasms. ICSK was used to demarcate cellular
boundaries in cells to enhance cell segmentation capabilities (A, A’).
t-SNE and PhenoGraph analysis identified 18 separate cellular
clusters from 2 regions of interest including 58,119 cells for glioblastoma (A) and 15 separate cellular clusters from 2 regions of interests
including 22,290 cells for transitional meningioma (A’) defined by the
expression of a single or multiple markers from the neuro-oncology
panel. Spatial positioning of cells belonging to individual cellular
clusters is shown overlaid on tumor image (B, B’). t-SNE maps further
demonstrate the separation of individual cellular clusters by color
(C, C’). Heat maps of examples of individual marker expression are
displayed as cell masks overlaid on tumor tissue and t-SNE graphs
(D, D’). GFAP and S100β expression indicates positioning of tumor
cells and activated astrocytes. Iba1 expression highlights microglial
cells, which elicit an anti-tumor immune response (D). NeuN expression indicates positioning of perikarya. S100β expression highlights
astrocytes in activated state. Iba1 expression highlights microglial
cells, which can elicit an anti-tumor immune response (D’).
Figure 5. Single-cell analysis identifies specific cell populations
in mouse glioblastoma and neuroblastoma. ICSK was used to
demarcate cellular boundaries in cells to enhance cell segmentation
capabilities (A, A’). t-SNE and PhenoGraph analysis identified 27
separate cellular clusters from 7 regions of interest including 204,070
cells for glioblastoma (A) and 15 separate cellular clusters from 2
regions of interest including 24,619 cells for neuroblastoma (A’) defined by the expression of a single or multiple markers from the neurooncology panel. Spatial positioning of cells belonging to individual
cellular clusters is shown overlaid on tumor image (B, B’). t-SNE maps
further demonstrate the separation of individual cellular clusters by
color (C, C’). Heat maps of examples of individual marker expression
are displayed as cell masks overlaid on tumor tissue and t-SNE graphs
(D, D’). Olig2 expression indicates positioning of tumor cells. S100β
expression highlights astrocytes in activated state. Iba1 expression
highlights microglial cells, which can elicit an anti-tumor immune
response (D). MAP2 expression indicates positioning of axons. CD34
shows the presence of vasculature, and Iba1 expression highlights
microglial cells that elicit an anti-tumor immune response (D’).
Cell segmentation markers Mask with cell populations
Human glioblastoma
t-SNE graphs
t-SNE heat maps of selected markers
transitional meningioma
4. Single-cell analysis of human brain tumor
demonstrates cellular composition of TME
5. Single-cell analysis of mouse brain tumor
demonstrates cellular composition of TME
Mouse neuroblastoma
Mouse glioblastoma
Mouse neuro-oncology panel
Human neuro-oncology panel
Imaging Mass Cytometry and
single-cell analysis workflow
single-cell phenotyping and cellular clustering into histoCAT™ v1.76.
t-SNE maps and corresponding PhenoGraph cell clusters were identified
to assess relevant and specific tumor and immune cell subpopulations.
Cell masks highlighting specific clusters were generated and overlaid on
the corresponding IMC image.
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via QR codes at the bottom of the poster.
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