Modeling Neurodegeneration: A Next-Generation Approach To Study Huntington’s Disease

Although patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) offer the potential to model neurological diseases accurately, conventional human iPSC differentiation protocols are lengthy, inconsistent and difficult to scale. Additionally, a lack of genetically matched controls makes understanding the mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration difficult.
To overcome these challenges, researchers have developed a proprietary gene-expression targeting strategy that can rapidly reprogram hiPSCs into defined somatic cell types in a scalable manner. This approach was used to develop a Huntington’s disease (HD) model carrying a 50CAG expansion in the huntingtin (HTT) gene.
Download this poster to discover a solution that:
- Rapidly generates functional glutamatergic neurons with disease-relevant mutations in less than 2 weeks
- Can be paired with an isogenic control to reveal disease-relevant phenotypes
- Forms a powerful next-generation system for neurodegenerative disease research and drug discovery