Biotech Fluidics
Biotech has specialized in degasification of flowing liquids by efficiently removing dissolved gases from the fluid stream to ensure more consistent results.
Latest Biotech Fluidics Content

Product News
Detector Module for Instruments That Require Fluorescence Detection
Biotech Fluidics announce an exciting new addition to their range of robust, high performance Runge Mikron modular detectors.

Product News
Pharma Giant Implements HPLC Solvent Recycler To Improve Sustainability
Biotech Fluidics reports that a major pharmaceutical customer has purchased 17 SPR-200 solvent recycler units to improve sustainable use of solvents by HPLC systems in their analytical laboratories.

Product News
Efficient PFAS-Free Degassing of Aqueous Solutions
Biotech Fluidics has introduced the DEGASi® life science degassing chamber that provides efficient degasification of aqueous liquids at flow rates up to 20 ml/min.

Product News
Optimized Devices for Challenging Nanofluidic Applications
Biotech Fluidics offers inline degassers, and a non-invasive flowmeter, optimized for nanoscale fluidic applications.

Product News
Validating the Performance of LC Capillary Columns
Biotech Fluidics reports that renowned experts in liquid chromatography – Dr Maisch HPLC GmbH has installed a Biotech Liquid Micro Flow Meter in its testing set-up to validate the performance of all capillary columns it manufactures.

Product News
Patented Technology for Gentle Pumping of Biological Fluids
Biotech Fluidics announce the foundation of Ventri Labs AB (VentriLabs) – a new subsidiary set-up to leverage the disruptive benefits of its patented gravity liquid pump technology for handling of sensitive media.

Product News
Improving Dispensing of a Nanoparticulate Formulation in Manufacturing
Biotech Fluidics reports on the successful development and implementation of a pioneering combined micro flowmeter and degasser set-up to improve dispensing of a nanoparticulate formulation for a leading medical technology company.

Product News
Realtime Flowmeters Provide Full Software Connectivity to HPLC Data System
Biotech Fluidics announce powerful RC.net/ICF compatible software for its Liquid flow meter range enabling these useful devices to operate seamlessly with chromatography software packages from different HPLC manufacturers.

Product News
Degassers for Almost Any Fluidic Application
The DEGASi® range of inline degassers from Biotech Fluidics employ a Systec® AF gas permeable membrane with a constant vacuum degassing system to enable unmatched removal of dissolved gases from almost any fluidic process.