Gas Chromatography – Multimedia
Applications of FTIR Spectroscopy
Explore the diverse applications of FTIR spectroscopy across various industries, including environmental analysis, medicine and pharmaceuticals.
Never Vent Your GCMS and Reduce Preventative Maintenance Time From Hours to Minutes!
This episode discusses GCMS in environmental labs, the need for routine maintenance, and how Thermo Fisher's NeverVent technology streamlines maintenance, saving time and increasing sample processing capacity.
Look Deeper Into the Metabolome With High-Resolution GC-MS
This infographic explores the role of high-resolution GC-MS in pharmaceutical research and highlights the latest, sensitive solutions for a greater insights into the metabolome.
Get SMART: Increase Your GC and GC-MS Productivity
GC-based methods are a cornerstone of many analytical and routine testing workflows. Hence, it’s important to minimize unscheduled downtime and swiftly address preventative maintenance to support workflow productivity.
Why Vegan Products Don’t Always Taste As You’d Expect
In this episode, we are joined by Petra Gerhards, regional marketing manager for EMEA at Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Chemical Analysis in the Petrochemicals Sector
Download this listicle to discover the need for petrochemical analysis and how safety and quality standards are maintained using different analysis techniques.
App Note / Case Study
Analysis of Semivolatile Organic Compounds With US EPA 8270E
The analysis of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) can be challenging as there are a wide variety of target analytes that span a broad range of molecular weights and boiling points.
App Note / Case Study
Applying H2 Carrier Gas to Real-World GC-MS Analyses
With increased price and pressure on the helium (He) market, laboratories are looking for a more sustainable alternative to helium and exploring the option of hydrogen (H2) carrier gas, which can be generated in the lab in a cost-effective manner and produces fast chromatography and higher sample throughput.
MOSH/MOAH Analysis Without the Usual Struggles With Petra Gerhards
In this Teach Me In 10 episode Petra Gerhards, regional marketing manager for Thermo Fisher Scientific is here to make MOSH/MOAH analysis easier and more successful.
App Note / Case Study
Adding More Confidence to Sensitive Quantitation in Complex Foods by GC/TQ
Concern about trace-level food contaminants is driving the demand for robust, rapid and reliable methods for identification and quantitation of chemical residues and contaminants in food matrices.