LC-MS – Multimedia

Choosing the Best Vial for Your LC and LC-MS Experiment
This infographic explores how vial composition affects analysis and provides solutions for reducing contamination and improving reproducibility.

App Note / Case Study
Streamlining the Analysis of Free Drug Content in ADCs
This application note presents a method that integrates protein elimination and free drug identification into one analysis using a two-dimensional liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2D-LC/Q-TOF) approach.

Transform Analytical Chemistry With Micro Solid Phase Extraction
This eBook explores the advantages of μSPE over traditional methods and its broad applicability across analytical platforms such as gas and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS and LC-MS).

App Note / Case Study
Simplifying Fusion Protein Characterization
This application note demonstrates how advanced LC-MS techniques provide comprehensive fusion protein characterization.

How To Guide
Streamline Pharmaceutical Quantitation With Trusted LC-MS/MS Solutions
This guide offers a comprehensive overview of advanced LC-MS/MS solutions designed to simplify and accelerate your processes.

App Note / Case Study
Discover Automated Tissue Homogenization for LC-MS Analysis
This application note explores how automated workstations for tissue sample weighing and homogenization can increase efficiency and quality of results.

App Note / Case Study
Quantitative Performance of a Next-Generation Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
Bioanalytical laboratories are constantly challenged by the need for reliable triple quadrupole mass spectrometers to ensure the delivery of proper quantitative performance. In order to effectively meet the required drug discovery and development timelines, bioanalytical workflows need robust mass spectrometers to minimize instrument downtime.

Supercharge Your Mass Spectrometry Workflow
This infographic highlights how HTMS can help significantly increase the throughput of your analysis.

App Note / Case Study
Streamline PFAS Detection Using Automated Solid-Phase Extraction and LC-MS/MS
This application note highlights how an automated solid-phase extraction (SPE) system can provide reliable, sensitive and accurate determination of PFAS in large-volume samples.

How To Guide
Accurate Analysis for New and Emerging PFAS in Water
This guide outlines a direct analysis method for determining 24 PFAS in various non-drinking water matrices, contributing to the validation of EPA Method 8327.