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Light Microscopy – Products

A laboratory instrument labeled "Sartorius CellCelector Flex," designed for automated cell isolation and selection, featuring a compact white and gray design with a black control module.

CellCelector Configurator Tool - Configure Your Cell Selection & Retrieval Platform

Build your own instrument – fully automated cell imaging and picking. Use the instrument configurator to design your very own customized CellCelector, perfectly tailored to meet your unique needs.
Bioflux 100 HT Machine

BioFlux Shear Flow Systems: Mimic True Biology

BioFlux shear flow systems provide researchers with the power to introduce physiological and pathological shear flow, along with environmental gas and temperature control, effectively emulating in vivo conditions and revealing the cells’ true biology
the Chromacity 1040 femtosecond laser.
Product News

Second-Harmonic Generation Imaging of Biological Samples

Chromacity Ltd. has published a report demonstrating how the ultrashort pulse width of its Chromacity 1040 femtosecond laser is ideal for generating a second-harmonic response from a wide range of biological samples.
Brain organoids labeled with lamin (green) and tubulin (magenta).
Product News

Leica Microsystems Adds Cutting-Edge Light Sheet Solutions to Its Portfolio With the Integration of Viventis Microscopy

Patented Viventis light sheet solution enables detailed volumetric imaging to explore life in its entirety.
Protein structures.
Product News

JEOL CRYO-FIB-SEM Enables Specimen Preparation for Cryo-Electron Microscopy

JEOL is pleased to announce the introduction of a new CRYO-FIB-SEM, a Focused Ion Beam milling specimen preparation tool specifically designed for creating thin, frozen samples for Cryo-Electron Microscopy.
A fixed cell.
Product News

Extended Live Cell Imaging at Nanoscale Resolution

Power to see more with improved resolution and light dose balance.
Protoplasts stock photo
App Note / Case Study

The Latest Advancements in Automated Confocal Imaging

By collecting more light and better correcting for light distortion, water immersion capabilities can unlock advanced imaging potential for greater insight into cellular pathways and processes.

Mesenchymal stem cells
App Note / Case Study

Evaluating Bacterial Biofilms With Confocal Imaging

Discover a single confocal imaging reader able to replace up to five individual devices and perform a variety of analysis outcomes common in biofilm workflows, including biomass screening
A close up of a microscope.
Product News

Leica Microsystems and the University of Oxford Establish a New Collaborative Centre of Excellence for Cutting-Edge Microscopy

Leica Microsystems has announced an exciting new collaboration with The University of Oxford UK, in the fields of optical and super resolution microscopy, artificial intelligence, correlative microscopy and EM specimen preparation.
Fujifilm and Irvine Scientific logos.
Product News

FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific Offers Expanded Capabilities of Presagen’s Life Whisperer Platform

FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific, Inc. has announced the addition of the Life Whisperer Genetics module to its Life Whisperer software package enabling non-invasive evaluation of embryo genetic integrity during in vitro fertilization.