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Light Microscopy – Products

When Science Becomes Art – Olympus Image of the Year Award content piece image
Product News

When Science Becomes Art – Olympus Image of the Year Award

Celebrating art in science, Olympus Image Award invites applicants to submit their best life science light microscopy image taken with Olympus equipment with the chance of winning one of their products.
Understanding How Cells Sense and Respond to Mechanical Stimuli content piece image
Product News

Understanding How Cells Sense and Respond to Mechanical Stimuli

The Catholic University of Rome uses the JPK NanoWizard® AFM & CellHesion® systems to understand how cells sense and respond to mechanical stimuli.
Cost-effective, Walkaway Automation of Live Cell Assays content piece image
Product News

Cost-effective, Walkaway Automation of Live Cell Assays

Tecan’s updated Spark® reader combines the benefits of a multimode microplate reader and a bright field imaging system in a compact package.

Visual Stimulation of Retinal Explants on a Standard Multiphoton Microscope.

A comprehensive description of how to incorporate visual stimulation of the retina with a multiphoton microscope
Incorporation of the Quorum Cryo-SEM System in Cell Biology with Electron Cryotomography  content piece image
Product News

Incorporation of the Quorum Cryo-SEM System in Cell Biology with Electron Cryotomography

Quorum Technologies reports how their PP3010T Cryo-SEM preparation system is used in the preparation of hydrated whole cells to be imaged using electron cryotomography.

Incorporation of the Quorum Cryo-SEM System in Cell Biology with Electron Cryotomography
Linkam Scientific Instruments Launch CMS196M for Enhanced Cryo-Correlative Microscopy  content piece image
Product News

Linkam Scientific Instruments Launch CMS196M for Enhanced Cryo-Correlative Microscopy

Linkam Scientific Instruments, announce the launch of the CMS196M for enhanced cryo-correlative microscopy with greatly improved work flow.
Advancing Cellular Imaging Techniques with the Nanoimager  content piece image
Product News

Advancing Cellular Imaging Techniques with the Nanoimager

Oxford Nanoimaging report on how the super-resolution Nanoimager is being used at Micron Oxford, a multidisciplinary bioimaging unit applying advanced cellular imaging techniques .
Prior Scientific Lumen 200 Fluorescence Illumination System  content piece image
Product News

Prior Scientific Lumen 200 Fluorescence Illumination System

The Lumen 200 Fluorescence Illumination System from Prior Scientific offers a powerful, cost effective alternative to traditional short arc Mercury vapour lamps and bulbs used in fluorescence microscopy.
NutriStem® hPSC XF Medium A Superior Xeno-free, Serum-free Culture Medium for hES and hiPS Cells content piece image

NutriStem® hPSC XF Medium A Superior Xeno-free, Serum-free Culture Medium for hES and hiPS Cells

NutriStem® hPSC XF Medium is a defined, xeno-free, serum-free medium designed to support the growth and expansion of human induced pluripotent stem (hiPS) and human embryonic stem (hES) cells in a feeder-free environment.
Linkam Launch FDVS Platform  content piece image
Product News

Linkam Launch FDVS Platform

Linkam Scientific Instruments announce the launch of the FDVS platform, a lyophilisation system to replicate large scale freeze drying processes.