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LIMS and ELNs – Multimedia

4 Advances in LIMS That Can’t Be Ignored content piece image

4 Advances in LIMS That Can’t Be Ignored

In this listicle, we’ve consulted with LIMS expert Bob McDowall to detail recent advances in how LIMS are designed, installed and managed by users that anyone looking to install or upgrade a LIMS should keep in mind.
How LIMS Enables Compliance With ISO 17025 content piece image

How LIMS Enables Compliance With ISO 17025

Download this eBook to learn more about how Thermo Scientific™ SampleManager™ LIMS software can be configured to help achieve ISO 17025 compliance.
The New No-Compromise CDS Solution content piece image

The New No-Compromise CDS Solution

Download this infographic to learn more about a no-compromise chromatography data system solution that simplifies compliance and boosts productivity.
How To Use a LIMS To Improve Compliance content piece image
How To Guide

How To Use a LIMS To Improve Compliance

Download this guide to discover the key features to consider when implementing a LIMS to improve compliance.
Chromatography Data System Letting You Down? Register Now! content piece image

Chromatography Data System Letting You Down? Register Now!

Learn how Thermo Scientific™ Chromeleon™ 7.3 Chromatography Data System (CDS) is the first CDS to truly meet the needs of both the IT and infrastructure team and the laboratory.
LIMS in the Cloud content piece image

LIMS in the Cloud

In this infographic, we look at how cloud-based solutions are changing laboratory informatics, with a focus on how they can improve platforms such as laboratory information management systems (LIMS).

How Using an ELN Can Help Your Lab content piece image

How Using an ELN Can Help Your Lab

Too much paper? Colleagues have awful handwriting? Struggling to get a grip on your data? Electronic lab notebooks (ELNs), digital replacements for paper notebooks, might be the answer. In this infographic, we explore how ELNs can improve the day-to-day work of a research lab.

5 Ways That Using an ELN Can Improve Your Research content piece image

5 Ways That Using an ELN Can Improve Your Research

Electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) are digital replacements for paper notebooks. But whilst many digital technologies have swiftly replaced their analogue counterparts, ELN adoption remains stubbornly low. In this article, we look at five reasons why ELNs can improve your life as a researcher and the quality of your research.
How To Successfully Implement a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) content piece image
How To Guide

How To Successfully Implement a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)

This is the essential guide for any laboratory thinking of implementing a LIMS to improve processes and operational efficiency.
Achieving and Maintaining ISO 17025:2017 Accreditation With LIMS Support content piece image

Achieving and Maintaining ISO 17025:2017 Accreditation With LIMS Support

Download this infographic to learn the importance of ISO 17025 accreditation, the advantages to achieving this, and how STARLIMS can support your journey.