LIMS and ELNs – News and Features

Academic Medical Center Licenses LabVantage’s Sapphire™ for its Research & Clinical Laboratory Operations
LabVantage's Sapphire LIMS to serve as the core infrastructure for research and clinical labs of an academic medical center.

Thermo Announces Process Laboratory Automation Seminars
The seminars focus on how advances in laboratory automation, using LIMS, can act as a key enabler for improved productivity.

Thermo Announces Process Laboratory Automation Seminars
The seminars focus on how advances in laboratory automation, using Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), can act as a key enabler for improved productivity and quality in the process industry.

RPCI Licenses LabVantage’s Sapphire™ to Realize the Promise of Translational Research
With NCI's caBIG initiative as a guide, RPCI and its partners will use Sapphire to query across the RPCI enterprise.

GenoLogics Targets Translational Medicine, Cancer Research with Partnership Strategy of End-to-End Solutions
GenoLogics kicks off the partnership initiative by demonstrating fully integrated translational research and cancer research solutions.

NNIT and LabVantage Establish Partnership for LIMS in the Central European Market
LIMS support vital business processes in the life sciences industry.

Thermo Announces Major Laboratory Informatics Conference
This annual user conference provides a chance to share industry perspectives and changing business requirements.

WRI and SCBIT Collaborate in Translational Medicine Research
Both institutes expressed a joint vision towards global standardization of data warehousing to support translational medicine based clinical decision-making.

Illumina and deCODE Form Alliance to Develop and Commercialize DNA-Based Diagnostics
Illumina to install large-scale genotyping system and supply HumanHap300 BeadChips for disease association studies.

IDBS Joins SAFE-BioPharma Association’s Vendor Partner Program
SAFE created and manages the SAFE™ digital identity and signature standard used in the pharmaceutical industry.