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LIMS and ELNs – News and Features

Industry Insight

Smart Labs: The New Wave Transforming Laboratories Globally

Emerging technologies have the potential to significantly transform the laboratory environment. In this Insight, Labforward's Phoebe Chubb outlines what the lab of the future will look like.
Industry Insight

Ensuring Data Integrity Compliance in Pharma With CDS Software

Data integrity is fundamental to drug development and manufacturing but can be difficult to achieve for drug developers and manufacturers who have to navigate strict data integrity guidelines provided by regulatory authorities and find effective ways to attain compliance.
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Industry Insight

The Importance of Digital Transformation in Laboratory Informatics

For companies in the life sciences and pharma industry, a long-standing challenge is the need to digitize and make available legacy data for drug development workflows. At the same time, they must also incorporate the latest technologies into drug development and testing processes. In this article, Mark Spencer explores how companies can tackle these dual challenges with the help of informatics solutions.
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The Route to Compliance: How To Ensure Regulatory Compliance in GxP Laboratories

Ensuring both data integrity and regulatory compliance are imperative when working in any GxP regulated environment. In this article, automation expert Bob McDowall explains how assessing your lab's workflows, identifying weaknesses and implementing digital solutions can streamline processes and make regulatory compliance an easier goal.
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Transforming Drug Discovery Using AI and Automation

The COVID-19 pandemic has unveiled a pressing issue – the need to develop effective drugs rapidly. But developing a new drug is easier said than done. Technologies such as microfluidics, robotics and the use of artificial intelligence, combined with automated data analysis, can expedite the drug development and approval process, helping make therapies available to patients more quickly.
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Industry Insight

Why Automation Will be the Cornerstone of the Post-COVID Biology Lab

The 21st century has seen a revolution in how we approach research. With the advent of new technologies like automation and machine/deep learning, biology is becoming a less inferential and more data-driven discipline. With scientific research delayed worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is it time to re-examine the future role of automation in biological research?
Industry Insight

Exploring the Future of Lab Informatics Tools

Lab-based informatics systems, such as LIMS and ELNs, are becoming more commonly used in labs. We spoke with Jeff Carter, co-founder and COO of lab software company Arxspan, to discover how COVID-19 has helped drive digitization and how tools are developing to become more flexible and connected.
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What Are the Benefits of Cloud Technology for Life Science Firms?

The inescapable fact for modern businesses is that data is now the backbone of every organisation. In this article, IDBS's Abhay Kini discusses how cloud technology helping life science firms with data reproducibility, sharing, collation and storage across drug development.
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Industry Insight

From Genome Engineering to COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing at IGI

The Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) has launched an impressive COVID-19 diagnostic testing laboratory at UC Berkeley. Technology Networks spoke with Professor Jennifer Doudna, Executive Director at IGI and Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology and Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, to learn exactly how this ambitious effort has been achieved.
Industry Insight

Asset Monitoring in the Life Sciences: Do Labs Need To Keep a Closer Eye on Their Instruments?

In the day-to-day of research science, the acquisition of a new piece of equipment is a momentous occasion, but one that could see costs and inefficiencies spiral unless labs keep a close eye on their new kit. Asset monitoring software could lend a hand. We spoke to Agilent's Marc Boreham to find out more.