Neurodegeneration – News and Features

Illumina Technology Uncovers Genetic Risk Factors Associated with Prostate Cancer and Lou Gehrig's Disease
New findings published in leading science journals, Nature Genetics and Lancet Neurology.

PerkinElmer Acquires Improvision Ltd.
This announcement builds upon PerkinElmer's recent acquisition of Evotec Technologies, a provider of high-performance cellular screening systems.

Manchester First for UK Biobank
A multi-million pound visionary medical project that will recruit 500,000 people across Britain to help find out much more about curing many life threatening and debilitating diseases gets underway in Manchester.

Arrowhead to Form New Nanomedicine Subsidiary and Acquire Nanotherapeutics Company, C Sixty
The new subsidary joins Arrowhead as its third focused on nanomedicine.

NeoStem Announces Launch of Third Stem Cell Collection Center
The Pennsylvania center will represent NeoStem’s strategic plan to generate revenues from nationwide network targeting projected $8.5 billion market.

Millipore and Aruna Biomedical Announce Licensing Agreement for ENStem™ Human Embryonic Neural Stem Cells
Millipore has acquired an exclusive worldwide license to distribute the ENStem neural progenitor cells derived from NIH-registered human embryonic stem cells.

Chemical cues Turn Embryonic Stem Cells into Cerebellar Neurons
A research study in mice at Rockfeller University shows that embryonic stem cells implanted in the brain appear to develop into fully differentiated granule neurons.

Evotec and Boehringer Ingelheim Enter into Target Discovery Collaboration in Alzheimer’s Disease
Both companies have signed a multi-year collaboration to jointly identify targets for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease with the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology in Vienna.

Stem Cells Act Through Multiple Mechanisms to Benefit Mice with Neurodegenerative Disease
Stem cell study led by the Burnham Institute researchers proves to be the first successful use of human embryonic stem cells in treating a degenerative disease.

NeoStem to Launch Adult Stem Cell Collection Center at Las Vegas
According to Company, the center will be among the world’s first facilities to offer the processing and storing of adult stem cells for an adult’s own therapeutic use.