Personalized Medicine – Products
Product News
Oxford Nanopore Technologies Collaborates With Twist Bioscience To Launch Pharmacogenomics Beta Programme and Advance Personalized Medicine
New workflow to provide unambiguous genetic results in a single assay, alleviating the need for time-consuming and costly follow-up tests.
Product News
Sartorius To Advance Drug Discovery and Manufacturing With AI in Collaboration With NVIDIA
Sartorius to leverage NVIDIA solutions used in live-cell imaging platforms in drug discovery and predictive design of manufacturing processes, and more.
Product News
Streamlining Immune Sensing and Signaling Dynamics Research With INTEGRA Biosciences Liquid Handling Tools
Immunologists at Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (i3S) in Porto, Portugal, are using INTEGRA Biosciences laboratory tools to help further our understanding of the human immune system.
Organoid Toolbox: Empowering Organoid Research with Comprehensive Solutions
Leveraging the human origin and remarkable physiological fidelity, organoids have become invaluable research tools in disease modeling, drug safety assessment, drug screening, and personalized medicine. We offer a complete toolkit, including ready-to-use organoids, specialized kits for differentiation, maintenance, and cryopreservation, along with comprehensive services to expedite your organoid research journey.
App Note / Case Study
Optimizing RNA Sequencing of FFPE Samples
This application note evaluates several commercially available rRNA depletion kits, providing an optimized protocol for the efficient removal of rRNA from FFPE samples.
Product News
Top Pharmaceutical Company Evaluates Optimer for Precision Liver Medicine
Optimer delivery vehicle has been shipped to a pharma partner for external evaluation. The specific delivery vehicle could generate new precision therapies for liver disease.
Reveal the Power of the 6-Base Genome With duet multiomics solution evoC
Distinguish 5mC & 5hmC together with all 4 canonical bases to measure multiple modes of biology from a 5ng cfDNA sample in a single experiment. Identify new multimodal biomarkers to gain transformative insight into current & future states of disease.
Product News
Estonia National Biobank Selects PacBio To Sequence 10,000 Whole Genomes
HiFi data generated on the Revioä system will support the EU and Estonian government-funded Center for Personalized Medicine and unlock discoveries across cardiology, mental and reproductive health, drug response, cancer research and rare diseases.
Improving Cancer Patient Care With Professor Mark Lawler
In this article, Mark Lawler, professor of digital health, answers your questions about these revolutionary techniques and discusses the barriers to their implementation in the clinic. Prof. Lawler has an international reputation in cancer research and a focus on developing a molecular understanding of cancer to improve patient care, including through precision medicine.
Product News
Seer ProteographTM Enables Unprecedented Genetic Marker Mapping for Proteogenomics Studies
Study demonstrates identification of protein altering variants for population-scale protein quantitative trait loci (pQTL) studies. Proteograph Product Suite enables scalable deep, unbiased proteomics by mass spectrometry.