Pesticides – News and Features

Industry Insight
Chromatography and Sustainability: A Path Forward
Traditional chromatographic techniques raise significant environmental concerns. Addressing these issues is critical to making chromatography not only a powerful analytical tool but a more eco-friendly and responsible choice for future applications.

Africa's Mountain Farmers Are Losing Their Crop Yields to Climate Change
An international study highlights the impacts of climate change on African mountain communities, where farmers report rising temperatures, reduced rainfall and declining crop yields.

Integrating Complex In Vitro Models Into the Regulatory Pipeline
C-Path, a nonprofit organization created to improve drug development, has been working to facilitate the adoption of MPS as drug development tools in regulatory science. In this interview, we learn how.

Optical Fiber Sensor Helps Detect Arsenic Contamination in Drinking Water
Researchers have developed a new optical sensor that provides a simple way to achieve real-time detection of extremely low levels of arsenic in water.

Flame Retardants in Plastic Battery Cases May Do More Harm Than Good
One common strategy to prevent lithium-ion battery fires may cause serious harm to health and not work to stop the fires.

Biochar Reduces the Risks of DDT-Contaminated Soil
Researchers have developed a new method to manage ecological risks from the DDT toxin by binding it with biochar.

A Quarter of Freshwater Species Are at Risk of Extinction
A study finds 24% of freshwater species, including crabs, dragonflies and fishes, face extinction due to habitat loss, pollution and climate change. Wetland loss and underfunded research compound the crisis.

Nearly Half of Protein Powders Contain Dangerous Levels of Toxic Metals
A new report reveals alarming levels of toxic heavy metals in protein powders, with nearly 50% of products exceeding safety thresholds for lead, cadmium and arsenic. The study highlights organic and plant-based powders as the most contaminated.

Mutation Rates Don’t Explain Genetic Differences in Chornobyl Dogs
Researchers from NC State and Columbia University analyzed the genomes of dogs in Chornobyl City and the nearby Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), revealing no evidence of radiation-induced genetic mutations.

Genetically-Modified Citrus Tree Could Be Immune to Psyllid Pests
Scientists at the University of Florida are testing a new type of citrus tree that can fight off the tiny insects responsible for citrus greening.