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Pesticides – News and Features


Fussy eaters - what's wrong with GM food?

With the world's food security facing a looming "perfect storm", GM food crops need to be part of the solution, argues Professor Jonathan Jones.

Glowing Crops Could Minimise Pesticide Use

Farmers may one day be able to target pesticides to only those parts of their fields that are at risk of disease simply by noting which ones are glowing

EU States Stay Deadlocked Over GM Maize Imports

European Union farm ministers failed to agree on Tuesday to approve six genetically modified (GM) maize varieties for import to the bloc, despite a warning that inaction could lead to a shortage of animal feed.

I’ll have the purple tomato please, Dr Frankenstein

Without genetically modified foods, can the world feed itself? As new trials begin, we argue that GM crops are good for people and the planet

Philippines the First in Asia to Commercialize GM Eggplant

The Philippines will become the first in Asia to commercialize the genetically modified (GM) fruit and shoot borer (FSB)-resistant eggplant by 2011.

Facilitating Conservation Farming Practices and Enhancing Environmental Sustainability with Agricultural Biotechnology.

CTIC's new publication explores the breadth of the environmental benefits of conservation tillage practices, which are facilitated significantly by biotechnology crops.

USA: New GM soybean with higher oleic acid content approved

USA has approved a new, genetically modified (GM) soybean containing higher levels of oleic acid. This is the first of a series of GM plants that are poised to enter the market with a modified composition of nutrients.

Devgen and PT Sang Hyang Seri Sign MoU on the Introduction of Biotech Rice in Indonesia

Both the companies further strengthen their ongoing agreements for R&D, production and distribution of non-transgenic hybrid rice in Indonesia.

Fertilizer-free corn?

Is it really possible to "teach" corn to fix its own nitrogen, eliminating or at least reducing the need for nitrogen fertilizer applications? Synthetic biology attempts to construct artificial circuits that can control biological functions in potentially transformational ways

Biotech Crops Benefit Environment & Farmers, Research Group Finds

The National Research Council reports that the use of genetically engineered crops results in less harm to wild life, less soil erosion, and greater cost savings. Its findings could impact agricultural practices in other nations.