Pesticides – News and Features

Caliper LS Receives $1.1 Million Task Order from the EPA's ToxCast™ Screening Program
This task order was issued pursuant to a contract that Caliper was awarded by the EPA in April 2007 under the ToxCast program.

PerkinElmer Expertise and Solutions Integral to Food Safety Monitoring for the Beijing Games
PerkinElmer instrumentation, software and expertise are supporting testing for volatile organic compounds in beverages and pesticides in food products.

Inovio Biomedical and VGX Pharmaceuticals Sign Merger Agreement
The agreement provides for the issuance of Inovio Biomedical securities in exchange for all of the outstanding securities of VGX Pharmaceuticals.

U.S. EPA Licenses Simulations Plus’ Admet Predictor™ Software
Agency licenses both toxicity and new Enslein metabolism modules.

Fruit Fly Helps Identify Protein Critical to Eggshell Formation that may be Pesticide Target
The common fruit fly circling your week-old peach has helped scientists zero in on a protein critical to the insect's eggshell formation.

Cliquid™ Software for Routine Food Testing, Identifying Food Contaminants, Pre-Configured Methods, Mass Spectrometry
ABI unveils a new web portal to share downloadable, turnkey methods that Cliquid™ Software users can download from an applications microsite onto their PCs.

University of Colorado Opens Lab Focused on Detecting, Treating Pharmaceuticals in Water
Agilent to provide core liquid chromatograph/mass spectrometer (LC/MS) instrumentation for the lab.

NIH Collaborates with EPA to Improve the Safety Testing of Chemicals
The new strategy aims to reduce reliance on animal testing, according to scientists.

Bruker Daltonics Announces December Mass Spectrometry Webinar Series
Company to host a series of webinars on Bruker’s latest mass spectrometry developments and new applications that are now available.

Caliper Life Sciences Awarded EPA Contract
Caliper Discovery Alliances and Services unit will test environmental chemicals under EPA’s ToxCast research program.