Pesticides – News and Features

Nanoplastics and “Forever Chemicals” Disrupt Molecular Structures, Functionality
A new study has made significant inroads into understanding how nanoplastics and PFAS disrupt the structure and function of biomolecules.

Heavy Metals Were Found in Baby Food – What Is the FDA Doing About It?
Following contamination issues with rice-bulked baby food and cinnamon apple sauce packets, what is the FDA planning to do about heavy metal contamination in infant foods?

Permaculture Agriculture Boosts Biodiversity
New research shows that permaculture brings about a significant improvement in biodiversity, soil quality and carbon storage.

Protecting Our Oceans Starts With Testing – Part Two
As we navigate through the complexities of contemporary pollution challenges, the need for innovative approaches to ocean environmental monitoring is becoming increasingly apparent.

How Scientists Are Fighting For Truth in a Burning World
In this article, Dr. Natalie Cooper, an ecologist and senior researcher at the Natural History Museum in London, shares her insights on persevering as a scientist amidst global crises.

New AI Software Can Predict Crop Growth From One Image
A newly developed software can simulate the growth of field crops based on a single image, supporting farmers in decision making.

Plant Bacterial Pathogens Repurpose Their Own Phages To Eliminate Competing Microbes
New research led by the University of Utah and University College London (UCL) has found that plant bacterial pathogens are able to repurpose elements of their own bacteriophages, or phages, to wipe out competing microbes.

Ancient Genomes Reveal the Origin and Spread of Malaria
In a new study, an international team of researchers, reconstructed the evolutionary history and global spread of malaria over the past 5,500 years, identifying trade, warfare, and colonialism as major catalysts for its dispersal.

Digging Deep: Emerging Contaminants in Soil
Soil could be our planet's unsung hero, quietly working behind the scenes to keep everything in balance. This article will discuss some of the worrying emerging contaminants detected in soil and how scientists are rising to the analytical challenge.

German Cockroaches Evolved To Live in Human Homes and Buildings
Researchers have unveiled insights into the origins of the common German cockroach, Blattella germanica and how it evolved to live in human homes and buildings.