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Pesticides – News and Features

A bee on a flower.

Bumblebees Can Ingest Several Pesticides Without Harm

In their natural environment, wild bees are exposed to various pesticides that can have a potentially toxic effect. A study by the University of Würzburg has now shown that bumblebees are relatively resistant to these products.

PFAS Identified in Pesticides Used on British Fruit and Veg

In a new investigation, Pesticide Action Network UK says it identified 10 different PFAS-containing pesticides used on UK fruit and vegetables.
A green, white and black stripy caterpillar on a leaf.

Caterpillars Have Surprisingly Sophisticated Noses

Caterpillars use their antenna to scan their surroundings, and this tiny "nose" is more sophisticated than previously thought.
Foaming water running over brown leaves on the ground.

Global Source Water Exceeds PFAS Safe Drinking Limits

A new UNSW-led international study, published today in Nature Geoscience, assessed the levels of PFAS contamination in surface and ground water around the globe.
A bee lands on a purple flower.

Rusty-Patched Bumblebees’ Genetics Reveal Unique Conservation Needs

The genetics of the first bee species to be listed as endangered could help conservationists restore the population by revealing their unique conservation needs.
Bacteria growing on an agar plate.

Enzymatic Cocktail Offers New Hope Against Tuberculosis

With resistance to chemical antibiotics on the rise, the world needs entirely new forms of antimicrobials. A new study shows that an enzymatic cocktail can kill a variety of mycobacterial species of bacteria, including those that cause tuberculosis.
A bee on a flower.

Climate Change Threatens Honey Bee Colonies

Using climate and bee population models, researchers found that increasingly long autumns with good flying weather for bees raises the likelihood of colony collapse in the spring.
A crop field with an irrigation system.

Organic Farming Cuts Pesticide Use Locally, Spurs Rise Elsewhere

The impacts of organic farming are not fully understood, as a new study shows that organic farming significantly affects the amount of pesticide used in neighboring fields.
A corn plant.

New Genomics Method To Monitor Pesticide Resistance

Researchers have developed and successfully tested a strategy for using genomics to monitor for and identify emerging resistance to specific pesticides early.
Red, orange and green coffee berries.

Shaded Coffee Crops Can Boost Biodiversity

Increasing shade cover over coffee plants can increase biodiversity and provide new ways to combine agriculture and conservation, a new study reports.