Screening Strategies in Drug Discovery – Multimedia

App Note / Case Study
Transform MSC Research With Real-Time, Non-Invasive Differentiation Monitoring
This application note demonstrates how combining live-cell analysis with high-throughput screening cytometry enables continuous, non-invasive monitoring of MSC differentiation, offering unprecedented insights into cellular dynamics while preserving

High-Throughput Flow Cytometry for Drug Discovery
This eBook explores how advances in flow cytometry have enabled rapid, large-scale analysis at the single-cell level, enhancing efficiency across the drug development pipeline.

Rapid Generation of Bispecific Antibodies for High-Throughput Screening
This poster explores an innovative technology that simplifies the construction of bispecific antibodies, enabling rapid and efficient assembly of bispecific constructs while maintaining high purity and yield.

Enhancing Drug Development Through Improved Screening Strategies
In this episode, we are joined by Peter Hsueh, Marketing Product Manager at ACROBiosystems, who will discuss innovative screening strategies. He will reveal how these strategies are transforming drug development and paving the way for breakthroughs in medicine.

Antibodies in Screening
Download this infographic to learn more about therapeutic antibodies and their applications, the development of therapeutic antibodies and how high-throughput screening approaches and AI may enable antibody development.

App Note / Case Study
Rapid Multiresidue Pesticide Detection in Food
This application note describes an optimized technique for high-throughput screening and analytical precision and reliability.

Optimizing Flow Cytometry for Screening and Drug Discovery
This infographic presents recent key innovations that ensure reliable, high-throughput, automated flow cytometry workflows to enhance drug discovery.

Drug Discovery: Current Approaches and Future Perspectives
Through a selection of articles, interviews and graphics, this eBook will provide readers with an overview of drug discovery, design and development, highlighting challenges and solutions, successes, various modalities and approaches.

Accelerating Drug Discovery Through High-Quality Mass Spectrometry
This infographic highlights systems that can produce results with the precision and accuracy required for drug discovery.

Pan-cancer Assay-ready Organoid Drug Screening With Robust, Reproducible, and Clinically-relevant Output
In this episode we discuss a new drug screening platform, and assay-ready organoid platform, that allows for high throughput drug screening assays and large panel screens with short timelines.