Screening Strategies in Drug Discovery – Multimedia

App Note / Case Study
Cell Painting for Phenotypic Screening
Cell painting is a powerful phenotypic screening method used to gain a deeper understanding of the effects of chemical and genetic perturbagens on cells.

How To Guide
The Complete Guide to Multiplex Assays in Drug Discovery
Download this guide to learn more about the advantages of multiplex immunoassays, the importance of multiplexing for drug discovery as well as how to choose your multiplex assay for use in drug discovery.

App Note / Case Study
Analysis of Cancer Spheroids Through High-Throughput Screening Assays
Download this app note to discover how you can overcome challenges such as maintaining the shape and size of spheroids to reduce variability.

Screening in Drug Discovery With Richard Cuthbert
For this week's Teach Me in 10 video, we're joined by Richard Cuthbert, who discusses screening in Drug Discovery.

Five Advances in Fragment-Based Drug Discovery
Read this listicle to discover recent advancements in fragment-based screening including fragment tailoring, affinity mass spectrometry-based fragment screening and computational approaches using fragments.

App Note / Case Study
Organoids for Disease Modeling and In Vitro Drug Screening
While the complexity of organoids remains challenging, technological advances are enabling organoids to be developed and monitored in an automated fashion, so that they can be exploited in high-throughput drug screening assays.

App Note / Case Study
Enhancing the Therapeutic Properties of a Cancer-Targeting Affibody by Soft Mutagenesis
Affibodies are synthetic antigen-binding proteins. They offer many advantages over monoclonal antibodies, including smaller sizes, enhanced thermal stability and rapid refolding capability. These advantages make affibodies an attractive platform for the development of therapeutics, diagnostics and bioimaging technology.

How Stem Cells Are Shaping Drug Discovery
Stem cells are increasingly being used in new and innovative ways to improve the drug discovery process – spanning academia, biotech start-ups and large pharmaceutical companies.

Quantitation in LC-MS
With growing concerns over a multitude of food risks, accurate and sensitive analytical tools are needed to ensure food safety. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) has become an indispensable method for food safety testing and quality control, capable of detecting and quantifying even trace amounts of numerous contaminants and harmful species in food.

Advances in Cell Microscopy
Since the earliest microscopy efforts in the 1600s, cell imaging has significantly modernized and become a ubiquitous tool in cell biology laboratories. Here, we cover five key advances in cell microscopy to help you understand how the field is progressing.