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The COVID-19 Pandemic – Products

Expert Intelligence logo.
Product News

Expert Intelligence Launches AI App Builder for Mass Spectrometry Analysis

Expert Intelligence (EI) announced at the 2023 ASMS conference in Houston, Texas its AI application builder for Mass Spectrometry analysis.
Gii-Sens™ adaptor.
Product News

Research Breakthrough in Graphene-Based Interleukin-10 Diagnostic Testing

A new study has shown graphene-based biosensors could play a major role in detecting Interleukin-10 (IL-10), an important inflammation regulator, at significantly lower levels than previous point-of-care measurements.
The Carterra logo
Product News

Carterra Launches the LSAXT High-Throughput SPR Biosensor at SLAS2023

Carterra Inc. launched its latest HT-SPR instrument, the LSAXT, at the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) Conference and Exhibition in San Diego, CA.
The Activ8rlives logo
Product News

Aseptika’s Active+me REMOTE for Cardiac Rehabilitation Funded by Innovate UK

Co-funded by Innovate UK, Aseptika is collaborating with the University of Birmingham, University of York and the National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation to study the impact of a hybrid delivery of cardiac rehabilitation.
Map of the world.
Product News

MIP Discovery Secures Significant Funding To Support Development of Global Rapid Response Diagnostics

MIP Discovery has announced it has secured a significant grant of funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Three scientists in a lab
Product News

BioGrad to Open the UK's Second Largest Biobank Facility in Liverpool

BioGrad is to open the UK's second-largest biobank facility in Liverpool, as part of a £7.6m investment into a new headquarters at Wavertree Technology Park.
Distinguishing Oxidative Impurities From Ionizable Lipids Used in LNP Formulations content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Distinguishing Oxidative Impurities From Ionizable Lipids Used in LNP Formulations

Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), comprised of ionizable lipids, are used to deliver oligonucleotides to work as therapeutics or to stimulate the immune system, as in the initial mRNA-based COVID vaccines.
ALiS, the latest innovation from Particle Works.
Product News

Particle Works Launches ALiS – An Automated and High-Throughput Platform for LNP Formulation Screening

Particle Works continues to pave the way for particle perfection with the highly anticipated launch of its second revolutionary platform, the Automated Library Synthesis (ALiS) System.
The QuantStudio Absolute Q Digital PCR System.
Product News

Thermo Fisher Scientific Introduces New dPCR Wastewater Surveillance Kit and RNA Master Mix To Simplify Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Targets 

The Applied Biosystems Absolute Q SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance Kit is designed to provide rapid and consistent absolute quantitation of relevant SARS-CoV-2 targets from wastewater samples using digital PCR.
Close up of oil droplets
Product News

Biochemical Analytics Prize Awarded to Scientists for the Development of a High-Resolution Lipid Profile and the Discovery of the Causes of Vaccine-Induced Cerebral Vein Thrombosis

This year, the Biochemical Analytics Prize, endowed with 50,000 euros, will be
awarded to biochemistry professor, Dr Kai Simons and analytical chemist, Dr
Andrej Shevchenko, as well as to Professor Andreas Greinacher, a transfusion
medicine physician.