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The Immune System – Products

Product News

AnaSpec Introduces a & ß -Synuclein Recombinant Proteins

Company releases two new recombinant proteins, a-synuclein (SNCA) and b-Synuclein (SNCB).
Product News

Roche Molecular Systems Research Team Uses 454 Sequencing System for High-Resolution HLA Genotyping

A study published this month in the journal Tissue Antigens reports that researchers at Roche Molecular Systems (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) in Pleasanton, CA have used high-throughput sequencing technology from 454 Life Sciences, a Roche Company, to carry out high-resolution human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotyping in research samples.
Product News

A Multitude of Choice in Antimicrobial Screening

Randox has developed three biochip arrays for the detection of for sulphonamides, general antibiotics and nitrofurans, chloramphenicol and malachite green.
Product News

Invitrogen Launches Biomarker Tool for Pre-Clinical Research into Kidney Function

New assay panel enables non-invasive kidney transplantation immune response and tolerance studies.
Product News

AnaSpec Introduces new Z-Fish™ Anti-Caspase Antibodies

AnaSpec is providing research tools to keep pace with the growing needs of researchers using zebrafish as an experimental model.
Product News

Invitrogen Launches new Microarray System to Simplify Immunogenetic Testing

Prodigy system advances process for HLA in stem cell and solid organ transplant research.
Product News

AnaSpec Introduces Industry’s First FRET-Based Thrombin Assay Kit

New SensoLyte 520 Thrombin Activity assay kit employs an internally quenched 5-FAM/QXL 520 FRET substrate.
Product News

Sigma-Aldrich Introduces Precisio™ Kinases for High-Throughput Screening and Kinase Profiling

The new collection of high quality active kinases is designed enable scientists to achieve insight into protein phosphorylation and cell signaling.
Product News

Swine Flu Profiling with Randox Cytokine Array

Randox develops a cytokine biochip array to provide a rapid determination of patients in immediate need of therapy.
App Note / Case Study

A Leukocyte Adhesion Assay Performed on BMG LABTECH’s FLUOstar OPTIMA

Gene regulatory networks were used to identify novel regulatory hubs genes involved in the inflammatory response in human umbilical endothelial cells (HUVECs). To assess the potential role of these genes a leukocyte adhesion assay was utilized to screen for potential inflammatory markers. The FLUOstar OPTIMA microplate reader from BMG LABTECH was used for cell based bottom optic measurements and well scanning. The results show good reproducibility and can be adapted to e.g. primary neutrophils.