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Single Domain Antibodies: From Conformational Sensors to Bispecific Antibodies for Immunotherapy content piece image

Single Domain Antibodies: From Conformational Sensors to Bispecific Antibodies for Immunotherapy

We are using single domain antibodies as innovative tools such as biosensors able to capture the conformation states of some membrane receptors such as EGFR or metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) on living cells.
Integration of High Throughput ‘Omic Platforms into Antibody Discovery content piece image

Integration of High Throughput ‘Omic Platforms into Antibody Discovery

In pursuit of lead structures, ‘omic technologies are revolutionizing the discovery and development of novel biological lead structures.
Targeting ION Channels with Biologics content piece image

Targeting ION Channels with Biologics

We will describe a novel approach to target such ion channels with antibody-based drugs and present a case study where functional channel-closing and modulating antibodies have been successfully identified to a ligand-gated ion channel.
You Are Two content piece image

You Are Two

You are two, except only one you is reading this. Confused? Watch to understand.
The Immune System Explained I – Bacteria Infection content piece image

The Immune System Explained I – Bacteria Infection

Your internal army fighting off invasions, sounds simple but the reality is complex and amazing.
Chemists Know - (Parody of "Let It Go" from Frozen) - University of California Irvine content piece image

Chemists Know - (Parody of "Let It Go" from Frozen) - University of California Irvine

Chemists know, wouldn't YOU like to know?
Alzheimer's and the Brain content piece image

Alzheimer's and the Brain

How much do we really understand about the organ that allows us to understand?
SCIENCE WARS - Acapella Parody content piece image

SCIENCE WARS - Acapella Parody

A long time ago, in a lab far far away...
5 Movie Plot Holes Science Could Have Solved In Minutes content piece image

5 Movie Plot Holes Science Could Have Solved In Minutes

How do you fix a problem in minutes when a 2 hour film can't? With Science!
10 Amazing Science Experiments! Compilation content piece image

10 Amazing Science Experiments! Compilation

Who doesn't love fun science? Even chemists can have fun sometimes.