Mastering iNK Cell Generation From PSC Spheroids: A Streamlined Protocol
Published: August 13, 2024

Credit: iStock
The cell therapy field has rapidly expanded, presenting promising treatments for various diseases. However, significant challenges remain, particularly in cell manufacturing scalability.
Natural killer (NK) cells are of particular interest in cancer therapy research, but current cell differentiation protocols are hindered by an embryoid body formation step and/or co-culture with feeder cells.
This app note presents a novel protocol for generating larger quantities of invariant NK (iNK) cells from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) using cytokine cocktails.
Download this app note to discover:
- A three-stage process that ensures reproducibility in large-scale manufacturing
- A system optimized for 3D PSC culture and consist, scalable iNK cell production
- Detailed procedural guidance for every phase of iNK cell generation
A streamlined protocol for generating iNK cells
from PSC spheroids
Stem cell research
The cell therapy field has grown exponentially, offering promising
therapeutics for several diseases. However, significant obstacles
must still be overcome, including the ability to obtain large
yields of the appropriate cell type. Natural killer (NK) cells are a
cytotoxic, innate, lymphoid immune cell of interest in cancer cell
therapy research. These innate immune cells can kill malignant
cells without the need for HLA matching. NK cell therapy clinical
trials require ~5 x 106
to 1 x 108
NK cells per kilogram of body
weight, which underscores the need for improved scalability of
cell manufacturing. To address this issue, scientists are exploring
pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) as an easy-to-scale source of
allogeneic, PSC-derived NK cells, or invariant NK (iNK) cells.
Current PSC-to-iNK cell differentiation protocols include an
embryoid body formation step and/or co-culture with feeder
cells, which are inconsistent and lack scalability, hampering the
manufacturing of large quantities of functional iNK cells. Here,
we have developed a protocol to differentiate PSCs to iNK cells,
which features the 3D PSC expansion capabilities of Gibco™
CTS™ StemScale™ PSC Suspension Medium.
In this protocol, iNK cells are generated by selective application
of several protein/small molecule cocktails, and without the
use of embryoid body formation, scaffolds, or exogenous
feeder cells. This differentiation protocol is presented in three
sections: 1) PSC-to-induced hematopoietic progenitor cell (iHPC)
differentiation, 2) iHPC-to-iNK cell differentiation, and 3) iNK
expansion. PSC culture and iHPC differentiation are performed
under constant agitation via an orbital shake platform, followed
by a static culture to promote maturation and expansion of
iNK cells.
Protocol | CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium
Day –5: 3D PSC culture
1. For detailed instructions on PSC suspension culture, follow
guidelines provided in the CTS StemScale PSC Suspension
Medium user guide.
• For best differentiation results, adapt PSCs for suspension
culture with three consecutive passages in CTS StemScale
medium prior to starting the differentiation protocol.
• This protocol’s guidance is based on using 6-well plates.
Other formats are referenced throughout where steps
may differ.
Preparing growth factors and side solutions
Reconstitute all growth factors according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Store aliquots of appropriate working
concentrations at –80°C.
Schedule for PSC spheroid culture:
Day –5 Day –4 Day –3 Day –2 Day –1 Day 0
Seed 3D PSC culture Half media change Half media change Half media change Half media change Passage
Figure 1. Overview of the PSC-to-iNK cell differentiation protocol. Images created by
• It will be necessary to determine an appropriate stirring
speed when using equipment other than what is
listed in this protocol. Please see the CTS StemScale
PSC Suspension Medium user guide for help with
speed conversions.
• Optimization of protein/small molecule concentrations,
seeding densities, and culture durations are recommended
as cell line variability occurs. Prior to initiating this protocol,
PSCs should be cultured in suspension for at least three
passages in CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium.
PSC spheroids iHPC induction Hematopoietic progenitor cells iNK cell
iNK cell
iNK cell
maturation and
CTS StemScale
CTS StemScale
medium StemPro-34 medium CTS NK-Xpander Medium, MEM α,
Human AB Serum
Suspension (orbital shaker/bioreactor) Static culture
Y–27632 BMP4 BMP4 FLt3 IL–15 IL–15
DNase I Y-27632 bFGF SCF IL–7 IL–7
PSC iHPC iNK cell
8 days 29 days
2 CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium
Day 0: Spheroid formation
Schedule for iHPC differentiation:
Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 5 Day 7 Day 9
Passage of 3D culture Half media change Full media change Full media change Half media change Half media change
Mesoderm induction:
Mesoderm induction medium 1
Component Stock conc. Final conc.
CTS StemScale basal medium 1X 1X
CTS StemScale supplement 10X 1X
Antibiotic-Antimycotic 100X 1X
Y-27632 10 mM 10 µM
DNase I 1 U/µL 0.5 U/mL
SCF 100 µg/mL 50 ng/mL
BMP4 100 µg/mL 40 ng/mL
VEGF 100 µg/mL 50 ng/mL
1. Prepare mesoderm induction medium 1 fresh and allow it to
warm to room temperature.
2. Transfer the entire volume of spheroids from each well into
separate 15 or 45 mL conical tubes.
Note: Healthy spheroids should be ~400 µm in diameter and
appear rounded with well-defined borders. The culture time
to reach the recommended spheroid size may differ by cell
line; it may take ~4–6 days.
3. Centrifuge the spheroids at 200 x g at room temperature
for 2 minutes and aspirate medium, being careful not to
disturb the spheroid pellet. Alternatively, allow the spheroids
to settle by gravity for approximately 5 minutes and aspirate
the medium.
4. Resuspend the cell pellet in 25% Gibco™ CTS™ TrypLE™
Select Enzyme (dilute with Gibco™ CTS™ DPBS).
Note: Recommended dissociation conditions differ by vessel
type (Table 1).
Table 1. Dissociation conditions based on vessel type.
6-well plate 125 mL flask 100 mL bioreactor
25% CTS TrypLE
Select Enzyme 1 mL per well 5 mL 15 mL (50% CTS
TrypLE Select Enzyme)
Time 5 minutes 10 minutes 10–15 minutes
5. Place the conical tubes at 37°C in a water bath for 5 minutes.
Note: Agitate the tube every few minutes to mix
the spheroids in CTS TrypLE Select Enzyme to
facilitate dissociation.
6. Triturate the cell suspension gently 2–3 times with a P1000
pipette to ensure spheroids are dissociated into single cells,
and add 3 mL of Gibco™ DMEM/F12 + Gibco™ GlutaMAX™
Supplement per 1 mL of diluted CTS TrypLE Select Enzyme
to the cell suspension.
7. Centrifuge the cells at 200 x g for 4 minutes at room
temperature and aspirate supernatant, being certain not to
disturb the cell pellet.
8. Resuspend the cell pellet in mesoderm induction medium 1
and perform assessment of total cell count and viability.
Note: Resuspension volume varies by vessel type (Table 2).
Table 2. Resuspension volume of mesoderm induction medium 1,
based on vessel type.
Working volume for different vessels
Vessel Non–tissue culture
treated 6-well plate
Non–tissue culture
treated 125 mL flask
Non–tissue culture
treated 100 mL
Volume 2 mL 5 mL 10 mL
9. Seed single cell suspension into a non–tissue culture
treated vessel (6-well plate–100 mL bioreactor) at a final
concentration of 3 x 105
cells/mL. To support proper
spheroid formation in different vessels, add mesoderm
induction medium 1 to a final volume as listed in Table 3.
Note: Seeding density of starting PSCs may vary depending
on cell line. Make sure to optimize this step for your cell line
of interest. We recommend 3 x 105
cells/mL as a starting
point for day 0.
Table 3. Volume of mesoderm induction medium 1, based on
vessel type.
Working volume for different vessels
Vessel Non–tissue culture
treated 6-well plate
Non–tissue culture
treated 125 mL flask
Non–tissue culture
treated 100 mL
Volume 2 mL 20 mL 100 mL
10. Incubate plates at 37°C, 5% CO2
on an orbital shaker
platform set to 70 RPM.
Note: The recommended stir speed for a 100 mL vertical
wheel bioreactor is 30–40 RPM but may require additional
3 CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium
Figure 2. Morphological observations during iHPC differentiation. (A) Day 2: PSC spheroids aggregate
and grow to ~150–250 µm diameter. At this stage, the individual cells that did not aggregate into spheroids
are lost during subsequent medium changes. (B) Day 8: Increased iHPC population detaches from
spheroids to further mature and expand in suspension.
Day 1: Medium change
Mesoderm induction:
Mesoderm induction medium 2
Component Stock conc. Final conc.
CTS StemScale basal medium 1X 1X
CTS StemScale supplement 10X 1X
Antibiotic-Antimycotic 100X 1X
SCF 100 µg/mL 50 ng/mL
BMP4 100 µg/mL 40 ng/mL
VEGF 100 µg/mL 50 ng/mL
1. Prepare mesoderm induction medium 2 fresh and allow it to
warm to room temperature.
2. Remove the plate containing spheroids from the incubator.
3. Gently swirl the plate so all spheroids cluster to the middle of
the well.
4. Tilt the plate at an ~45° angle for 4–5 minutes to ensure
spheroids settle via gravity sedimentation.
5. With the plate tilted, carefully remove 1 mL of culture medium
from each well by using a P1000 pipette.
Note: For medium replacement in a vertical wheel bioreactor
(100 mL working volume), remove vessel from the platform
for 5–10 minutes to ensure spheroids settle via gravity
sedimentation. Manually aspirate 50 mL of medium. Add an
equal volume (50 mL) of fresh mesoderm induction medium
2 to replace the aspirated volume.
6. Replace the 1 mL spent medium with equal volume
prewarmed mesoderm induction medium 2 per well.
7. Incubate the plate at 37°C, 5% CO₂ on an orbital shaker
platform set to 70 RPM or a vertical wheel bioreactor set to
40 RPM.
Note: iHPC induction can be initiated between days 1–3.
Due to differences in PSC line nucleation efficiency and
proliferation, spheroid growth may vary. We recommend
initiating iHPC induction when most PSC spheroids are
between 150–250 µm in diameter.
4 CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium
Day 2: iHPC induction
iHPC induction medium
Component Stock conc. Final conc.
StemPro-34 basal medium 1X 1X
StemPro-34 supplement 40X 1X
1-thioglycerol 11.5 M 400 µmol/L
L-(+)-Ascorbic Acid 10 mg/mL 20 µg/mL
CTS GlutaMAX-I Supplement 200 mM 2 mM
ITS 100X 1X
SCF 100 µg/mL 50 ng/mL
BMP4 100 µg/mL 40 ng/mL
VEGF 100 µg/mL 50 ng/mL
bFGF 100 µg/mL 10 ng/mL
1. Prepare iHPC induction medium fresh (without growth
factors or cytokines) and filter before use. The medium
is stable for 30 days when stored in the dark at 4–8°C.
Growth factors and cytokines are added immediately prior to
medium changes.
Note: Working volumes vary by vessel type (Table 4).
Table 4. Volume of iHPC induction medium 1, based on vessel type.
Working volume for different vessels
culture treated
6-well plate
culture treated
125 mL flask
culture treated
100 mL bioreactor
Volume 3 mL 20 mL 100 mL
2. Gently swirl the plate so all the spheroids cluster to the
middle of the well.
3. Tilt the plate at an ~45° angle for 4–5 minutes to ensure
spheroids settle via gravity sedimentation.
4. With the plate still tilted, carefully remove ~80% of the
medium from each well by using a P1000 pipette.
Note: For medium replacement in a vertical wheel bioreactor,
remove the vessel from the platform for 5–10 minutes to
allow spheroids to settle via gravity sedimentation. Manually
aspirate 50 mL of media. Add an equal volume (i.e. 50 mL) of
iHPC induction medium to replace the aspirated volume.
5. Add enough iHPC induction medium to obtain the
appropriate working volume, as listed in step 1.
6. Incubate the plate at 37°C, 5% CO₂ on an orbital shaker
platform set to 60 RPM (or 30–40 RPM for vertical wheel
bioreactor cultures).
5 CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium
Day 5: iHPC full medium change
iHPC maturation medium 1
Component Stock conc. Final conc.
StemPro-34 basal medium 1X 1X
StemPro-34 supplement 40X 1X
1-thioglycerol 11.5 M 400 µmol/L
L-(+)-Ascorbic Acid 10 mg/mL 20 µg/mL
CTS GlutaMAX-I Supplement 200 mM 2 mM
ITS 100X 1X
SCF 100 µg/ml 50 ng/mL
FLT3 100 µg/mL 20 ng/mL
TPO 100 µg/mL 30 ng/mL
1. Prepare iHPC maturation medium 1 fresh and allow it to
warm to room temperature.
2. Gently swirl the plate so all the spheroids cluster to the
middle of the well.
3. Tilt the plate at an ~45° angle for 4–5 minutes to ensure
spheroids settle via gravity sedimentation.
4. Manually remove as much medium per well as possible
using a 1,000 µL or 10 mL pipette. Be careful not to remove
any spheroids.
• For medium replacement in a vertical wheel bioreactor,
remove vessel from the platform for 5–10 minutes
to ensure spheroids settle via gravity sedimentation.
Manually aspirate 50 mL of medium. Add an equal volume
(50 mL) of iHPC maturation medium 1 to replace the
aspirated volume.
• If spheroids are accidentally aspirated, add the spheroid
suspension back to the well and repeat steps 1–3 to
minimize sample loss.
5. Add 3 mL iHPC maturation medium 1 to each well.
6. Incubate the plate at 37°C, 5% CO₂ on an orbital
shaker platform set to 60 RPM (or 30–40 RPM for
bioreactor cultures).
6 CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium
Day 8: iHPC half medium change
iHPC maturation medium 2
Component Stock conc. Final conc.
StemPro-34 basal medium 1X 1X
StemPro-34 supplement 40X 1X
1-thioglycerol 11.5 M 400 µmol/L
L-(+)-Ascorbic Acid 10 mg/mL 20 µg/mL
CTS GlutaMAX-I Supplement 200 mM 2 mM
ITS 100X 1X
SCF 100 µg/mL 100 ng/mL
FLT3 100 µg/mL 40 ng/mL
TPO 100 µg/mL 60 ng/mL
1. Prepare iHPC maturation medium 2 fresh and allow it to
warm to room temperature.
2. Gently swirl the plate so all the spheroids cluster to the
middle of the well.
3. Tilt the plate at an ~45° angle for 4–5 minutes to ensure
spheroids settle via gravity sedimentation.
4. Medium change is needed while minimizing any loss of
maturing iHPCs. With the plate tilted, carefully remove
1.5 mL of culture medium from each well and transfer
to a 15 mL conical tube. Be careful not to disturb the
settled spheroids.
Note: For medium replacement in a vertical wheel bioreactor,
remove vessel from the platform for 5 minutes to ensure
spheroids settle via gravity sedimentation. Remove 50 mL
medium without disturbing the settled spheroids and put in a
50 mL tube.
5. Centrifuge the conical tube at 300 x g for 5 minutes at room
6. Aspirate the supernatant without disturbing the cell pellet.
7. Resuspend the cell pellet in 1.5 mL of iHPC maturation
medium 2.
8. Add cell suspension back into the same well.
9. Incubate the plate at 37°C, 5% CO2
on an orbital
shaker platform set to 60 RPM (or 30–40 RPM for
bioreactor cultures).
Notes: Assessing iHPC phenotype:
• To assess phenotype, we recommend culturing duplicate
samples: one sample for iHPC phenotyping, and one
sample to continue to iNK cell differentiation.
• When optimizing this protocol, we recommend
phenotyping for hematopoietic surface markers between
days 6 and 8. Once a baseline has been established, this
step can be optimized.
• To the sample used for iHPC phenotyping, gently break
apart cell clumps by triturating with a P1000 pipette ~10
times. There will be some clumps remaining that will get
discarded in the next step.
• Pass the entire 3 mL from one well through a 40 µm cell
strainer into a conical tube.
• Wash the well with 2 mL DMEM/F-12 and filter through the
same 40 µm cell strainer.
• Wash the cell strainer with 15 mL DMEM/F-12 to ensure all
single cells have passed through.
• Proceed with a flow cytometry protocol using the
harvested single cell suspension, assessing for the
following markers: CD34, CD45, CD90, CD43.
7 CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium
Day 9: Initiate iNK cell differentiation
Schedule for iNK cell differentiation:
Day 9 Day 12 Day 15–38
Full medium change Half medium change Half medium change every 2–3 days
Check iNK cell phenotype once a week beginning on day 25
iNK cell induction:
iNK cell induction medium
Component Stock conc. Final conc.
CTS NK-Xpander Basal Medium 1X 56%
MEMα 1X 28%
Human AB Serum 1X 15%
CTS NK-Xpander Supplement 50X 1X
β-mercaptoethanol 11.5 M 1 µM
CTS GlutaMAX-I Supplement 200 mM 4 mM
IL-3 100 µg/mL 5 ng/mL
SCF 100 µg/mL 20 ng/mL
FLT3 100 µg/mL 10 ng/mL
IL-7 100 µg/mL 20 ng/mL
IL-15 100 µg/mL 10 ng/mL
1. Prepare iNK cell induction medium fresh (without growth
factors or cytokines) and filter before use. Medium is stable
for 30 days when stored in the dark at 4–8°C. Growth factors
and cytokines are added immediately prior to medium
2. Calculate the volume of iNK cell induction medium required
(Table 5).
Table 5. Seeding volume based on vessel type.
PSC to iHPC vessel
Recommended iHPC to iNK
cell vessel
6-well plate Non–tissue culture treated
6-well plate 3 mL/well
125 mL flask Non–tissue culture treated
T-75 flask 15 mL
100 mL vertical
wheel bioreactor
Non–tissue culture treated
T-175 flask 50 mL
3. Collect the entire volume of iNK cell induction medium
(including residual spheroids) from each well. Place into
separate conical tubes for each well.
4. To the emptied culture vessel, immediately add 2 mL of iNK
cell induction medium to each well.
5. Centrifuge the conical tubes containing cells and
supernatant at 300 x g for 5 minutes at room temperature.
6. Aspirate supernatant.
7. Resuspend the cell pellet in 1 mL of iNK cell induction
8. Transfer resuspended cells back into the original well.
125 mL flask: While the entire volume of the vessel is
being centrifuged, add 10 mL of iNK induction medium
to a non–tissue culture treated T-75 flask. Aspirate the
supernatant and resuspend the cell pellet in 5 mL of iNK cell
induction medium. Transfer the resuspended cells back into
the new T-75 flask.
100 mL bioreactor: While the entire volume of the vessel
is being centrifuged, add 40 mL of iNK induction medium
to a non–tissue culture treated T-175 flask. Aspirate the
supernatant and resuspend the cell pellet in 10 mL of iNK
cell induction medium. Transfer the resuspended cells back
into the new T-175 flask.
9. Incubate plates at 37°C, 5% CO2
for static culture.
Figure 3. Morphological observations during iNK differentiation. (A) Day 12: Individual iHPC and spheroids begin attaching to vessel floor.
(B) Day 21: Spheroids form a “feeder-like” layer to which the suspension iNK cells adhere and further mature. (C) Day 30: Further expansion of the
spheroid monolayer and expansion of iNK cells. The iNK cells at this point will be loosely attached and may reside in suspension.
8 CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium
Day 12: iNK cell differentiation half medium change
iNK cell induction medium
Component Stock conc. Final conc.
CTS NK-Xpander Basal Medium 1X 56%
MEM α 1X 28%
Human AB Serum 1X 15%
CTS NK-Xpander Supplement 50X 1X
β-mercaptoethanol 11.5 M 1 µM
CTS GlutaMAX-I Supplement 200 mM 4 mM
IL-3 100 µg/mL 10 ng/mL
SCF 100 µg/mL 40 ng/mL
FLT3 100 µg/mL 20 ng/mL
IL-7 100 µg/mL 40 ng/mL
IL-15 100 µg/mL 20 ng/mL
1. Prepare iNK cell induction medium fresh (without growth
factors or cytokines) and filter before use. Medium is stable
for 30 days when stored in the dark at 4–8°C. Growth
factors and cytokines are added immediately prior to
medium changes.
2. Collect 1.5 mL of culture medium from each well and transfer
to a 15 mL conical tube.
3. Centrifuge the tubes at 300 x g for 5 minutes at room
4. Aspirate supernatant.
5. Resuspend cells in 1.5 mL of iNK cell induction medium per
well to replace the aspirated volume.
6. Transfer resuspended cells back into the original well/vessel.
T-75 flask: Collect 8 mL of culture medium and transfer to
a 15 mL conical tube. Centrifuge the tubes at 300 x g for
5 minutes, then aspirate supernatant. Resuspend in 8 mL of
iNK cell induction medium to replace the aspirated volume.
Transfer resuspended cells back into the original vessel.
T-175 flask: Collect 25 mL of culture medium and transfer
to a 25 mL conical tube. Centrifuge the tubes at 300 x g for
5 minutes then aspirate supernatant. Resuspend in 25 mL of
iNK cell induction medium to replace the aspirated volume.
Transfer resuspended cells back into the original vessel.
7. Incubate plates/flasks at 37°C, 5% CO₂ for static culture.
9 CTS StemScale PSC Suspension Medium
Day 15: iNK cell differentiation half medium change
iNK cell maturation medium
Component Stock conc. Final conc.
CTS NK-Xpander Basal Medium 1X 56%
MEM α 1x 28%
Human AB Serum 1x 15%
CTS NK-Xpander Supplement 50X 1X
β-mercaptoethanol 11.5 M 1 µM
CTS GlutaMAX-I Supplement 200 mM 4 mM
SCF 100 µg/mL 40 ng/mL
FLT3 100 µg/mL 20 ng/mL
IL-7 100 µg/mL 40 ng/mL
IL-15 100 µg/mL 20 ng/mL
1. Prepare iNK cell maturation medium fresh (without growth
factors or cytokines) and filter before use. Medium is stable
for 30 days when stored in the dark at 4–8°C. Growth
factors and cytokines are added immediately prior to
medium changes.
2. Calculate the volume of iNK cell maturation medium required
for a half medium change.
3. Collect 1.5 mL of culture medium from each well and transfer
to a 15 mL conical tube.
4. Centrifuge the tubes at 300 x g for 5 minutes at room
5. Aspirate supernatant.
6. Resuspend cells in 1.5 mL of iNK cell maturation medium per
well to replace the aspirated volume.
7. Transfer resuspended cells back into the original well/vessel.
T-75 flask: Collect 8 mL of culture medium and transfer to
a 15 mL conical tube. Spin tubes at 300 x g for 5 minutes
then aspirate supernatant. Resuspend in 8 mL of iNK cell
maturation medium to replace the aspirated volume. Transfer
resuspended cells back into the original vessel.
T-175 flask: Collect 25 mL of culture medium and transfer
to 25 mL conical tube. Spin tubes at 300 x g for 5 minutes
then aspirate supernatant. Resuspend in 25 mL of iNK cell
differentiation medium to replace the aspirated volume.
Transfer resuspended cells back into the original vessel.
8. Incubate plates/flasks at 37°C, 5% CO2
for static culture.
Day 18–36: iNK cell differentiation half medium change
1. Calculate the volume of iNK cell maturation medium required
for a half medium change.
2. Collect 1.5 mL of culture medium from each well and transfer
to a 15 mL conical tube.
3. Centrifuge the tubes at 300 x g for 5 minutes at
room temperature.
4. Aspirate supernatant.
5. Resuspend cells in 1.5 mL of iNK cell maturation medium per
well to replace the aspirated volume.
6. Transfer resuspended cells back into the original well.
T-75 flask: Collect 8 mL of culture medium and transfer to
a 15 mL conical tube. Spin tubes at 300 x g for 5 minutes
then aspirate supernatant. Resuspend in 8 mL of iNK cell
maturation medium to replace the aspirated volume. Transfer
resuspended cells back into the original vessel.
T-175 flask: Collect 25 mL of culture medium and transfer
to 25 mL conical tube. Spin tubes at 300 x g for 5 minutes
then aspirate supernatant. Resuspend in 25 mL of iNK cell
differentiation medium to replace the aspirated volume.
Transfer resuspended cells back into the original vessel.
7. Incubate plates/flasks at 37°C, 5% CO2
for static culture.
8. Perform medium changes every 2–3 days.
We recommend performing flow cytometry weekly starting
the week of day 25, checking for CD45 and CD56 expression
to monitor differentiation. Collect aliquots of the cell
suspension from the well plate/v
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