The next generation of engineered monoclonal antibodies presents new challenges in downstream processing due to increased aggregate formation. These aggregates can compromise product efficacy, elevate immunogenicity risks and complicate purification strategies.
This whitepaper explores how innovative chromatography solutions can improve aggregate removal while maintaining high product purity and yield, reducing both processing time and costs.
Download this whitepaper to learn:
- The impact of high aggregate levels on antibody manufacturing and therapeutic quality
- The benefits of novel mixed-mode chromatography resins for aggregate and impurity removal
- Strategies for improving yield, reducing processing steps and enhancing process efficiency
Sponored JUNE 2024 22(6) BioProcess International 41
T he new generation of
engineered antibodies has an
increased tendency for
aggregation, creating new
challenges for downstream processing.
Aggregates are large, tangled clusters
of antibody molecules that can form
irreversibly during upstream
production, downstream processing,
and storage (1). Extreme levels of pH,
ionic strength, temperature,
concentration, shear forces, and other
processing conditions exacerbate
aggregation. The resulting particles can
expose different epitopes, which
decreases overall product efficacy,
increases immunogenicity, and
(depending on particle size) even
introduces the potential to block blood
vessels in recipients (2).
Given the importance of aggregate
removal, shortcomings among
standard techniques create the need
for economical and effective
purification solutions. A new
chromatography resin offers unique
selectivity with favorable process
economics for robust removal of
aggregates, host-cell proteins (HCPs),
and leached protein A from antibody
manufacturing processes.
An Opportunity To
Expand Operating Ranges
Several methods are used for
aggregate removal based on different
separation principles including size,
charge, and hydrophobicity (3).
Although such approaches are
effective, they also present a number
of challenges. Ion-exchange
chromatography (IEC) has a relatively
low binding capacity, hydrophobicinteraction chromatography (HIC)
resins are difficult to clean, and both
size-exclusion and hydroxyapatite
media present obstacles for packing
columns and scaling up processes.
On the next page, the left panel of
Figure 1 summarizes typical operating
conditions for chromatographic
aggregate removal, with shaded areas
representing conditions that provide
for high yield and antibody purity with
each approach. HIC in flow-through
mode can process feed with a 5–15%
aggregate levels at a mass loading of
65–200 g/L resin. Cation-exchange
chromatography (CEX) in bind–elute
mode can process feed with ≤5%
aggregate at a maximum loading of
100 g/L resin; overloaded CEX resins
can process similar aggregate levels at
much higher mass loading. However,
CEX gives low monomer recovery at
low mass loading, so processdevelopment operations require
substantial amounts of feed material.
The right panel of Figure 1 shows
corresponding operating conditions.
Blue boxes define the opportunity to
expand typical operating ranges using
the POROS Caprylate mixed-mode CEX
resin, which offers unique selectivity.
Resin Features
POROS Caprylate resin balances the
removal of aggregates and other
impurities, such as HCPs and leached
protein A, with robust monoclonal
antibody (mAb) recovery — a
combination that is challenging for
other mixed-mode resins operated in
flow-through mode. The ability to
operate in flow-through mode
increases mass loading capability,
requires lower volumes of buffer and
resin, uses a smaller equipment
footprint, and can be accomplished in
shorter processing times than bind–
elute mode takes. Additional process
benefits are enabled by these product
• Caprylic acid functionality enables
high aggregate selectivity, reducing
the number of chromatography steps
needed while increasing process yield.
High Aggregate Levels with
Engineered Monoclonal Antibodies
An Innovative Approach to Addressing the Challenge
Ying Chen and Al de Leon
POROS Caprylate bead (50 μm) and ligand structure
42 BioProcess International 22(6) JUNE 2024 Sponored
• The 50-µm bead size and large
through-pores provide high aggregate
capacity for increased productivity
and reduced cost.
• The poly(styrene-codivinylbenzene) backbone offers
predictable scalability with a linear
pressure-flow curve.
Optimizing Aggregate
Removal and mAb Recovery
To demonstrate the ability of POROS
Caprylate resin to remove aggregates
with high monomer recovery, we
exposed a purified immunoglobulin G
(IgG1) mAb to high and low pH
multiple times to generate aggregates
at levels up to 10%. Batch and column
experiments started with highthroughput screening (HTS) to define
and provide directionality on the
effects of pH, salt concentration, and
loading density on both aggregate
removal and monomer recovery.
HTS experiments included 200-g/L
and 100-g/L loading densities with
initial aggregate levels of 5% and 10%,
respectively, at different pH levels and
with salt concentrations. Results
showed that aggregate removal was
favored at low pH, and high monomer
recovery was achievable with higher
salt concentrations. Use of those
conditions could improve efficiency by
requiring fewer adjustments to the
process stream following protein A
affinity capture.
We used a column-based design of
experiments (DoE) study centered on
conditions of pH 5.25 and 28.6-mS/cm
conductivity to confirm aggregate
removal and monomer recovery at
100-g/L loading and 10% aggregates.
As Figure 2 shows, the operating
condition for POROS Caprylate resin
can be broadened depending on
aggregate-level acceptability. Note
that ≥95% reduction in HCP and
leached protein A also were
A loading-density study showed that
POROS Caprylate resin facilitated
effective polishing with high monomer
yield and purity. The feed had 89.4%
monomer purity and 10.6% aggregates,
and residence time was three minutes.
Figure 3 shows cumulative monomer
recovery and aggregate percentage in
the flow-through as a function of
loading density. A 1% aggregate level
corresponds to an 85.6 g/L loading
density and 80.4% monomer recovery.
Both the loading density and monomer
Figure 1: Typical operating ranges for intermediate polishing steps reveal the opportunity (blue boxes) to expand these ranges using
a chromatographic technique with unique selectivity; B–E = bind–elute, CEX = cation-exchange chromatography, FT = flow-through,
HIC = hydrophobic-interaction chromatography. Load Aggregate (%)
Mass Loading (g/L) Load Conductivity (mS/cm)
10 100 1,000 0 10 20 30
Figure 2: White area of contour plot represents operating
conditions that resulted in an aggregate level of ≤1% and monomer
recovery ≥75%; HCP = host-cell protein, LPrA = lipoprotein A
Salt Concentration (mM)
4.60 4.85 5.10 5.35 5.60 5.85
100-g/L loading density
with 10% aggregate
≤1% aggregate
≥75% recovery
≥95% HCP and
LPrA clearance
Figure 3: Monomer recovery and aggregate percentage in flowthrough fraction as a function of loading density
Loading Density (g/L resin)
Monomer Recovery (%)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Aggregate (%)
Aggregate Loading Density Monomer Recovery
1% 85.6 g/L resin 80.4%
2% 181.9 g/L resin 96.3%
3% 256.8 g/L resin 99.2%
Sponored JUNE 2024 22(6) BioProcess International 43
recovery increased with higher
aggregate levels.
A range of different buffer
conditions also can be used, including
lower pH and salt concentrations. The
ability to use a lower salt
concentration would eliminate the
need for sample manipulation before
the next chromatographic step.
Comparing POROS Caprylate resin
with a commercially available
alternative that also is designed to
remove aggregates in flow-through
mode revealed that the POROS resin
had 75% higher monomer recovery
and 230% higher HCP reduction at a
mass loading of 100 g/L using
optimized buffer conditions. POROS
Caprylate resin also enabled removal
of many high-risk and challenging
HCPs. Table 1 classifies those proteins
according to their risk and difficulty to
remove. Most identified HCPs were
undetectable; others were reduced by
at least an order magnitude.
A Flow-Through Polish Step
Aggregates will remain a challenge for
the next generation of antibody
products. POROS Caprylate resin
offers a new tool to polish mAb
products with aggregate levels of up
to 20% while operating at a broad
range of pH and conductivity and
reducing both HCPs and leached
protein A. Because the resin was
designed to operate in flow-through
mode, using it reduces processing
times and buffer use — and thus
overall costs — compared with IEC in
bind–elute mode.
1 Joshi V, Yadav N, Rathore AS.
Aggregation of Monoclonal Antibody
Products: Formation and Removal.
BioPharm Int. 26(3) 2013; https://www.
2 Lundahl MLE, et al. Aggregation of
Protein Therapeutics Enhances Their
Immunogenicity: Causes and Mitigation
Strategies. RSC Chem. Biol. 2(4) 2021:
3 Vázquez-Rey M, Lang DA.
Aggregates in Monoclonal Antibody
Manufacturing Processes. Biotechnol.
Bioeng. 108(7) 2011: 1494–1508; https://
Al de Leon is a research and development
manager (, and
Ying Chen is a research and development staff
scientist (, both at
Thermo Fisher Scientific in Bedford, MA.
POROS resins are pharmaceutical-grade
reagents for manufacturing and laboratory
use only.
A range of different
buffer conditions also
can be used, including
lower pH and salt
concentrations. The
ability to use a lower
salt concentration
the need for sample
manipulation before
the next step.
Table 1: Host-cell protein (HCP) classification and relative signal intensity (total ion count) after the protein A step and following
POROS Caprylate purification
HCP Classification Identified HCP
Detection in IgG1 Material After Purification with . . .
Protein A Affinity Resin POROS Caprylate Resin
High risk 8-kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78, BiP) 6.64 × 105 Not detected
Alpha-enolase (2-phospho-D-glycerate hydrolysase 2.43 × 104 Not detected
Cathepsin B (CatB) 1.00 × 106 Not detected
Cathepsin L (CatL) 4.16 × 104 Not detected
Cathepsin Z (CatZ) 7.52 × 104 Not detected
Glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) 4.06 × 105 Not detected
Lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) 2.67 × 105 Not detected
Matrix metalloproteinase 19 (MMP-19) 2.08 × 105 Not detected
Phospholipase B-like 2 (PLBL2) 1.67 × 105 Not detected
Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) 1.72 × 106 1.02 × 105
Peroxiredoxin 1 (PRDX1) 4.20 × 105 1.12 × 105
Difficult to remove Cathepsin D (CatD) 8.43 × 104 Not detected
Insulin-like growth-factor binding protein 4 7.46 × 104 Not detected
Metalloproteinase inhibitor 2.08 × 105 Not detected
Galectin-3 binding protein 2.15 × 105 3.31 × 104
Lipoprotein lipase 2.72 × 106 7.42 × 105
High risk and
difficult to remove
Clusterin (Clu) 2.24 × 107 1.56 × 106