Latest App Notes & Case Studies
App Note / Case Study
3D Cell Culture: mimicking real tissue
Technological advances in the last couple of years have enabled 3D scaffolds to be engineered that offer a real proxy for the in vivo environment which can be easily and routinely used in a cell culture laboratory.
Alvetex Scaffold enables cells to develop natural, in vivo-like intercellular interactions, providing an ideal environment for real three-dimensional growth and nutrient exchange that is comparable to intra-capillary exchange in living tissues.
Alvetex Scaffold enables cells to develop natural, in vivo-like intercellular interactions, providing an ideal environment for real three-dimensional growth and nutrient exchange that is comparable to intra-capillary exchange in living tissues.
App Note / Case Study
A Fluorescence Based Assay of the Epigenetic Enzyme Histonedeacetylase 1 (HDAC1)
Post-translational histone modifications like acetylation play a pivotal role in the epigenetic regulation of transcription. Catalyzing the latter reaction HDACs affect various cellular processes especially cancerogenesis. Although the mechanism of starting cancerogenesis by epigenetic events is not clearly explained inhibition of HDACs has highlighted as a viable principle in cancer therapy.
App Note / Case Study
Measurement of Proteasome Inhibition in Live Cells in Molecular Devices Microplate Fluorometers
The proteasome is a massive protein complex which can recognize and bind targeted proteins, and inject them into the central core where the proteins are successively degraded into short peptides. Whereas protein synthesis is well-understood after decades of study, major advances in our knowledge of protein degradation have occurred only in the last two decades.