Comprehensive Software for Untargeted PFAS Analysis Using HRAM Spectrometry
App Note / Case Study
Last Updated: August 1, 2024
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Published: July 23, 2024

Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ubiquitous and highly toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are of global health and environmental concern. However, with more than 9,000 known PFAS, traditional monitoring via LC-MS/MS is limited due to the scarcity of certified reference standards.
Thus, for effective environmental monitoring, a comprehensive non-targeted PFAS analysis is required. This need can be addressed using advanced techniques such high-resolution accurate mass (HRAM) spectrometry.
This application note presents a powerful software that provides a comprehensive turnkey solution for the untargeted analysis of PFAS using HRAM spectrometry.
Download this app note to discover:
- Essential elements of a comprehensive PFAS workflow
- How to streamline PFAS detection and annotation using HRAM spectrometry
- A turnkey software solution addressing the complexities of PFAS monitoring
A comprehensive software workflow for non-targeted
analysis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) by
high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS)
Application note | 001826
Juan M. Sanchez and Ralf Tautenhahn
Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA
Provide an overview of the new untargeted PFAS analysis workflow capabilities within
Thermo Scientific™ Compound Discoverer™ software
The ubiquity and toxicity of a highly stable group of small molecules collectively known
as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) recently garnered concerns among
health and environmental regulatory agencies globally.¹ Regulatory monitoring of
PFAS has traditionally focused on the development of targeted quantitative methods
by LC-MS/MS. These methods are limited in scope due to the lack of available
certified reference standards. Over 9,000 known PFAS (with more PFAS being actively
discovered) dictate the need for a comprehensive non-targeted analysis of PFAS by
high-resolution accurate mass (HRAM).
Numerous individual techniques effective at discriminating PFAS in complex matrices
by using intrinsic attributes such as signature product ions, progressive retention times
tied to chain length, and CF2
-specific Kendrick mass defect are well documented in the
literature.2-4 Additionally, fluorine’s physicochemical attributes, such as a characteristic
negative mass defect and the formation of homologous series containing predictable
CF₂ patterns resulting from industrial PFAS synthesis techniques, may be exploited to
PFAS, liquid chromatography,
untargeted, environmental, data
reduction, Compound Discoverer
software, mass spectrometry, high
resolution accurate mass (HRAM)
spectrometry, non-targeted analysis,
per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
Orbitrap Exploris mass spectrometers
simplify the detection and annotation of novel PFAS. Here we
present a fusion of the most prominent untargeted PFAS analysis
techniques leveraged within a single workflow using Compound
Discoverer software as a turnkey solution.
Essential elements of a singular, comprehensive PFAS
The Compound Discoverer software PFAS workflow (Figure 1) is
a pre-assembled combination of customizable interconnected
nodes with parameters optimized for the analysis of PFAS. It
can be applied to high resolution accurate mass spectrometry
(HRAM) data that has been acquired from a variety of matrix
types, such as simple water, complex municipal waste leachate,
and biological tissues. Full MS dd-MS² data acquisition as well
as the availability of at least one blank file and three replicates
per sample are recommended. The workflow leverages formula
prediction based on HRAM and spectral best fit. Formula
prediction is constrained by a maximum of 50 fluorine atoms
to provide optimal coverage for the observable chemical space
where PFAS reside.
Spectra from authentic PFAS standards are searchable via
the Thermo Scientific™ mzCloud™ spectral library as well as
the manually curated FluoroMatch Suite database5,6 of over
700 compound agnostic PFAS signature product ions. The
lack of authentic standard availability, sparse coverage in
spectral libraries, and limitations with negative mode in silico
fragmentation are circumvented by this manually curated negative
mode signature product ion database, enabling MS² matching
of PFAS absent from spectral libraries. Accurate mass is also
leveraged via searches against the EPA’s DSSTOX database
via ChemSpider™, a manually curated mass list of 40 noble
PFAS compound classes, and an extensive mass list of known
and theoretical PFAS. In addition to this, general background
subtraction as well as peak quality filters accounting for peak
shape and frequency in replicates can be used. For matrices
where no blank is available, a suitable sample containing
relatively low levels of PFAS may be employed with appropriate
modification to the parameters in the Mark Background
Compounds node. Analytical approaches compiled from the
literature⁷ including mass defect filtering thresholds specific to
fluorine containing compounds, chemical transformations, and
Kendrick mass defect (MD) for the identification of homologous
series are also built in. Onboard visualization tools encompassing
Kendrick MD plots, molecular networks, and an orthogonal
discrimination approach independent of fragmentation, provide
in-depth data interrogation enabling the identification of unknown
targets for fragmentation in follow-up experiments.
Figure 1. Compound Discoverer workflow tree. This workflow illustrates the nodes used for analysis of PFAS-containing samples as well as their
connectivity. The compound class scoring node permits queries against the fine signature fragment and FluoroMatch Suite databases. The Calculate
Mass Defect node carries out standard and CF2
Kendrick mass defect calculations. The Search Mass Lists node enables searching of PFAS mass
lists. Assign Compound Annotations assigns the hierarchy for identity assignment from available sources. Predict Compositions applies established
formula assignment rules for formula prediction. Search mzCloud enables spectral library searches. Search ChemSpider enables searches within a
specified mass tolerance range or with a certain elemental composition. Generate Molecular Networks enables class-based clustering of PFAS based
on fragmentation similarity as well as chemical transformations.
Figure 2. Results view. The Results view provides a way to interact with the analysis data and organize information into a table with columns that
contain pertinent information from an LC-MS/MS analysis, such as retention time, m/z, fragmentation library scores, and formulas among other items.
This view also shows visualizations for overlaid chromatograms as well as mass spectrum information.
Results and discussion
Results and data reduction techniques
Post-processing, insights may be gained from the results view
containing overlayed visualizations of chromatograms as well
as mass spectra (Figure 2). Step-by-step data processing
instructions are available here. Results encompassing retention
time, peak areas, formula, and other information pertinent to
analysis via LC-MS/MS are displayed in the compounds table
and its sub-tables within this view. The number of entries in the
Compounds table depends on upstream parameters selected in
the workflow nodes such as the peak quality filter, as well as the
complexity of the matrix. The coupling of complex matrices such
as municipal waste leachate with a low peak intensity threshold
is required to avoid the loss of low abundance PFAS, resulting
in tens of thousands of entries and making data interpretation
challenging. Intelligent experimental design leveraging grouped
replicates and blanks enables the use of peak quality filters and
blank subtraction to reduce the number of entries. Additional
contributing factors for intelligent experimental design include the
use of pooled QC samples and internal standards.
Further reduction may be achieved by using additional
result filters, such as those listed in Figure 3A, capitalizing
on the intrinsic properties of PFAS as well as fragmentation.
A mass defect filter leveraging pre-calculated values from
the Compounds table was applied to retain PFAS based on
optimized mass defect ranges established in the literature. Class
coverage was used to ensure that at least three fragments from
the experimental data matched with the FluoroMatch Suite
database of over 700 manually curated PFAS-related, but not
exclusive, product ions serving as a coarse filter. Following
this coarse filter, fine filters with lower thresholds may be more
confidently applied to retain only compounds matching either the
mzCloud library or fine signature fragment database. The fine
signature fragment database contains a more limited selection of
mostly exclusive PFAS product ions providing specificity. Lastly,
the assigned formulas are constrained to contain more than two
fluorine atoms, eliminating all non-PFAS compounds from this
initial pass. Custom tags as well as the checked compounds
column are used to assign confidence to these annotations and
mark them for visualization downstream.
Compounds lacking fragmentation data, as well as those whose
top formula assignment lacked the required number of fluorine
atoms but contained an alternate predicted composition,
ChemSpider match, or mass list match fulfilling this requirement,
may be re-examined using a fragmentation independent
discrimination method adapted from the literature. Briefly, the
orthogonal discrimination tool relies on a scripting node to
estimate the number of carbons independently from Compound
Discoverer software’s formula assignment. This calculation7
the measured A0 (first isotopic peak) and A1 (corresponding
monoisotopic peak) distribution as inputs to approximate the
number of carbons. In turn, this enables the creation of new m/C
(molecular mass divided by number of carbon atoms) and md/C
(mass defect divided by number of carbon atoms) ratios. When
these ratios are plotted via Compound Discoverer software’s
onboard visualization tools, PFAS containing molecules cluster
on the bottom right quadrant as shown in Figure 4. This tool is
not suitable for compounds where no A1 is detected as they plot
to the origin despite some targets being putatively identified as
PFAS via the previous fragmentation-based filtering scheme as
well as known retention times. PFAS where multiple carbons are
substituted by oxygen or other atoms in the structure’s backbone
also fall outside the region of interest. These compounds
tend to appear higher to the upper left than normal PFAS with
unsubstituted CF2
chains. To optimize the power of this tool,
edge cases that broaden the region of interest are omitted. The
clustering seen here also validates the original findings since the
compounds that survived fragment-based filtering and received
check marks cluster only on the bottom right and are displayed
as light blue circles. Checked compounds appearing outside this
window should be scrutinized and the reason for their location
Filter 3B describes a filtering schema focusing only on the
region where most of the traditional PFAS reside. This filter also
accounts for all other potential formulas containing more than two
fluorine atoms to prevent formula misassignments and discover
previously missed targets. Knowledge of retention time trends
for homologous series, branched isomers, manual assessment
of key product ions such as SO3- in perfluoro sulfonic acids,
and general analytical chemistry knowledge is applied here to
conserve only targets of interest and assign them a checked
status. Data reduction is achieved in a water sample from 373
compounds with no filters to 28 and 60 compounds utilizing
the fragment-based filtering and fragmentation independent
orthogonal discrimination filtering approaches, respectively
(Figure 5). Compounds remaining in the plot after using the
fragment-based filtering approach (Figure 5B) are retained when
the more permissive fragmentation independent orthogonal
discrimination filter (Figure 5C) is applied. This data reduction
approach narrowed the compound entries in a complex matrix
such as municipal waste leachate from 14,000 to less than 100
facilitating further onboard visualization and data interpretation.
Figure 3. Result filters. Combinations of result filters with logical gates are displayed for data reduction. Figure 3A shows the fragment-based filtering
approach leveraging mzCloud and compound class libraries. Figure 3B shows filters amenable to a fragmentation independent orthogonal QC
Figure 4. Orthogonal PFAS discrimination. Visualization of the orthogonal PFAS discrimination approach. The region of interest is outlined by a red
rectangle. Compounds incompatible with this approach, which lack an A1, are outlined by green square located at the origin. An outlier with multiple
carbon atom substitutions by oxygen within the main PFAS chain is denoted by a black arrow.
Figure 5. Multistep filtering visualization. Figure 5A shows no filters applied, 373 compounds displayed. Figure 5B shows fragment-based filtering
approach, 28 compounds retained. Figure 5C shows fragmentation independent orthogonal discrimination filter applied, 60 compounds retained. The
Z axis is log-transformed.
Workflow performance Orbitrap Exploris 120 mass
To assess the performance of this workflow, data was obtained
from water samples spiked with 13 PFAS standards at EPA
relevant concentrations using a Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap
Exploris™ 120 mass spectrometer. A Thermo Scientific™
Vanquish™ Core Binary UHPLC system with PFAS Retrofit Kit was
used for chromatographic separation. The data was processed
using the PFAS Compound Discoverer software workflow. For
this matrix, a sensitivity of 91% was calculated using published
Selectivity could not be calculated in a similar manner
due to the lack of blank data.
Visualizing meaningful compounds onboard using
Compound Discoverer software
Beyond the detection of PFAS, onboard visualization capabilities
including volcano plots, principal component analysis, Kendrick
MD plots, and molecular networks enable the transition from
discovery to insight. The identification of homologous series
is an important aspect of PFAS analysis, providing increased
confidence in assigned identifications while also informing on
the target’s provenance. Compound Discoverer software uses
integrated Result Charts to plot all data contained within the
multiple tables visible in the results. Data from the Compounds
Figure 6. Kendrick mass defect. CF2
Kendrick mass defect is visualized as a built-in result chart. Part of a homologous series is labeled, from left
to right: perfluorobutanesulfonic acid, C₄HF₉O₃S; perfluoropentanesulfonic acid, C5HF11O3S; and perfluorohexanesulfonic acid, C6HF13O3S.
table are plotted in three dimensions using the Kendrick MD of
approximately 50 Da or exactly one CF2
to elucidate the presence
of homologous PFAS series (Figure 6). Homologous PFAS series
will share the same Kendrick MD but differ in molecular weight by
50 Da and have increasing RT based on PFAS chain length. The
retention time is color coded as a third dimension to provide a
simple verification of this trend.
Two homologous series are identified at Kendrick MD [CF2
] of
-0.03 and -0.015. On the longer series, there is one overlapping
PFAS with alternate branching not following the retention time
trend with a molecular weight of 349.9471 Da corresponding
to perfluoropentanesulfonic acid. This overlap is resolved by
plotting either of the overlapping compounds as a triangle.
The signature homologous series patterns are observable in
Figure 6. To the left of this PFAS compound containing a fivecarbon chain, perfluorobutanesulfonic acid containing a fourcarbon chain may be found with a loss of 50 Da and to the right
perfluorohexanesulfonic acid containing a six-carbon chain with a
gain of 50 Da. This visualization is linked to the Compounds table,
enabling the selection of groups of compounds and assignment
of checked status for additional investigation.
A few other putatively identified PFAS not belonging to either
series are also displayed here. Their relationship may be
examined by forming a molecular network. The molecular
networking node includes a pre-selected CF2
transformation to simplify the grouping of homologous series.
This node accounts for similarities between MS2
spectra and
is capable of clustering PFAS based on class. Class-based
clustering for perfluorosulfonic acids and perflurosulfonamide is
shown (Figure 7A). The cluster of perflurosulfonic acids, retention
times, MS2
spectra match scores, as well as their respective
PFAS chain shortening transformation is showcased by the link
between perflurononane sulfonate and perfluroctane sulfonate
(Figure 7B). The increasing retention time for these two PFAS
from 7.126 to 7.435 minutes for the 8 and 9 carbon chains,
respectively, further validates Compound Discoverer software’s
Figure 7. Molecular networking. Figure 7A shows molecular networks for homologous series clustering by class. Figure 7B shows a cluster
containing several linked perfluoro sulfonic acid homologues.
Compound Discoverer software is a powerful platform providing
a comprehensive turnkey solution for the untargeted analysis
of PFAS in complex matrices. Access to the mzCloud spectral
library to provide similarity searches—as well as the potential to
leverage in silico fragmentation in positive mode and matching
against a manually curated compound class library of PFAS
signature product ions in negative mode—provides unparalleled
capabilities. The incorporation of analysis techniques and best
practices from the literature, compilation of PFAS databases,
a custom scripting node (available here) for orthogonal
discrimination, and a myriad of onboard visualization tools
enables a simplified approach for analyzing this concerning class
of small molecules. When challenged with analyzing PFAS, the
untargeted PFAS workflow available in Compound Discoverer
software version 3.3 SP2 can provide labs with an integrated
solution to achieve meaningful insights.
General Laboratory Equipment – Not For Diagnostic Procedures. © 2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All trademarks are
the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. or its subsidiaries. FluoroMatch is a trademark of Innovative Omics. ChemSpider is a
trademark of RSC Worldwide Limited. This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
products. It is not intended to encourage use of these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of
others. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local
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Thermo Fisher Scientific wishes to thank the Higgins lab at the Colorado School of Mines
for sharing their data.
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