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FFPE Sample Prep Advancements To Transform Solid Tumor Treatment

A liquid handling robot transfers samples into a 96-well plate
Credit: Covaris

Recent advancements in multiomics approaches have granted researchers a more detailed understanding of tumors, accelerating the development of precision medicine. 

Despite this, the use of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples introduces additional complexity and time-consuming steps into analytical workflows. Thus, urgent solutions are needed to remove the burden on sample processing times in diagnostic laboratories.

This case study presents a scalable, automation-friendly workflow for active deparaffinization, extraction and purification of nucleic acids from FFPE samples that can transform cancer diagnostics as demand grows. 

Download this case study to discover a workflow that:

  • Enhances the yield and quality of extracted DNA and RNA 
  • Provides reliable, actionable data to accelerate treatment decisions
  • Enables flexibility in batch size and throughput
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