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PhenoImager HT
The PhenoImager™ HT (formerly Vectra® Polaris™) Automated Quantitative Pathology Imaging System is a new class of tissue imager which provides unparalleled speed, performance, and versatility for visualizing, analyzing, quantifying, and phenotyping immune cells in situ in Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) tissue sections and TMAs to advance disease research.
PhenoImager goes beyond basic functions, like whole-slide, brightfield (BF), and fluorescence (FL) imaging. It integrates the power of multispectral imaging in a simplified workflow, and is part of our PhenoImager HT translational solution.
Why choose PhenoImager HT?
• Fully automated, high-throughput system to accelerate your research and maximize your lab’s resources
• State of the art multispectral imaging enables the identification and downstream quantification of multiple overlapping biomarkers (up to 8) without the interference of autofluorescence as the signals are unmixed from one another
• Renowned liquid crystal tunable filter (LCTF) technology generates unmixed, annotated regions of interest of up to 9-colors for deeper interrogation of biology • Generate unmixed whole slide scans at 40x magnification of up to 7 colors in about 20 minutes (15 x 15 mm region) for analysis of biology across the entire slide in a streamlined workflow and without selection bias
• High speed digital whole-slide scanning at 10X-40X in brightfield or fluorescence • Enclosed system with built-in touchless automation allows you to visualize, analyze, quantify and phenotype immune cells in situ with enhanced security and reliability • Integrated inForm and phenoptr tissue analysis software packages support configurable projects for biomarker quantification and spatial analysis.