Advanced Cell Models – News and Features
Pancreatic Stem Cells Isolated from Mice
Scientists have succeeded in growing stem cells that have the ability to develop into two different types of cells that make up a healthy pancreas.
Scientists Succeed in Growing Human Brain Tissue in "Test Tubes"
Complex human brain tissue has been successfully developed in a three-dimensional culture system established in an Austrian laboratory.
3D Tissue Grown from Stem Cells - New Model System for Brain Development
An international team of researchers has used stem cells to create a 3D structure that mimics early human brain development.
Symposium to Focus on Advancements in Organ-on-a-Chip Research
Research teams from Purdue University's Discovery Park and the Korean Institute of Science and Technology will meet May 16.
Harvard Wyss Institute's Lung-on-a-Chip Wins Prize for Potentially Reducing need for Animal Testing
UK award recognition validates US teams' approach to revolutionize drug development.
Wyss Institute Models a Human Disease in an Organ-on-a-Chip
Researchers at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University have mimicked pulmonary edema in a microchip lined by living human cells, as reported today in the journal Science Translation Medicine.
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Names New Director
Christopher P. Austin, M.D., will serve as director of the NIH's newest center, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS).
NIH-Funded Tissue Chips would Predict Drug Safety
Researchers from Cornell University will develop microphysiological modules to model the nervous, circulatory and gastrointestinal tract systems.
EU-funded Collaboration on Biomimetic Bioartificial Liver
Research is receiving 4.2 Mio Euros from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme.
Researchers to Engineer Kidney Tissue Chip for Predicting Drug Safety
Seattle researchers will be part of the new federal initiative to engineer 3-dimensional chips containing living cells and tissues that imitate the structure and function of human organs.