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Cancer Genetics – Multimedia

App Note / Case Study

Reliably Quantify Genotoxic Impurities in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Download this application note to find out why HPLC-UV is the most suitable method for accurate and reliable quantitation of genotoxic impurities in the drug manufacturing process.
Real-time, High Density Monitoring of pTyr Signaling Targets in Human Tumors Using Heavy Peptide Triggered Targeted Quantitation content piece image

Real-time, High Density Monitoring of pTyr Signaling Targets in Human Tumors Using Heavy Peptide Triggered Targeted Quantitation

Download this poster note to discover a standardized workflow for monitoring tyrosine phosphorylation networks.
Nobel Prizes in Cell Biology Over the Years content piece image

Nobel Prizes in Cell Biology Over the Years

Several achievements in cell biology have been recognized by the Nobel Prize over the years, ranging from ion channels, to immunology, to cell death, highlighting the importance of the field to science.
10 Modern Milestones in Cancer Research content piece image

10 Modern Milestones in Cancer Research

This list highlights ten major milestones within the field of cancer research since the year 2000.
App Note / Case Study

Enhancing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Analysis

Download this free application note to discover how two new types of AttractSPE™ Disks can enhance analyte interactions and enable environmental contaminant monitoring.
How Do Coffee Producers Test for Mycotoxins to Meet Food Safety Regs? | Behind the Science S3 Ep7 content piece image

How Do Coffee Producers Test for Mycotoxins to Meet Food Safety Regs? | Behind the Science S3 Ep7

In Behind the Science - On Location, Jen meets with Elise Palmer, a research scientist at VICAM to learn how coffee beans are monitored at different stages of the production process, from harvesting, to storage, to when they're roasted.
Startup Slam: The Dragons’ Den of Biopharma in Europe content piece image

Startup Slam: The Dragons’ Den of Biopharma in Europe

Of 60 applications from across 17 countries, there were eight finalists who participated in the 'Startup Slam' — the Dragons' Den of Biopharma. Representatives of biotech companies presented to a jury of leading investors, pharma deal-makers and biotech business key opinion leaders at the BIO-Europe conference in Copenhagen, November 2018.
Optimizing Your Sample Handling and Management content piece image
How To Guide

Optimizing Your Sample Handling and Management

Sample management in the laboratory can be complicated, procedures vary significantly depending on the identity of the samples. This free guide describes key considerations for sample handling and management.
6 Essential Lab Safety Rules content piece image
How To Guide

6 Essential Lab Safety Rules

Download this guide to explore the essential guidelines that every laboratory and scientist should adhere to when handling sensitive or delicate samples.
How To Differentiate Human Stem Cells to Neurons content piece image
How To Guide

How To Differentiate Human Stem Cells to Neurons

This guide outlines protocols for the differentiation of hPSCs to either cortical neurons or hypothalamic neurons, provides key pointers for researchers who are undertaking these protocols for the first time.