PFAS – Products

App Note / Case Study
High-Throughput Analysis of PFAS in Air
This application note showcases a fast, high-throughput approach to measure 19 target PFAS compounds with precision and efficiency.

Product News
Metrohm USA Awards Young Chemist for Research in Combatting Environmental Pollutants
Metrohm USA is thrilled to announce the winner of this year’s $10,000 Young Chemist Award, Ms. Katelyn Michael, a graduate student from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

App Note / Case Study
Optimized Methods for Sensitive and Robust PFAS Analysis of Wastewater
These application notes present optimized liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) workflows to meet and exceed the limits of quantitation required for the monitoring of PFAS in complex environmental matrices such as wastewater samples.

App Note / Case Study
Successful Leadership in Water Pollution Research
Agilent representatives found a creative and effective solution with a Certified Pre-Owned 6470B LC/TQ and 1290 UHPLC.

App Note / Case Study
Robust Detection of Legacy and Emerging PFAS in Wastewater
This app note highlights the development of a comprehensive workflow to achieve highly robust detection of more than 57 legacy and emerging PFAS in wastewater.

Orbitrap Exploris 120: Setting a New Horizon for Non-Targeted PFAS Analysis.
The Orbitrap Exploris 120 with Compound Discoverer's PFAS workflow, provides accurate untargeted and targeted analysis with a simplified user experience - not require time-consuming method development and provides high-quality data for confident PFAS characterization.

App Note / Case Study
Discover the Future of PFAS Analysis With High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
PFAS, a group of highly stable small molecules full of toxicity that appear in every corner of the globe, demands a comprehensive approach to protect the integrity of our environment. Traditional methods fall short due to the lack of available certified reference standards.

Perfecting Gas Chromatography for Environmental Analysis
Managing pesticides is imperative for us to preserve human and environmental health. Gas chromatography has quickly become the technique of choice to identify and quantify a diverse set of pesticides with high sensitivity.

App Note / Case Study
One Scientist Thinking Ahead for the Environment
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are pervasive in our environment, however, they’re also associated with negative health effects.

Mitigating PFAS in Drinking Water Through Analytical Innovation
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) can persist in our environment for longer than any other artificial substance. They’re associated with negative health effects, yet, they are pervasive in our water systems.