PrimeCell™ Therapeutics Invited to Present Its Germ Line Research at Vatican's International Stem Cell Conference

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PrimeCell™ Therapeutics LLC has announced that its lead stem cell researcher, Francisco Silva, has been invited to present the company's germ cell reprogramming technology at an international conference on stem cell research organized by the Pontifical Academy for Life and the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations.
The conference participants will be given a private meeting with Pope Benedict XVI.
The conference, "Stem Cells: What Future For Therapy?", is being held Sept. 14-16 at the Augustinianum Institute, near Vatican City.
It covers scientific updates addressing medical advances in the field and the prospects for clinical applications of stem cell research.
The conference also offers a forum for discussing the ethical issues associated with such research.
Participants include healthcare administrators, doctors, medical researchers and lawmakers from the United States, Germany, England, Australia, Italy and Portugal.
"It's a tremendous honor to be invited to personally present our research to the Pontifical Academy for Life and the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations," said Thomas C.K. Yuen, PrimeCell Therapeutics chairman and CEO.
"It is the hallmark of great leadership to gather experts, carefully consider the facts and discuss solutions."
"This is an excellent forum for addressing issues that impact everyone on some level, and we're extremely gratified to be included among such prestigious colleagues from around the world."