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Webinar Addresses 3D Cell-Based Models for Regenerative Medicine

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Presented by Dr Elad Katz, a senior scientist at AMSBIO, a new on-demand webinar explores the potential of 3D cell-based models for regenerative medicine and drug discovery.

Two-dimensional (2D) cell cultures have provided a number of breakthroughs for understanding human tissues and diseases, as well as for discovering and testing new drugs.

However, 2D cell cultures have limitations, such as limited cell-cell and cell-matrix contacts, flat cellular morphologies and a lack of realistic mass transfer gradients.

As a result, technologies that facilitate growing cells in three-dimensional (3D) configurations have been developed to make cellular behaviors in vitro better resemble the body.

In this recorded webinar, Dr Katz assesses the impact on the physiological relevance of in vitro cell based models using traditional ECM proteins, alvetex scaffolds and low adhesion plates in drug discovery and disease modeling applications.

Highlighting examples including oncology and stem cell culture, Dr Katz demonstrates how the different 3D technologies that AMSBIO provides can help researchers to successfully perform the applications they need.

Drug discovery considerations such as suitability for high-throughput screening are discussed in detail.