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Eppendorf Logo


Eppendorf is a leading life science company that develops and sells instruments, consumables and services for liquid-, sample- and cell handling in laboratories worldwide. Its product range includes pipettes and automated pipetting systems, dispensers, centrifuges, mixers, spectrometers and DNA amplification equipment, as well as ultra-low temperature freezers, fermentors, bioreactors, CO2 incubators, shakers and cell manipulation systems.

Latest Eppendorf Content

Recyclate pipette tip boxes
Product News

Recyclates: Recycled Materials as the Next Step Towards Increased Sustainability

To become more sustainable, future laboratory consumables made from plastic must be able to be manufactured from renewable or recycled raw materials. Eppendorf has now started to convert the containers in which the consumables are available to recyclate.
Advances in Food and Beverage Testing 2024
Online Event

Advances in Food and Beverage Testing 2024

Explore the latest knowledge on the safety, authenticity and quality of food and beverages, as well as the technology that supports the critical work done to ensure the integrity of the food supply chain.
the automation-friendly 2-component PCR plates skirted and semi-skirted.
Product News

BioBased 96-Well PCR Plates – Now Also Semi-Skirted

Eppendorf’s biobased consumables open up new doors to make laboratory work significantly more sustainable without the need to revalidate existing protocols when switching from our legacy consumables.
Drug Discovery: Current Approaches and Future Perspectives eBook cover

Drug Discovery: Current Approaches and Future Perspectives

Through a selection of articles, interviews and graphics, this eBook will provide readers with an overview of drug discovery, design and development, highlighting challenges and solutions, successes, various modalities and approaches.
App Note / Case Study

Automate Assembly Cloning Using a Liquid Handling Platform

This application note presents a case study where a manual cloning approach was adapted with an automated platform to expedite experiments on 96-well and 384-well plates.
App Note / Case Study

Streamlined Genomics: Automated Library Prep

This whitepaper shows how a ready-to-run automated liquid handler can simplify whole genome sequencing workflows.
Next-Gen Sequencing
App Note / Case Study

Mastering Next Gen Sequencing: Elevate Your Workflow

This application note explores a qualified method designed to produce high-quality sequencing libraries, using a hybrid-capture resequencing approach to increase throughput and reproducibility while minimizing the potential for human error.
PCR Test
App Note / Case Study

Low-Noise PCR Cyclers for an Optimized Lab

This application note evaluates the noise generation of PCR thermal cyclers in varying operational states to assess how different instruments affect background noise levels.

Solutions for Vaccine Development

This eBook highlights ways that you can level up your vaccine research with selected bioreactor tools to fit your vaccine development workflow.
The winner of 2023 Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators, Maurice Michel.
Product News

Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators 2023 Goes to Maurice Michel, Sweden

The independent jury chaired by Prof. Reinhard Jahn selected Dr. Maurice Michel, Science for Life Laboratory, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden as the winner of the Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators 2023.