Future Foods – Multimedia
How Bioprinting Is Advancing Tissue Engineering
Download this listicle to learn more about the uses of bioprinted tissue models in tissue repair, organ transplants and cultured meat.
Is Cell-cultured Meat Ready for the Mainstream?
Factory farming’s attempts to keep up with increasing meat consumption are likely unsustainable. Meat grown from animal cells is positioning itself as the solution. Can lab-grown meat live up to its lofty promises?
From Farm to Landfill: Results of a Campus-Community Awareness Event to Promote Sustainable Food Systems
In April 2017, a campus-community event (N=42 participants) was held to promote sustainable food systems by educating participants about concepts ranging from food production to nutrition and food waste management. This poster discusses the resulting increased awareness and knowledge of a our local food system among participants, which can be fostered through educational events that combine opportunities for research, teaching, and practice.