Future Foods – News and Features

Dangerous Nitrogen Pollution could be Halved
The most important fertilizer for producing food is, at the same time, one of the most important risks for human health: nitrogen.

New Funding to Create Healthier and Safer Food
BBSRC and the Technology Strategy Board invests £8.5M in almost 40 research projects.

More than Bread and Beer: the National Collection of Yeast Cultures
Yeasts are one of the earliest, if not the earliest, biological tools used by people.

Turning Waste Paper to Biofuels
Researchers have successfully produced bioethanol from waste paper, as part of efforts to turn waste into valuable products.

Over £30M Investment to Drive Economic Growth from UK Agri-Science
Minister for Universities and Science David Willetts has announced over £30M of investment in the latest boost for UK research and innovation campuses.

International Development Committee Publishes Report on Global Food Security
The report sets out a number of tangible measures which, if implemented, could have a significant impact on global food security and directly benefit UK consumers.

Tackling the Orange Waste Mountain
Orange waste used in the manufacture of paper; the absorption of pollutants; as a fertilizer; and a potential new fuel source, including bio-fuels and charcoal.

What You Eat Determines Your ‘Nitrogen Footprint’
Researchers have calculated that beef generates about twice as much nitrogen as pork, and almost three times as much as chicken or fish.

Wheat Breeding Science Offers Greater Yields
UK wheat yields could be boosted by up to 30% with the introduction of a new wheat bred from a wild grass species.

Large-Scale Edible Insect Farming Needed to Ensure Global Food Security
Scientists tackle problems of feeding the ever-increasing global population and providing them with enough animal protein.