Future Foods – News and Features

Unlocking protection against one of Africa's oldest animal plagues
An international research team using a new combination of approaches has found two genes that may prove of vital importance to the lives and livelihoods of millions of farmers in a tsetse fly-plagued swathe of Africa the size of the United States.

Plant Scientists to Train in Entrepreneurial Skills for Food Security
Biotechnology Young Entrepreneurs Scheme announces a brand new workshop for plant, microbial and environmental scientists entering the scheme.

Recent Research Could Mean Possible New Disease-resistant Brussels Sprouts
Researchers at the University of Warwick's Department of Life Sciences have uncovered the genetic basis of remarkable broad-spectrum resistance to a viral infection that, in some parts of the world, is the most important pathogen affecting leafy and arable brassica crops including: brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, swede and oilseed rape.

How 'bioluminescent' trees that glow like fireflies could one day replace our streetlights
Scientists are developing ways of making trees glow so they can be used as natural streetlights without the need for electricity.

New disease-resistant food crops in prospect
Researchers have uncovered the genetic basis of remarkable broad-spectrum resistance to a viral infection that, in some parts of the world, is the most important pathogen affecting leafy and arable brassica crops

Genomics unlocks key to Mendel's pea flowers
John Innes Centre scientists have helped discover the key to one of biology's most well-known experiments - the gene that controls pea flower colour, used by Gregor Mendel in his initial studies of inheritance.

UK: GM crops have a role in preventing world hunger, chief scientist says
The Government should approve trials to develop crops resistant to climate change that would feed a growing population