Bridging Exposomics and Metabolomics in a Single LC-MS Run
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Biomonitoring of toxicants like pesticides and PFAS in humans is essential for understanding how chemical exposure affects our health, yet chemical coverage is currently limited with targeted LC-MS approaches.
Untargeted data acquisition, however, is emerging as a promising tool for broader chemical coverage and understanding the possible outcomes of chemical exposure on human health.
In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss how a new method with sequential acquisition of targeted and untargeted data can be used to analyze the exposome and the metabolome in a single LC-MS run, providing greater insights into the effects of chemical exposure.
Attend this webinar to:
- Find out about the benefits of sequential targeted and untargeted data acquisition in a single LC-MS run
- Understand how high sensitivity and broad chemical coverage can be achieved simultaneously for performing exposomic and metabolomic experiments
- Discover a novel method that can be tailored for many different applications in the field of small molecule omics