Highly Reproducible Gene Delivery for Stem Cell Research

AMSBIO have announced a range of ready-touselentivirus supernatant products suitablefor many kinds of gene delivery applicationsincluding mammalian protein expression, stablecell line construction, cell signal pathwaylocalization and stem cell research.Converting fully differentiated mouse or humansomatic cells into embryonic-like cells (so calledinduced Pluripotent Stem Cell: iPSC) hasattracted enormous attention in stem cellresearch. Multiple reports have demonstrated thatiPS cells were generated by using a set oftranscription factors or stem cell factors thatdelivered as expression virus or expressedproteins. Although the combination ofreprogramming factors may slightly different, themain stem cell factors are: OCT3/4, SOX2,NANOG, LIN28, c-Myc and KLF4. iPSC holds thepromise of curing many human diseases andaccelerates the stem cell research.