Automated Ultrasound for Non-Invasive Liver Disease Evaluation
App Note / Case Study
Last Updated: December 18, 2023
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Published: December 13, 2023

Credit: iStock
Advances in liver disease treatments are expected to have an enormous impact on human health. However, to date, the use of non-invasive imaging tools has been limited to the assessment of hepatic injury within animal models; in fact, researchers still often rely on animal sacrifice to evaluate disease progression.
This case study highlights the latest automated ultrasound technology for the non-invasive evaluation of liver disease in vivo.
Download this case study to discover:
- The value of non-invasive in vivo liver research tools
- Multimodal non-invasive imaging techniques for accurate liver disease staging in animal models
- Hands-free, high-throughput solutions that can accelerate your research
Automated ultrasound for non-invasive
in vivo evaluation of liver disease
progression in mice.
Millions of Americans currently suffer from chronic liver
disease, which accounts for tens of thousands of deaths
per year. There are many potential causes for chronic liver
disease, including chronic viral hepatitis infection, alcohol
abuse, and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. If left untreated,
these conditions can significantly increase the likelihood of
developing liver cancer or end-stage liver failure. In general,
there are three pathologic hallmarks of liver disease:
1. Fibrosis – formation of excess collagen/connective tissue
in response to damage (i.e., scarring)
2. Steatosis – abnormal retention of fat or triglycerides in
the liver
3. Inflammation – activation of the body’s innate immune
system and release of inflammatory mediators
Characterizing the extent of fibrosis, steatosis, and
inflammation in the liver non-invasively enables clinicians
and researchers to comprehensively stage disease
progression and evaluate therapeutic response.
The value of non-invasive in vivo liver
research tools
Advances in liver disease treatments will have an
enormous impact on human health. For instance, there
are no FDA-approved therapies for liver fibrosis. Despite
substantial efforts of scientists globally, an effective
pharmaceutical treatment to directly slow or reverse the
process of liver fibrosis has proven to be elusive. For many
patients with fibrotic livers, if diet and lifestyle changes fail
a liver transplant becomes the only option. The demand
for therapeutics is only expected to grow as obesity rates,
and consequently, the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty
liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
(NASH), escalate.
Animal models are still the gold standard for basic and
applied liver disease research, as the complex interaction
of numerous cell types during steatohepatitis and
fibrogenesis is challenging to mimic using in vitro models.
However, to date, the use of non-invasive imaging tools has
been limited for assessing hepatic injury within these animal
models, as researchers still mostly rely on either serum
biomarkers or biopsy/sacrifice of animals. True longitudinal
studies involving a single animal being monitored
repeatedly over time are rare but will increasingly be
utilized by the field as protocols for acquisition and
analysis are streamlined for users, and multiple parameters
of interest can be gleaned from a single workflow.
Automated ultrasound for non-invasive in vivo evaluation of liver disease progression in mice. 2
The Vega contains two integrated transducers offering a
suite of imaging modes: SWE, B-Mode, M-Mode, 2D, 3D,
and 4D imaging, as well as acoustic angiography, a type of
contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). Here, we demonstrate
the preclinical utilization of the Vega in vivo imaging system
for visualizing and quantitatively analyzing various aspects of
liver disease in a range of small animal models.
Evaluation of NAFLD progression in a murine
Western diet model
Western diets (WD) containing high fat, fructose, and
cholesterol have been widely used to establish murine
models of NAFLD/NASH. In a recent study, Dr. Bernd Schnabl
and colleagues at the University of California San Diego
validated the capability of the Vega system to provide noninvasive measures of NAFLD progression using a WD mouse
Mice were placed on a standard chow or WD for 48
weeks and imaged with the Vega system every four weeks. A
subset of mice was sacrificed at 0, 12, 24, and 48 weeks for
histological validation.
In the first 36 weeks, liver echogenicity for mice on the WD
increased substantially suggesting a buildup of fat over
this time period (Figure 1, left). Echogenicity measures then
plateaued and remained elevated thereafter. Livers of mice
on WD were also seen to increase in volume during the study
period. Notably, SWE liver stiffness readings showed little
to no change during the course of the study, suggesting that
fibrosis had not developed (Figure 1, right).
These results were supported by histological analyses, which
demonstrated substantial increases in triglycerides and liver
weight, with little fibrosis development. Correlation analysis
indicated that in vivo measurements closely reflected the
underlying pathological state. Specifically, a good correlation
was observed between liver volume/liver weight (R²=0.88)
and echogenicity/triglycerides (R²=0.80) while moderate
agreement was observed between stiffness/picrosirius red
(PSR) staining (R²=0.45).
The Vega: a turnkey non-invasive ultrasound
platform for staging of liver disease
Fortuitously, several phenotypes associated with liver
disease progression give rise to physical changes that are
detectable via ultrasound waves. First, the presence of
fat within the liver causes an increase in the brightness, or
“echogenicity,” of the ultrasound images collected of the
liver. This change in image brightness is proportional to the
amount of fat accumulation in the liver, and thus ultrasound
can provide a near-instantaneous and non-invasive readout
for steatosis. Additionally, excess collagen and scar tissue
throughout the liver is the hallmark of fibrosis onset and
progression, which introduces bulk mechanical property
change as the liver becomes stiffer. This increase in
stiffness has been qualitatively assessed in the clinic via
palpation of the abdomen for hundreds of years, but more
recently fibrosis-induced changes in liver stiffness can
be quantitatively assessed in both clinical and preclinical
settings using shear wave elastography (SWE) imaging. This
is a non-invasive ultrasound-based technology that takes
advantage of differing wave speeds between tissues of
varying stiffness; the stiffer the tissue is, the faster shear
waves travel through it. Despite widescale clinical adoption,
the application of SWE by preclinical researchers and
drug developers for studies of liver disease progression
in small animal models is limited. This is partly due to the
experimental, technical, and reproducibility challenges of
current imaging systems.
The Vega® ultrasound system has been designed to address
the challenges limiting conventional in vivo systems’ use
by researchers. It offers an automated 3D SWE mode in a
hands-free in vivo imaging workflow for small animal work.
In this system, ultrasound scanning is performed using a
bottom-up imaging approach through the use of automated
hands-free transducers located under the imaging stage.
One key advantage of this approach is it allows the Vega
to collect image data without the user accidentally “preloading” the tissue through physical pressure on the animal
with a handheld transducer (artificially biasing the tissue’s
fibrosis readings). Additionally, imaging in this fashion is
highly reproducible as the animal and transducer positioning
is very consistent from timepoint to timepoint and a wide
field-of-view is captured every time.
Automated ultrasound for non-invasive in vivo evaluation of liver disease progression in mice. 3
Figure 1: Longitudinal progression of echogenicity (brightness) and stiffness readings over 48 weeks. (Left) Liver echogenicity increased substantially, plateauing at 36
weeks, and remaining elevated suggesting onset and persistence of steatosis. (Right) Liver stiffness showed little to no change suggesting no fibrosis development.
Error bar plots represent mean ±1 SD. IMAGE CREDIT: Czernuszewicz T, Wang Y, Jiang L, Aji A, Yu S, Rojas J, et al. 2022.1
Evaluation of disease progression in a
chemically induced murine fibrosis model
Another group led by Dr. Justin Elstrott at Genentech has
used the Vega system to visualize liver fibrosis progression
in a carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) mouse model.2 Twenty
mice were included in their investigation, 10 of which were
treated with CCl4 three times per week to induce fibrosis in
the absence of steatosis. The mice were imaged at baseline,
day 17, and day 38.
Figure 2: Increased shear wave speeds (SWS) and echogenicity (grayscale intensity) in CCl4-treated mice. IMAGE CREDIT: Gandham V, Wong A, Brightbill H, Elstrott
J. 2022.2
Automated ultrasound for non-invasive in vivo evaluation of liver disease progression in mice. 4
Ultrasound imaging showed significantly increased liver
stiffness and echogenicity in the CCl4-treated over the
38-day study period (Figure 2). In order to validate their
results, the team sacrificed a subset of mice at days 17
and 42. Histological and hydroxyproline analysis confirmed
increased collagen/fibrotic tissue in the CCl4 mice, which
correlated with the findings from their ultrasound analysis
(Figure 3).
Monitoring treatment response in Mdr2
knockout mice
Genetic knockout of the Mdr2 gene in mice causes an
absence of phosphatidylcholine from bile, leading to liver
injury. Using an Mdr2 knockout model, Dr. Bernd Schnabl
and colleagues at the University of California San Diego
monitored the effect of nor-ursodeoxycholic acid (norUDCA) treatment on liver stiffness with the Vega platform.3
The team imaged wildtype and Mdr2 knockout mice
longitudinally from 6 to 28 weeks old. At 20 weeks, a subset
of the knockout mice (all female) was dosed with nor-UDCA
forming the treatment arm.
Imaging confirmed that Mdr2 knockout mice had slightly
larger and brighter livers at 28 weeks compared to
wildtype mice, with liver stiffness being highest in the female
knockouts. Interestingly, longitudinal analysis also revealed
distinct differences in liver stiffness between sexes, with
female knockout mice exhibiting higher levels of liver
stiffening over time compared to their male counterparts
(Figure 4, left).
When the researchers compared the effect of treatment on
liver stiffness, they found that the treated knockout mice
experienced an inflection point followed by a plateau effect
on liver stiffening suggestive of treatment response, while
the liver stiffness of their untreated littermates continued to
increase over the 8-week treatment period (Figure 4, right).
At the end of the study, the mice were sacrificed for
histological validation of non-invasive ultrasound measures.
Histology confirmed that liver stiffness was statistically
lower in the treated mice compared to the untreated mice
and that untreated female mice had statistically significantly
higher levels of fibrosis compared to treated female mice
and their untreated male littermates.
Figure 3: Terminal endpoints showing significant fibrosis in CCL4-treated mice. IMAGE CREDIT: Gandham V, Wong A, Brightbill H, Elstrott J. 2022.2
Automated ultrasound for non-invasive in vivo evaluation of liver disease progression in mice. 5
Multimodal non-invasive imaging of NAFLD/
NASH disease progression in a mouse model
Studies also support the use of automated ultrasound
imaging alongside other imaging modalities to analyze liver
disease progression in small animal models. For example,
Dr. Jeffrey Peterson and co-workers at Revvity Inc. have
used a multimodality approach of fluorescence (IVIS
Spectrum), ultrasound (Vega), and X-ray uCT (Quantum GX2)
imaging to study the progression of inflammation, steatosis,
and fibrosis in murine disease models.4
Mice were either fed
regular chow (control), a high-fat diet to induce NAFLD (HFD),
or a high-fat diet with CCl4 injections to induce NASH (HFDCCl4) for 14 weeks and imaging was performed throughout
the study.
After seven weeks on the diet, histological analyses
revealed only the HFD-CCl4 mice developed all three
major pathological characteristics of NASH: inflammation,
steatosis, and fibrosis. Notably, in vivo fluorescence imaging
detected inflammation in the livers of HFD-CCl4 mice as
early as week two of NASH development.
Over the first three weeks of the study, ultrasound imaging
detected a reduction in the stiffness of HFD-CCl4 livers.
After eight weeks, the stiffness of the HFD-CCl4 livers
started to increase and became stiffer than that of the
control mice, suggesting extensive tissue fibrosis. B-mode
imaging showed a gradual increase of grayscale intensity
over the 14-week period as fat accumulated during NASH
onset. The SWE findings were supported by uCT HU
assessment of liver density. Specifically, the HFD-CCl4 livers
showed lower HU readings at week three, but by week 12
they showed recovery in HU suggesting the development
of denser fibrosis tissues. The study demonstrates how the
three imaging modalities can be used together to acquire
non-invasive readouts relating to inflammation, steatosis,
and fibrosis in obesity and NAFLD/NASH models.
Figure 4: Liver stiffness over time for both treated and untreated cohorts. (Left) Female (F) Abcb4 mice were observed to have higher levels of liver stiffening
compared to their male (M) littermates, and both were higher than wildtype (WT) controls. (Right) Treated mice experienced a plateau effect on liver stiffening, while
untreated mice continued to increase. The black arrow indicates the week that treatment was started. IMAGE CREDIT: Czernuszewicz T, Wang Y, Jiang L, Fuchs C,
Trauner M, Aji A, et al. 2022.3
The Vega imaging system is an automated, hands-free,
high-throughput ultrasound system that can be used for
longitudinal and quantitative measurements of changes
in liver size, brightness, and stiffness, all of which are
biologically important phenotypes in liver disease
progression. As demonstrated by the work of several
groups across North America, the Vega has proven
to be sensitive to small changes in liver disease state,
can be used in different types of animal models, and
produces measurements that closely reflect the underlying
pathological disease state.
1. Czernuszewicz T, Wang Y, Jiang L, Aji A, Yu S, Rojas J, et
al. “Automated Ultrasound for Non-invasive Evaluation
of NAFLD Progression in a Murine Western Diet Model.”
American Association for the Study of Liver Disease.
Washington, DC. November 4, 2022
2. Gandham V, Wong A, Brightbill H, Elstrott J. “Shear Wave
Elastography of Liver Fibrosis Mouse Model Using an
Automated Preclinical Ultrasound System.” Imaging in
2020. Jackson Hole, WY. September 12, 2022
3. Czernuszewicz T, Wang Y, Jiang L, Fuchs C, Trauner
M, Aji A, et al. “Monitoring Treatment Response of
Nor-Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Mdr2 (Abcb4)-/- Mice
with Automated Shear Wave Elastography.” American
Association for the Study of Liver Disease. Washington,
DC. November 4, 2022
4. Tseng JC, Stowman A, Stanley A, Czernuszewicz T,
Gessner R, Peterson J. “Multimodal Non-invasive Imaging
of NASH Disease Progression in a Mouse Model.”
American Association for the Study of Liver Disease.
Washington, DC. November 5, 2022
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